As your textbook explains, visualization involves creating a mental picture of yourself succeeding at your speech.

Question 14 out of 4 pointsAccording to your textbook, when you employ the power of visualization as a methodof controlling stage fright, you shouldSelectedAnswer:focus on the positive aspects of your speech.Answers:decrease the time necessary for preparing your speech.keep your mental pictures from becoming too vivid.focus on the positive aspects of your speech.All of these answers are correct.Bothdecrease the time necessary for preparing your speechandkeep your mentalpictures from becoming too vivid.

Response Feedback:correctQuestion #15Gradable: automaticTopic: NervousnessQuestion 24 out of 4 pointsOne way to build confidence as a speaker is to create a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speecAccording to your textbook, this process is called

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Response Feedback:correctQuestion #14Gradable: automaticTopic: NervousnessQuestion 34 out of 4 pointsAccording to your textbook, the knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes through which each listener filters a messagecalled the listener's

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when your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that bublic speaking is : 

a way to make a difference in something we care about. 

to say that public speaking is a way to make a difference about something we care about is to recognize that public speaking is 

as your textbook explains, many of the skills used in public speaking are the same as those used in everyday conversation. these skills include:

all the above: telling a story for maximum impact, tailoring your message for your audience, organizing your thoughts logically

how much time does average adult spend in conversation

which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with your speeches?

think of your speeches as an act of communication

one way to build confidence as a speaker is to create a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech. according to your textbook, this proccess is called

according to your textbook, when you employ the power of visualizstion as a method of controlling stage fright you should:

focus on the positive aspects of your speech

research has shown that the anxiety level of most speakers drops off significantly during this time

when they are thirty to sixty seconds into the speech.

speechmakingis a form of power and therefore carries with it heavy___ responsibilities.

because speechmakingis a form of power we must always speak___

as a public speaker you face ethical issues when :

selecting a topic,organizing your speech, researching your speech, -all the above are correct

in public speaking, sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against:

a set of ethical guidelines or standards

which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for ethical speechmaking?

be fully prepped for each speech

which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for ethical speechmaking

make sure your goals are ethically sound.

all of the following are guidelines for ethical speechmaking EXCEPT

explain your credibility on speech topic.

guidelines for ethical speechmaking.

be honest in what you say, be fully prep, and make sure your goals are ethically sound

people spend more time___ than in any other communication activity.

even when we are listening carefully we usually only grasp about ____ percent of what we hear

when business managers are asked to list the communication skills most crucial to their job they usually rank___ number one. 

effective listening can help you do which of the following. 

learn effective techniques that you can use in your own speeches, get promoted in your job,** all of the above

effective listening skills are important to : 

ALL THE ABOVE< speakers, students, audeiences 

Sarah is listening to her roomat to provide emotional suport in a time of distress. sarah is engaged in___ listening. 

fletcher is listening for pleasure as a friend discusses her trip to australia. what kind of listening? 

julia is listening to her meteorology proffessor explain how to interpret images from doppler radar. because julia's goal is to understand the information being presented, she is engaged in___listenign

when you listen to evaluate a speaker's message for purposes of accepting it or rejecting it

a common mistake students make when developing their first speech is 

trying to cover too much material

which of the following is appropriate when using humor in public speeches

gently making fun of comm0n human quirks

three main parts to a speech

"now that you know about julio's interest inphoography, let's look at his passion for snowboarding" is an example of a 

kayla introducced her classmate sean to the class. each of her main points dealt with one of seans hobbies. kaylas speech was organized in ___order

a sentence or two that lets the audience know that a speaker has finished one thought and is oving on to another is called a 

each main point of your speech should cover"

a single aspect of the topic

delivery in which you plan your speech in detail and learn it well without trying to memorize the exact wording is called

a carefully prepped and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes is called a__ speech

brainstorming is expecially helpful when you are having touble

recommended ways of brainstorming for speech topic

clustering, taking a personal inventory, conducting a internet search, *all the above. 

after choosing a topic , what is the next step of speech preparation? 

determining the general purpose

which of the following is out of place in an informative speech

advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of your speech is to 

most important early step in the process of developing a successful speech?

formulating the specific purpose

the ___ expresses precisely what you hope to accomplish with your speech.

the specific purpose for a speech should include :

include a reference to the audience, and be written as a full infinitive phrase *a and b only

the primary purpose of speechmakingis to 

gain a desired response from listeners 

audience-centeredness means that public speakers should

keep the audience foremost in mind throughout the speechmaking process.

audience analysis is an important factor in which of the following? 

