Quem é loki marvel

Quem é loki marvel


  • Cast SizeCast Size

    6f, 9m, 5 any gender

  • DurationDuration

    45-50 minutes

  • SubGenreSubgenre


  • Suggested UseSuggested Use
    • Cutting Approved for Competition
    • Scene work
    • Competition or audition material
  • AudienceTarget Audience

    Appropriate for all audiences, Adult, Senior, Young Children (Age 2 - 5), Children (Age 6 - 10), Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18)

Quem é loki marvel


COMIC BOOK GEEK – High-school underclassman. May double as LOKI. Male identifying.
JOCK – High-school upperclassman. May double as THOR. Male identifying.
YEARBOOK EDITOR – High-school upperclassman, scholarly, focused on the future. May double as SIF. Female identifying.

THOR ODINSON – God of Thunder, nearing the end of his millennia-long life. May double as ODIN. Male identifying.
ATLI – Thor's youngest granddaughter, a hellcat. May double as CUL. Female identifying.
ELLISIV – Thor's middle granddaughter, a nurturer. May double as HEIMDALL. Female identifying.
FRIGG – Thor's eldest granddaughter, the pragmatist. May double as HOENIR. Female identifying.

THOR – Teenage God of Thunder, son of Odin and Freyja. Male identifying.
LOKI – Teenage God of Mischief, Thor’s younger adopted brother. Male identifying.
FREYJA – Queen of Asgard, Master of Courtly Etiquette, mother of Thor and Loki. Female identifying.
ODIN – King of Asgard, father of Thor and Loki. Male identifying.
FANDRAL – Thor’s dashing cad of a pal. May double as FORSETI. Male identifying.
VOLSTAGG – Thor’s friend, his appetite as big as his heart. Male identifying.
SIF – Thor’s headstrong best friend. Female identifying.
HOGUN – The book-smart puppy of Thor’s gang of friends. Male identifying.
THE HERALD – Royal announcer (would that Gilda Radner or Don Knotts were still alive…). Any gender.
HEIMDALL – Seer of All, Master of History. Any gender.
HOENIR – Master of Runeology. Any gender.
FORSETI – Master of Mathematics. Any gender.
CUL – Master of Combat. Any gender.

Marvel Spotlight aims to create compelling plays with teenage protagonists who tackle real-world problems in a diverse society. Licensees are encouraged to approach casting in a way that values equal representation and inclusion while promoting conversation and respect. Characters designated “any gender” should be costumed to reflect the gender identity of the performers.

  • Time Period Contemporary, Present Day, New Millennium/21st Century, The Future

  • Setting Earth, The Cosmic Void, Asgard

  • Features Fantasy Costumes

  • Additional Features Stage Combat

  • Duration 45-50 minutes



  • Quem é loki marvel

    Marvel Spotlight Plays

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Introducing Marvel Spotlight

  • Quem é loki marvel

    The Authors of Marvel Spotlight

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Hammered: A Thor


  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Exterior Canyon)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Exterior Close)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Exterior Cosmic Void)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Exterior Perspective)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Interior Armory)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Interior Chamber)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Interior Hall)

  • Quem é loki marvel

    Image: © 2019 Marvel (Example Projection: Asgard - Interior Throne Room)

More photos +

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee:
    Live Performance: $75 / performance of one (1) Marvel Spotlight play
    $125 / performance of two (2) or more Marvel Spotlight plays

    Virtual Performance: $55 / performance day for one (1) Marvel Spotlight play
    $90 / performance day of two (2) or more Marvel Spotlight plays


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Quem é loki marvel

Christian Borle

Broadway: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Falsettos (Tony nomination, PBS’ 'Live From Lincoln Center'), Something Rotten! (Tony and Drama Desk Awards, Grammy nomination), Peter and the Starcatcher (Tony Award), Legally Blonde (Tony nomination), Mary Poppins, Spamalot (Clar ...

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Por que Loki e mal?

Loki é o Príncipe da Maldade, Deus da Mentira e poderoso demais pra ser influenciado por um simples cetro. Ele funciona perfeitamente bem sendo uma força caótica do mal, não precisa ser humanizado nem muito menos ter suas ações justificadas.

Quem é o Loki original?

Na Mitologia Nórdica, Loki é um deus, ou um jotun (gigantes que se opõem aos deuses), filho de Farbanti e Laufey, irmão de Helblindi e Býleistr. É o deus do fogo, da trapaça e da travessura, está também relacionado à magia, podendo assumir forma que quiser.

Qual é o poder de Loki?

Várias são as habilidades de Loki relacionadas à manipulação de Energia. Entre elas, o personagem é capaz de realizar projeções astrais, mudar sua aparência, hipnotizar pessoas, criar explosões de energia, levitar, criocinese (manipular o frio e o gelo), telecinese (manipular objetos com a mente) e teletransporte.

Quem é mais forte o Thor ou Loki?

Na maioria dos confrontos, a luta acaba em empate, como visto em Thor #126 e #356, mas a principal pista da verdadeira força do semideus grego é que Loki, ao procurar um guerreiro forte o suficiente para vencer seu irmão, tem como primeira opção o filho de Zeus.