Which of the following statements about high-lpc leaders is most likely true?

The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when:
A. leader-member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high.

B. there are high levels of leader-member conflict, the task is unstructured, and the leader uses reward power.

C. leader-member relations are good, the task is unstructured, and position power is low.

D. there are high levels of leader-member conflict, the task is structured, and the leader uses coercive power.

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Which of the following statements about high-lpc leaders is most likely true?

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Which of the following statements about high-lpc leaders is most likely true?

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Nội dung chính Show

  • What determines whether a leader should focus on initiating structure or consideration?
  • Which two broad categories of leader behaviors did the situational leadership model?
  • What are the two dimensions of situational leadership?
  • Which of the following is true of the situational leadership model quizlet?
  • Which of the following defines situational leadership?

Mgt475 ch 14

In the context of the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, which of the following statements is true of the role-taking stage of development?

A leader offers opportunities and evaluates a follower's performance and potential.

The normative decision model is limited only to

In the context of the levels of participation in the normative decision model, which of the following is most likely true of consultative processes?

A leader shares a problem with his or her followers in a group meeting and obtains their ideas and suggestions.

If a decision has a rational or objectively determinable "better or worse" alternative, a leader should select the better alternative. This most likely refers to

Which of the following statements about the normative decision model is true?

Decision tree questions focus on the problem and situational factors.

Which two broad categories of leader behaviors did the Situational Leadership model originally identify?

Initiating structure and consideration

In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following was defined as the extent to which a leader spells out the responsibilities of an individual or group?

In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following best defines follower readiness?

a follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task

What should leaders first assess in order to apply the Situational Leadership model?

the readiness level of a follower relative to the task to be accomplished

In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following is a relationship behavior?

Explaining why a task is important

In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following depicts selling as a leadership behavior?

High task behavior, high relationship behavior

Which of the following statements is true of the Situational Leadership model?

It maintains that leaders who correctly base their behaviors on follower maturity will be highly effective.

Which of the following instruments does Fiedler's contingency theory use to determine the relevant characteristics of a leader?

The least preferred co worker scale

Which of the following statements about high-LPC leaders is most likely true?

They are primarily satisfied by establishing and maintaining close interpersonal relationships.

In the context of the contingency model, which of the following is the most powerful element of situational favorability?

The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when

leader-member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high.

In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path-goal theory, which leadership behavior is most likely characterized by telling followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the

achievement-oriented leadership

In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path-goal theory, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of achievement-oriented leadership?

Leaders support follower behaviors by exhibiting a high degree of confidence so that subordinates can put forth the necessary effort.

Which of the following statements about the path-goal theory is most likely false?

If a task is very structured, informal authority decreases follower motivation levels.

In terms of the path-goal theory, which of the following is considered a situational factor?

Initiating structure and consideration are two broad categories of leader behaviors did the situational leadership model originally identify.

What determines whether a leader should focus on initiating structure or consideration?

Whether a leader should use the initiating structure approach or the consideration approach depends on his or her level of situational control or influence over followers in a given situation. A high-This leader can effectively use the initiating structure approach, which involves emphasizing work tasks.

Initiating Structure is the extent to which a leader defines leader and group member roles, initiates actions, organizes group activities, and defines how tasks are to be accomplished by the group.

To learn more about Initiating Structure visit the link



Which two broad categories of leader behaviors did the situational leadership model?

This research stream led to the discovery of two broad categories of behaviors: task-oriented behaviors (sometimes called initiating structure) and people-oriented behaviors (also called consideration).

What are the two dimensions of situational leadership?

Situational Leadership incorporates two dimensions of leader behavior in its concept of leadership: directive and supportive. The model asserts that leaders assess the competence and commitment of their followers and adjust their style along these dimensions to best meet the changing needs of followers.

Which of the following is true of the situational leadership model quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of the Situational Leadership model? It maintains that leaders who correctly base their behaviors on follower maturity will be highly effective.

Which of the following defines situational leadership?

Situational leadership means adapting your management style to each unique situation or task to meet the needs of the team or team members. Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey developed the Situational Leadership Theory in 1969.

Which of the following statements is true of the situational leadership model quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of the Situational Leadership model? It maintains that leaders who correctly base their behaviors on follower maturity will be highly effective.

What should leaders first asses in order to apply the situational leadership model?

follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task. What should leaders first assess in order to apply the situational leadership model? A. The level of task and relationship behavior that will likely produce successful outcomes.

Which of the following defines situational leadership?

Thinking about how we adjust our style in response to these variables is how we define situational leadership. Situational leadership means adapting your management style to each unique situation or task to meet the needs of the team or team members.

What is leader Member Exchange Theory And what does it say about leadership?

Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory suggests that leaders and followers develop unique relationships based on their social exchanges, and the quality of these exchanges within an organization can influence employee outcomes (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995; Liden et al., 1997).