Which of the following is not an information requirement for the design of a process layout?

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Which of the following is not an information requirement for the design of a process layout?

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Which of the following is not an information requirement for the design of a process layout?

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Which of the following is not an information requirement for the design of a process layout?

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

1,698 solutions

Which of the following is not an information requirement for the design of a process layout?

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

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Workspace can inspire informal and productive encounters if it balances what three physical and social aspects?

A) proximity, privacy, and persuasion

B) privacy, persuasion, and permission

C) proximity, privacy, and permission

D) proximity, persuasion, and permission

E) proximity, persuasion, and passion

85. Which of the following is not an information requirement for thedesign of a process layout?A. a list of departments or work centers

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Which of the following is not an information requirement for the design of a process layout?

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6B. a projection of work flows between the work centersC. the distance between locationsD. the cost per unit of distance to move loadsE. a list of product cycle times for every product manufacturedE.a list of product cycle times for every product manufactured

Cycle times do not enter into the design of process layouts.86. Which of the following is not an approach that companies use toachieve a smooth flow of production?A. line balancing heuristics

6B. parallel workstationsC. dynamic line balancing (Cross train workers)D. mixed model lineE. Companies use all of these.E.Companies use all of these.

Any of these is a means to achieve smooth flow.87. A common goal in designing process layouts is:A. minimizing the number of workers

6B. minimizing idle timeC. minimizing transportation costsD. maximizing work-station productive timeE. maximizing transportation distancesC.minimizing transportation costs

An efficient process layout minimizes transportation costs.88. In the use of closeness ratings for process layouts, the code "U"means the closeness between two departments is:A. (U)nknown

6B. (U)nusually importantC. of (U)sual importanceD. (U)nimportantE. (U)ndesirableD.(U)nimportant

Close department pairings denoted "U" should be avoided.89. Which closeness rating reflects the undesirability of having twodepartments located near each other?A. A

Close department pairings denoted "U" should be avoided.90. Which closeness rating reflects the highest importance for twodepartments being close to each other?A. A

Closeness ratings denoted "A" should be encouraged.91. Which closeness rating reflects indifference on the nearness or lackof nearness of two departments?A. A

Closeness ratings denoted "U" are neither desirable nor undesirable.92. Heuristic rules are used primarily in which of these types of layouts?(I) Product(II) Process(III) Fixed-positionA. I

6B. IIC. I and IIID. I and IIE. II and IIID.I and II

Heuristics help in formulating reasonably good product and process layouts.93. Heuristic rules are usually applied when:A. an optimum is necessary

6B. a computer program isn't availableC. a problem has a small number of alternativesD. a problem has a large number of alternativesE. other approaches have failedD.a problem has a large number of alternatives

As the number of alternatives grows, the use of heuristics becomes more attractive.

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What are the three steps in designing process layouts?

There are three steps in designing process layouts: Step 1 Gather information. Step 2 Develop a block plan or schematic of the layout. Step 3 Develop a detailed layout.

Which of the following is not true about process layouts when they are compared to product layouts quizlet?

Which of the following is not true about process layouts when they are compared to product layouts? Process layouts are not inherently more efficient that product layouts. Product profiling links key product or service requirements to: process capabilities.

What is design process layout?

A process layout is a type of facility layout. Organizations often use process layouts to design floor plans and arrange equipment for maximized efficiency. Plants with a process layout may arrange work stations, machinery, tools and other equipment in groups according to the functions they perform.

What is designing process layout in operations management?

Process Layout Design in Operations Management. Process layout design determines the best relative locations of functional work centers. Work centers that interact frequently, with movement of material or people, should be located close together, whereas those that have little interaction can be spatially separated.