A estreet markets are popular in brazil em portugues

Page 2

The New

New York Sugar Market.

"The same firm have a cable from Java stating that the 1919-20 crop, now bein harvested will probably be slightly •less than their

estimate of 1,300,000 tons. White sugars (Special Telegram to The LOUISIANA | already paid for second-hand granulated.

are quoted at 40 Allorins per picul f. 0. b. PLANTER, Thursday Night, July 31, Canada purchased recently Peruvians for Java, which is the equivalent of 11.80c per 1919, for the week then ending.)

the November and December shipment at pound in our money. Up to the end of April NEW YORK, July 31, 1919. six and three quarter cents c. i. f.; New there had been shipped to European countries

from the crop which started in May, 1918, 380,York November and Decemmber shipment 851 tons out of the total export of 1,791,478 The situation here in refined sugar is

at six and one half cents c. i. f. The tons. still further demoralized despite the fact January and March shipments are indica

“Under date of July 10th we have the fol

lowing: that the marine strike is now settled. The tive of a rising trend in sugar where uncon- “ “All the world appears to want sugar, and Federal has closed down because of the trolled by the Equalization Board. Lower there are practically no sellers. non-arrival of raw sugar in sufficient sup- figures increase consumption in the United

“ 'Java prices continue to rise and the last gly to keep the plant operating and other States during the first six months of the quotations are for Whites Fl. 38 1/2 f. 0. b.

equal to about 54/ per cwt. (equivalent to refiners are melting very lightly and are year of one hundred and eighty-eight thou- 10.51c per pound) and for Browns Fl. 34 f. o. expected to follow suit shortly. The boats sand tons over the same period in 1918, b. equal to about 48/ per cwt. (equivalent to tied up by the strike are now returning to although lacking

9.34c per pound). No offers were made here 63,000 tons of that

now for India owing to the cable delays.' Cuba and Porto Rico, but it is estimated of 1917. This is interesting in view of “ 'Under Mauritius there is the following: that three weeks will be required before the urgent buying in the country, suggest- (equivalent to 7.79€ per pound) for the New

“ 'The nominal quotation is 40/ f. 0. b. they return here. The complication is un-ing that hoarding is an appreciable factor, Crop. It is rumored that our Sugar Commis

to fortunate considering the extremely urgent although it is doubtful if the invisible sup- sion is again negotiating for it. domestic demand, the satisfying of which plies will be excessive, or, in fact, fully re- “'France has paid 56/6 per cwt. for White is consequently further postponed as Au-l plenished before fall. Prohibition undoubt- Javas ĉ. i. f. Havre (equivalent to 11c per

pound), and 32/ c. i. f. London (equivalent to gust meltings will probably not exceed 60 edly will increase the demand for candy 10.12c per pound) for transshipment to French per cent of the July total. All reports in- and sweets. Cables from cuba report heavy ports. They are still buyers at these prices dicate that Europe is facing a sugar famine, rains which are decidedly favorable to the also of Mauritius Crystals at 52/ per cwt. but relief from the United States until the new crop of cane, although they are forc. (equivalent to 10.12c per pound) and Hong

Kong Crystals at 53/6 per cwt. (equivalent to late fall is unlikely. Local opinion is strong ing the cessation of grinding, with the old 10.41c per pound) c. i. f. London for transthat Washington will be compelled by pub- Crop cane still in the fields. It is estimated shipment. ic opinion to continue the sugar control for here that the balance of the Cuban crop Commerce Report :

"The following article is taken from the the coming year in order to prevent a sharp available in the United States is nine hun

'It is interesting to note that while India rise in prices as indicated by the premiums ured and fifty-eight thousand tons.

is the largest sugar-producing country in the

world, it is also the largest sugar-consuming

country. The annual production of this comTHE NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET. tion to July 19th is 3,437,700 tons. Twelve

modity amounts to 2,500,000 tons. In 1917 Incentrals still continue grinding cane. The Messrs. Lamborn & Co., sugar brukers, outlook is favorable for the growing crop as

dia imported 40,000 tons, the bulk of which 132 Front Street, New York, report that sugar rains continue.

