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Publicação de SCOTT DUFFY

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I am currently looking for a teaching assistant to join my team! Your primary responsibility will be to help students with their Azure-related questions in my Udemy courses. There is also an opportunity to create other helpful training content (PDFs and videos) and even learn online course creation and video editing directly from me if you are interested. Not required, though. If you are Azure-certified, have a few hours per week to spare, are self-disciplined, would like to earn a little side income, and love to help others, please check out the job description below and consider applying. << Removing the link because I have enough applicants. >> Questions? Comment below. #job #azure #opportunity #training

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A bit late to the party, but I wanted to add my congratulations and gratitude to the entire team (past and present) at Udemy for this amazing achievement. This is no doubt just the beginning of Udemy’s journey, but to see such a relentlessly passionate, dedicated, and deserving crew reach this milestone makes me incredibly proud. When I first met Udemy in 2012, I was of course enamoured of the mission, but more importantly, I was utterly dazzled by the people. The calculation to join what was then a small team was simple -- even if the company failed, I would be forever better for having spent time learning from the likes of Eren Bali, Dennis Yang, Dinesh Thiru, Archie Abrams, and Tim Parks. I couldn’t have been more wrong to be skeptical of Udemy’s business potential, but I was spot on in recognizing the magic of the team. The opportunity to learn from and with such an incredible group of people has forever changed my trajectory, both professionally and personally. Of course, it’s easy to romanticize the early days of a startup. But Udemy has lived many lives, and I’m grateful to all of the people whose energy, patience, and generosity pushed me to grow along the way. I’m grateful the Content Team for teaching me how exhilarating and rewarding it can be to build a team, as we grew Udemy’s instructor community from hundreds to tens of thousands.  I’m grateful to the International Team for teaching me the value of diversity in perspective, humility and a willingness to fail, and just plain fun, while we brought Udemy to the world. I’m grateful to the Marketing Team, who generously pretended that I knew marketing for just long enough for me to actually learn marketing from them, tirelessly carrying the monthly revenue targets and modelling accountability along the way. And I’m grateful to the Marketplace Ops team, who unassumingly fought to ensure that the customer’s voice was present in every decision, large or small. Thank you to all those who made my time at Udemy so transformative, and thank you to those who have continued to drive Udemy forward since I moved on. With folks like Gregg Coccari, Cara Brennan Allamano, Shannon Hughes, Llibert Argerich, Richard Qiu, Ken Hirschman, Alex Mozes, Katie Bent and many others still pushing Udemy forward, I know there is much more yet to come! Finally (and most importantly), I wanted to thank Udemy’s community of instructors for being the true heroes behind Udemy’s success. I know that being an online instructor is not a spectator sport, and I remain awed by your constant commitment to share your passion and unlock opportunities for your students. To Chris Bryant, Chris Haroun, Jose Marcial Portilla, Angela Yu, Rob Percival, Philip Ebiner, Lawrence M. Miller, Nick Walter, SCOTT DUFFY, Frank Kane, Kirill Eremenko, Susmita Dutta and countless others -- thank you for teaching the world, and for inspiring us all! Congratulations to everyone that made this milestone possible! #udemy #neverstoplearning

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