selecting a topic, choosing supporting materials, organizing the speech, *all the above

process by which a speaker seeks to create a bond with listeneers by emphasizing common values, goals, and experiences is referred to as___ by communication scholars

to say that people usually want to hear about things that are meaningful to them is to say that people are 

the fact that audiences are egocentric means that

listeners interpret what you say on the basis of what they know and believe

two types of audience analysis discussed in your textbook? 

demographic and situational 

which of the following is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience

Communication skills , including public speaking, are often ranked first among the qualities employers seek in college graduates. 

the growth of the internet and social networking is reducing the need for public speaking. 

as yur textbook states, public speaking is a form of empowerment becasue it gives speaker s the ability to manipulate people

both public speaking and conversation involve adapting to listener feedback. 

tthe teaching and study of public speaking began more than 4000 yrs ago

publick speaking requires the same mthod of delivery as conversation

Public speaking usuallyy requires more formal language than everday converation.

public speaking is more highly structured than everyday conversation.

when you adjust to the situation of a public speech , you are doing on a larger scale waht you do everydday in conversation. 

as a speaker, you can usually assume that an audience will be interested in what you have to say. 

fortunately stage fright only affects inexperienced spearkers 

Most successfull spearkers are nervous before taking the floor. 

some nervousness before you speak is usually beneficial.

many of the symptoms of stagefirght are due to adrenaline, a hormone released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress.

thinking of stage fright as" stage excitement or stage enthusiasm" can help you get focus and energized for a speeh. 

for most beginning spearkers the biggest part of stage fright is the fear of the unknown 

the aim of an ethical speaker is to accomplish his or her goals by any means neceessary 

ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs. 

ethical issues can arise at every stage of the speechmaking process.

the ethical obligation of a speaker to be fully prepped increases as the size of the audience increases . 

a public speaker need only be concerned about ethics in the conclusion of a speech.

the first responsicbility of a speaker is to make sure her or his goal is ethically sound.

a speaker's ethical obligations decrease as the size of the aaudience decreases. 

as the roman rhetorician quintilian noted 2,000 years ago, the ideal of speechmaking is the good person speaking well.

because persuasion is such a complex process, juggling statistics and quoting out of context to maximize your persuasiv e effect are ethically acceptable in speeches to persuade.

as long as the goal of your speech is ethically sound, it is acceptable to use any means necessare y to achiever your goal.

ethical decisions need to be justified against a set of standards or criteria.

sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines. 

a skilled therapist listening to a patient is an example of appreiative listening. 

when you experience stage fright your body is producing extra 

mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himself or herself giving a successful presentation is called 

___is the means by which a message is communicated 

because a listner's ____ can never be exactly the same as the speakers the meaning of a message will never be exactly the same to a listner as to a speaker

the messages sent by listners to a speaker is called__

___lets you know how your message is being received by your audience.

concern by a listner about lawn mower noise outside the room, an upcoming test, and a sick relative are examples of 

the__ is the time and place in which speed communication takes place

the belief that ones own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures is called 

the belief that ones own group or culture is superior to all other groups or culture is called 

___is a branch of philosophy that deals with issues of rights and human affairs.

according to the ancient roman rhetorician quintillian , the ideal of ethical speech giving is the ____person speaking___

____plaigarismoccurs when a speaker steals a speech entirely from a source and passes it off as his or her own

____plaigarismoccurs when a sparker fails to give credit for par of the speech that are borrowed from other people

occurs when a speaker copies passages from a few sources and strings them together in a speech

is to restaate or summarize an authors ideas in ones own words

a speech that covers its topic by dividing it into logical and consistent subtopics follows a _____ pattern of organization.

the ___ reveals precisely what the speaker hopes to accomplish in his or he speech. 

specific purpose statement

to persuade my audience that the usd space program provides important benefits to society is an example of a _____

specific purpose statement

the ___indicates precisely what the speaker intends to say in the speech.

the ___usually encapsulates the main points of your speech in a single sentence.

Is creating a vivid picture of yourself succeeding in your speech?

As your textbook explains, visualization involves creating a mental picture of yourself succeeding at your speech.

What is the process of taking a mental image or idea associating that image with words and then speaking those in order to convey a message?

Encoding refers to the process of taking an idea or mental image, associating that image with words, and then speaking those words in order to convey a message.

Is visualization an effective technique to reduce speaker nervousness?

Researchers who study communication apprehension in public speaking reported that 80% of college students who used positive visualization strategies were able to reduce their level of apprehension. When students visualized giving a speech, they could reduce negative thinking and lower their communication anxiety.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to help you deal with nervousness in your speeches?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches? Concentrate on communicating with the audience, rather than your nerves.


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