came from Java. Sugar imported from Java, market, under date of July 25, 1919, for the

even after paying the duties and freight charges,

"The Equalization Board continues to pur.is cheaper, at the principal ports, than the Inweek then ending, as follows:

chase Cuban sugar at the 5.88 cent cost and dian product of the same grade. This is not “There is little change in the sugar situa- freight basis, reselling same to refiners at 7.28 true in the interior, where the expense of movtion though naturally the marine strike has a cents delivered. Europe and Japan, it is in- ing goods by the bull carts, which are the priptendency to cause a nervous feeling in refin- teresting to note as showing the urgent demand cipal means of transportation and distribution, ing circles lest there be interruption to the for sugar, have been bidding as high as 6.50c acts as a sort of a protective tariff for the free movement of supplies from Cuba and Porto 1. o. b. Cuba which is a full cent above the domestic product. The methods of cultivation Rico. It is pointed out that sugar steamers figure at which the Equalization Board con- in which the juice is expressed results in great

are very primitive, and the primitive manner after discharging cargo are held up from the tracted for the present Cuban crop. Since the waste.' return trip, pending a settlement of the diffi- recent sales by this board of 150,000 tons to

"REFINED SUGAR. culties with the strikers.

Europe it has declined further bids.

As re

"We are sorry to report that the refined “In normal times, there would be less uneasi-flecting the prevailing situation, Philippines sugar situation shows no improvement despite ness over such developments as refiners were testing 88 degrees were sold at 7.25 cents, ex- the active meltings and the export embargo accustomed to carry several weeks' stock in warehouse or about the basis at which 96 de plenishment of the domestic supply. In fact

which should gradually tend to facilitate recontrast with supplies at present of only about grees Cubas and Porto Ricos are being pur-conditions may become worse because of the a week's meltings. Arrivals have been sufficient chased by refiners.

marine strike which threatens to interrupt the to take care of requirements to date for the “There is still the same eager domestic de- movement of raw sugar to this port and with week at the Atlantic ports, for instance being mand for refined sugar with refiners badly over-pelled to curtail operations.

the present light stocks refiners may be com

In view of this 68,280 tons which compares with meltings of sold and little prospects of immediate relief possibility, the willingness of the trade to take 74,000 tons, the deficiency of some 6,000 tons as the country is taking current meltings as soft sugars where they cannot get granulated is being filled from the stock which is now re- fast as they are shipped. A very heavy export such buying.

a wise policy and we would strongly advocate

Arbuckle to-day have been acduced to 86,747 tons. It is estimated that there business could be done were it not for the cepting business for the lower grades of soft are 60,000 tons of sugar afloat from Cuba and embargo on shipments abroad this coming from sugars numbers 11 to 14 inclusive, shipment Porto Rico, 20,000 tons from Hawaii and 5,000 all parts of Europe.

subject to delay at the 9-cent basis and booked

a considerable volume of orders. The Federal tons from the Philippine Islands and other "Willett & Gray have a cable from Manila have temporarily withdrawn their "conserva

reporting June exports of 1,000 tons to U. S. tion" sugar. There is an active demand for "The Cuban cables report receipts at all Pacific ports and 22,000 tons to the Far East. export but refiners decline to sell pending lift: ports of 32,940 tons which compares with 29,- The total exports from January 1st to June is reported that premiums are being paid on

Page 3

entire output of Honolulu plantation had been

sold. The Louisiana Planter Always Prints It First.

It is understood that local Japanese merchants may combine in an effort to ship a small quan

tity of sugar to Yokohama by an early steamer. Great Boom in Sugar Stocks -San Carlos Philippine Mill Sells

The price fixed for granulated sugar is 9 cents, Balance of Crop at Ten Cents-Japanese Offer Seven Cents for 1920

less 2 per cent off for cash. The freight to Crop-Sugar Shortage in Far East-Foundries and Machine Shops

Japan is $30 a ton, which would bring the cost Busy-Labor Shortage Soon Will be Over.

at Yokohama up to about 10.32 cents a pound. The local Japanese think they may be able to

secure between two hundred and three hundred HONOLULU, July 15, 1919. seven cents. He has been authorized to so dis- tons from numerous dealers. The uncertainty The middle of the month brought to Honolulu pose of the 1920 outturn.

is whether Yokohama would stand for the price,

Owing to conditions which show an unexpect- which would have to be aroun one of the greatest sugar stock booms since the

12 cents a pound days following the passage of the annexation edly great shortage of sugar in the Orient, both to give a satisfactory profit.

Japan and Manila have been strenuously trying treaty twenty-one years ago. The "street" has for several days to buy in Honolulu, and cable of the sugar excitement in the Orient.

