Someone coughing in the audience or walking in late during a presentation are examples of what element in the speech communication process?

To say that public speaking is a way to make a difference about something we care about is to recognized that public speaking is 

Many of the skills used in public speaking are the same as those used in everyday coversation. These skills include 

Heather was in the mist of and excellent speech on campus history when she made a minor mistake by giving the wrong date for the opening of a campus building. She suddently stopped speaking and said, " oh, i messed up." she finished her speech , but all she could think about afterwards was her mistake. What is the major piece of advice from your textbook that Heather needs to be reminded about?

There is no such thing as a perfect speech

how much time does that average adult spend in conversation?

about 30% of walking hours

Jamal attended the campus president's speech about tuition increases, while Mary listened to the speech on the radio. Later, Mary said she thought the president's words stated clearly that he opposed an increase in tuition. But jamal said that the way the president avoided looking at students when he talked about tution made it seem the president actually supported an increase in tuition. The difference in the message Mary and Jamal recieved most likely resulted from the fact that...

Mary and Jamal recieved the message through different channels 

someone coughing in the audience or walking in late durring a presentation are examples of what element in the speech communication process?

which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nerousness in your speeches?

Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts

As you listen to a speech about campus crime, you relate the speaker's ideas to your own knowledge, goals, and experience. According to you textbook, you are filtering the speech through your own...

In the midst of a speech about volcanoes, a speaker notices quizzical expressions on the faces of her listeners. In response, she says. "Let me explain that point again to make sure it's clear." when this happens, the speaker is 

In public speaking, sounds ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against 

a set of ethical guidelines or standards

Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for ethical speechmaking?

make sure your goals are ethically sound

Taya went to the beach instead of staying in town and working on her speech. When she realized how soon the speech was due, she asked a friend who had already taken public speaking to loan her an old outline, which used verbatim for her class speech. Which of the following statements best describes Taya's actions?

Taya is guilty of global plagiarism 

When sophia attended the first discussion section for her math class and heard her instructor begin speaking with an unfamiliar accent, she immediatly decited, " i wont learn anything from this teacher." Sophia failed to upload which guideline for ethical listening?

Avoid prejudging the speaker 

Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for ethical speechmaking?

Be fully prepared for each speech

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to avoid patchwork plagiarism?

Consults a large number of sources in your research

Emil began his research early and found some excellent sourses for his informative speech. He cut and pasted passages from passages from several web sites into a file in his world processor. When he started putting his speech together, he used some complete sentence from the cut- and pasted materials , paraphrases from other passages, and several original ideas of his own. Unfortunately, Emil forgot to record his sources in his research notes, so he didnt cite any of the sources in his speech. Which of the following statements best describes Emil's situation?

Emil is guilty of imcremental plagiarism.

Leon is listening to his chemistry instructor review the step for this week's lab assignment. Because leon has to understand and follow these directions carefully, you textbook would say he is engaged in ___ listening.

Tara's sampus organization has invited several travel agents to speak to the group about their best deals on trips for spring break. As Tara listens, she is deciding which travel package is the best one for her. Durring the presentation, she is engaged in which form of listening?

As Jenell listened to her classmate's speech explaining the difference between collision insurance and comprehensive insurance, it reminded her that she needed to pay her insurance bill before the end of the day. Then, rather than listening to the speaker she started thinking about all the other things she had to do that day. According to your testbook, the primary cause of Jenell's poor listening is 

Alena is listening to a speaker's evidence during a speech on genetically modified foods. According to your textbook, Alena should be asking:

Even when we are listening carefully we usually grasp only about ___ percent of what we hear.

Although most people speak at a rate of 120 to 150, the brain can process words at rate of

Margaret is passionately commited to animal rights. At an evening lecture required for her boilogy class, she learned that the tittle of the speaker's talk was " The importance of animal experimentation to Medical Advances." Offended and sure that the speaker had nothing ethical or interesting to say, Margaret paid no attention at all durring the lecture. According to you textbook , the primary cause of margaret's poor listening skills was 

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a method of brainstorming for a speech topic?

According to your textbook, the central idea of a speech should

encapsulate the major ideas of your speech AND be phrased as a statement rather than a questionA and B only 

When the general purpose of you speech is to ___, you act primarily as an advocate.

When the general purpose of your speech is to ___, you act primarily as a teacher or lecturer

According to your textbook, what is the most important early step in the process of developing a successful speech 

Formulating the specific purpose

"tp persuade my audience to give blood and to support the Wilderness society" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it 

contains two unrealted ideas

" you can increase your gas mileage by reducing the weight in your car , doing regular maintanance , and reducing you driving speed" is an example of a 

according to your textbook , you can make a google search more precise by 

Encyclopdeias, Yearbooks, biographical aids, and quotations books are all examples of 

academic databases are the best place to look for

articles in scholary journals 

whar are the three criteria in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents found on the internet?

authorship , sponsorship, and recency

while doing research for his speech , Aaron was not able to identify the author of an internet document titled "what can and cannot Be patented" According to your textbook, what should Aaron do next to assess the credibility of the document?

Try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document.

you have found statistics on the internet that you would like to use in your speech. Before you do, you need to make sure that 

The more ___ your examples, the greater impact they are likely to have.

how does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for the use of statistics presented in your textbook?I discovered on the internet that each year, for every 100,000 students living in college dormitories, there are 4 cases of bacterial meningitis. 

it doesn't cite a qualified source for the statistics.

Jeff began his speech by saying: 

Example are especially helpful as supporting materials because they 

Lucy wanted to know what percentage of student plan to attend graduate or professional school after college, so she distributed a survey in three of her classes . Based on the results, Lucy concluded that nearly a third of college students plan to continue their education further. What is wrong with the way Lucy used the statistics from her survey?

Lucy's sample isnt representative of college students as a whole. 

To give statistics greater inpact, a speaker should 

According to your textbook, how might a speaker clarify the statistics in the following speech excerpt?Although women are catching up to men in many fields, there is an increasing gender gap in computer science and enginering. the latest statistics from the national science foundation show that the percentage of engineering degrees awards to women fell from 20 % in 2005 to 18% in 2008, and that the percentage of computer science degrees awards to women fell from 22% to 17% during the same period. 

to say the mode salary of a Major League Baseball players is $600,000 is to say that 

more major leage baseball players earn $600,000 than any other salary.

What are the seven elements of the speech communication process?

The seven elements in the communication process that apply to speech are: 1) speaker, 2) listener, 3) message, 4) channel, 5) interference, 6) feedback, and 7) situation.

Which step of the speech communication process is defined as the means by which a message is communicated?

The channel is the means by which a message is communicated.

When your slides describe public speaking as a form of empowerment it means that public speaking is?

when your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that bublic speaking is : a way to make a difference in something we care about. to say that public speaking is a way to make a difference about something we care about is to recognize that public speaking is. a form of empowerment.

Which of the following is a way to deal with nervousness in your speech?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches? Concentrate on communicating with the audience, rather than your nerves.


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