Many opinions have been given as the cause been alive with activity and there has been a

It has grams received here indicate that these interests been known for some time that the total supply veritable scramble for stocks, while prices never even thought of a few weeks ago are being are willing to pay a minimum of 8.03 in Hono-l of the Far East was short at least a million paid for the more promising local securities. On lulu for raws, and 9.75 for granulated. The tons, and it is the opinion of many that somethe more active stocks the figures have been sub- / first indications of a serious shortage in the thing has occurred in the last two or three ject to constant change, but are always going board received advices that the Philippines received here. Then there is the opinion, based

Far East came recently, when the equalization weeks to greatly reduce even the last estimates higher.

would not be able to provide the quota expected Four outstanding causes for the boom are: A from that source. This information necessitated in the last several mails, that price regulation

upon advices from the mainland received here world shortage of sugar, and more especially a an immediate readjustment on the mainland, and will positively go off on September 30 instead shortage in the Orient; the expectation that the eight thousand tons of Hawaiian sugar, origin- of at the end of the year. fixed price for sugar will be discontinued about ally scheduled for shipment to Atlantic refin- belief among local sugar men that if the lid is

There is a strong September 30th, meaning nine or ten cents for eries, was ordered sent to San Francisco to actually lifted on September 30th, raw sugar the conmodity thenceforward, and probably the take the place of the Phlippines sugar which will go to at least 9 cents before the year is out, greater part of or all of next year; the growthose islands were no longer able to supply.

and the islands will experience the greatest boom ing feeling that sugar is one of the most stable The Philippines shortage, however, appears in their history. and certain of agricultural products; and lastly, to have been more serious than had been stated. the return of confidence following the signing After filling contracts already closed, it was

Changes in the allotment of Hawaiian sugar of the treaty of peace and a general unloosing found that Manila itself was in danger of a

to Eastern and Western refineries, announced of purse strings. It is impossible to conjec- sugar famine. The first definite indication of recently by the sugar equalization board, will ture now what may happen. On the mainland this locally came in a cablegram to a local mean large savings, approximately $200,000, in there are millions of dollars for investment, and concern requesting an immediate shipment of freight costs. Figures on the allotment so far, as at the present time it is apparent that that five hundred bags of brown sugar, and another now obtainable, indicate that about 417,000 tons money is centered upon sugar. Indications are, message from a second concern asking for the of the 1919 crop will be handled by the Crockett however, that new record high levels will be immediate shipment of 250 tons of “centrifugal refinery, of which approximately 330,000 tons reached. medium grade." Then came a message from

will be Sugar Factors' raw sugars and 87,000 Manila to the local office of the Pacific Mail

tons of other sugars. There will be produced The local boom came somewhat unexpectedly, although for some time there have been indi: Steamship Company asking that one hundred about 22,000 tons of refined sugar, the greater cations of a very strong market. Early in the tons of refined sugar be purchased and shipped part of which, not needed for home consump

tion, has alre ady left the islands; and the eastweek activity started in San Francisco, and by the first steamer. To all Manila requests realmost before Honolulu realized what had hap- plies were sent to the effect that all Hawaiian ern sugar will total about 164,000 tons.

While movements of Hawaiian sugar to the pened, orders began pouring in for large blocks sugar had been sold and that none was to be had locally.

mainland this month have been somewhat small, of stock at greatly advanced figures. At first there was a tendency to suspect merely a

Then Japan began using the cable to Honolulu there is still a considerable fleet loading. Up spurt which would soon subside, but in place for sugar; and, although only quotations were to July 15th departures for the month had to

asked, it was evident that there are grave fears taled 23,582 tons. One cargo of 7,708 tons had of that, stocks have continued to advance and in that country of a sugar shortage at a very gone East, 9.031 tons of Sugar Factors' raw the demand has developed into what seems to

early date. The first cablegram from Tokio sugars had gone to the Crockett refinery, and be an unleashed scramble for anything in the

was to W. 0. Smith, until recently secretary 7,843 tons of other sugars had gone to the same way of Hawaiian sugars. Several stocks have been strengthened by large orders from the Pa- of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, destination. There were no shipments of refined

asking for quotations on sugar. This message sugar, the last of such shipments having decific Coast, and the demand there for Ewa, Oahu, Waialua, Hawaiian Sugar Wailuku, Olaa, Mc- was shown to various factors and a reply was parted on May 27th.

Both the Honolulu Iron Works and Catton, Bryde and Onomea seems to be unlimited, while sent to the effect that the Hawaiian crop of other sugars upon which definite coast reports

sugar had been sold. F. L. Waldron, Ltd., re- Neill & Co. are hard at work filling the contract have not been received are undoubtedly equally ceived an urgent wire from a house in Yoko- for the sugar mill which the Hawaiian Sugar

hama, with whom it does business, asking for Planters' Association will erect in the Philipas strong.

sugar in quantities and the price at which it pine Islands, although installation is not called The latter part of the week the directors of could be had. The matter was taken up with for until time to start the grind of the crop of the San Carlos Milling Company, a central the factors and planters, but the firm was 1921. The distribution of the contract between located on the Island of Negros, Philippine Is- unable to secure any sugar, and informed its cor- the two companies calls for Catton, Neill & Co. lands, announced that they had sold the balance respondents that the only sugar to be had here to supply the machinery for the boiling house of the 1919 crop, approximately five hundred was the little that might be picked up from small and the power house, and for the Honolulu Iron tons, at ten cents a pound on the wharf at the stores. Another cablegram was from a large Works to supply the grinding end of the cenmill, and had received an offer from the same house in Kobe to the local representatives of tral and to take charge of the installation. interests for the entire 1920 outturn at seven the Honolulu Plantation Company, asking for Demobilization of the Hawaiian Infantry, now cents a pound. The interests are believed to three thousand tons of white granulated sugar going forward rapidly, spells a speedy ending be Japanese. This matter came up upon re- for the earliest possible shipment. This was the of the labor shortage. Generally the labor ceipt of a cablegram from the company's repre- most direct drive of any received, as Honolulu situation is improving, although some of the sentative, stating he had sold the balance of the plantation is the one estate in Hawaii which plantations have complained that their former crop and requesting permission to close a deal turns out granulated sugar in quantities. A employees are not coming back to them in the at once for next year's crop at not less than reply was sent back to the effect that the numbers which they should. As it is, however,

Page 4

WANTED chief engineer who can speak Spanish AS experienced


desires position and handle Spanish labor for a 1,000-ton factory for coming season; familiar with high and low

at Guantanamo, Cuba. Reply, stating salary re- grade sugar boiling and also close boil-back; willwhite with published this column, free of charge quired, to E. W. Barron, 745 University Avea ing to accept position in Louisiana or any tropical further notice, of all Boulder, Colo., U. S. A.

7-15-19 sugar-producing country. Address, C. F. Landry, gera, overseens, chemists, sugar-makers and others

Remy, La., U. S. A.

7-18-19 who may be seeking positions, and also the wants af planters and sugar manufacturers desiring to SITUATION WANTED employ any of these.

MARRIED man, age 32, would like to get in These advertisements will be inserted until they

touch with some

firm who will need a good ure pashed out at the bottom of the column by COLLEGE graduate in science, with one year's all around man about November 1st; understands ihe influx of new advertisements at the top. Any experience in beet sugar manufacturing plant as general merchandise business ; also, is book-keeper advertiser may have his advertisement re-inserted chemist; would like a similar position in some and time-keeper; has done a good deal of meinew, however, it he will write it out again and cane mill for next crop; will go anywhere. Ad-chanical work and had handling of labor ; now jead it in to as.

dress, "R. C. Owens,' Loup City, Nebr., U. S. employed, but will change after present contract We cannot undertake to forward by mall replles A.

7-30-19 has expired. Address, L. W. Briggs, R. 2, Box to the advertisements in this column, even though

14-A, Plaquemine, La., C'. S. A.

7-18-19 Apostage be supplied, and to secure publication in SUGAR mill foreman desires position for next the issue of the succeeding Saturday, they must

Address, “A. Hoffman," 037 Decatur St.. preach M not later than Thursday morning of New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

POSITION wanted as chief chemist for Louisi

7-30-19 on.ch week.

ana campaign. Address, R. B. Garrot, Marksville,

La., U. S. A. 7-9-19
A sugar-maker, with twenty-five years' experi- HELP WANTED

ence, who can handle crystallizer sugars to per-
fection, desires position ; will go to tropics, if de experience on Louisiana sugar plantations to repair

A position wanted by engineer of over 30 years' sirable'; is 45 years of age; competent and willing and take off coming crop. Address. Wm. N. SimWANTED assistant superintendent by large ex- to work,

Address, "M. Philips," General Deliv- mons, Pass Christian, Miss., U. S. A.

7-5-19 port and import house for sugar factory in Peru ; ery, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 two years' contract. Apply, giving full experience and references, to P. O. Box 286, New York, U.

POSITNON wanted as chemist and superintend

Experienced planter, formerly auditor of HaS. A.


ent of fabrication in tropics ; has had experience waiian Sugar Corporation, and familiar with steam

in Louisiana, Cuba and Porto Rico ; excellent ref. plows, irrigation, railway, factory and all CODWANTED chief chemist for coming Louisiana erences. Address, “Chemist," P. 0. Box 604, Pla- nections with the production of sugar by most campaign : give references and salary expected. Ad- i quemine, La., U. S. A.


modern methods, desires position as accountant, dress: "Town," care The Louisiana Planter, 407

outside manager or administrator of a sugar comCarondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. CHEMIST, with six years' experience in sugar state salary attaching to the position.

pany; speaks Spanish ; best of references ; please 7-31-19

Address. and industrial work desires position in tropics or A. D., Apartado 680, San Juan, Porto Rico. Louisiana ; best of references furnished. Address,

7-3-19 WANTED one chemist and one assistant chemist "J. B. L.," P. O. Box 1192, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, for the Louisiana crop. Address "Table," care U. S. A.

7-31-19 The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street,

POSITION wanted as expert tractor driver on New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-31-19 MANUFACTURING chemist, expert on

plantation or farm, or position as expert stockman.

fertili. zation ; German ; 30 years of age, with thorough Building, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

Address, C. T. 505, Liverpool & London & Globe

7-3-19 WANTED sugar-boilers for a factory in Central commercial education, linguist, resided many years America; makers of white and 96-test sugars ; South America, of unusual knowledge and must be competent at boiling-back molasses ; in abilities seeks oportunity anywhere. Address,

A competent and experienced sugar-boiler desires answering please give references, salary desired Louis Giese, 435 Central Avenue, Atlanta, Ga.

position in a beet sugar factory; only season enand age. The company will furnish all traveling


gagement wanted. Address, Blyler, 3518 Chest. expenses, board_and lodging. Address, “Superin

aut Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 6-27-19 tendent," 3319 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La.,

Chief engineer and mechanic is open for en- U. S. A.

gagement anywhere in any sugar factory : just re-

AN experienced sugar-maker desires position for leased after 18 years' service in one of the large dress, A. E. Weber, Convent, La., U. S. A.

coming season; can furnish best of references. AdWANTED chief chemist and assistant for Cu

6-26-19 ban factory; prefer college graduates ; chief chem. centrals; have tropical experience and can operist should have considerable experience in cane

ate any factory; will consider any good offer: sugar factories and be a thorough chemist. ample reference.

AN experienced overseer and superintendent of Ad

Address, Chief Engineer, care

Carondelet Street, cane sugar field wants position anywhere in tropi. dress, "A. B.", care The Louisiana Planter, 407 The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-15-19 cal country; experienced erecting sugar plant; can

furnish best of references. Address, A. D., care 7-30-19 MANAGER of a large sugar plantation in Mex. The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New

6-26-19 WANTED chief chemist, assistant chemists and ico desires change; thoroughly experienced in all Orleans, La., U. S. A. sugar-boilers for large Cuban factory ;

field work; specialty opening up new forest lands stating experience, references and salary expected in the tropics for cultivation ; perfect knowledge AN experienced Louisiana man wants to secure address, “Superintendent," Whitney Homestead of Spanish; wishes position as assistant manager a position in the tropics as assistant sugar factory Nahant, Mass., U. S. A.

7-23-19 on large estate or field manager; would consider superintendent for coming season; have wonder.

a good colono proposition ; highest references. Ad ful knowledge of sugar boiling and general facWANTED expert tractor driver and repair man;

dress, J. Dare Knight, Apartado 87, Puerto Mex- tory work; can speak Spanish fairly well and have

7-15-19 handled Cuban labor ; gilt-edge references. Ad good healthy location on Gulf coast in Cameronico, Ver.

dress, C. L. D., 2218 Peniston St., New Orleans, Parish. Address, Chas. R. Abington, Grand Che.

6-26-19 nier, La., U. S. A.

7-23-19 POSITION wanted by American sugar fac- La., U. S. A.

tory engineer; 15 years' experience; Speaks SpanWANTED two experienced steffen house fore

SUPERINTENDENT-Chemist desires position as ish and French; prefers tropics ; best of refermen for Colorado factory; year around position : ences:

Address, Engineer, 1985 Park Grove Ave., superintendent for coming Louisiana crop; four

7-15-19 seasons' experience in largest and best houses in detailed information will be furnished on applica: Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A.

Louisiana, Cuba and California ; applicant is caption. Address, Great Western Sugar Company,

able and a hard worker. Sugar Building, Denver, Colorado, U. S. A.

Address, A. B. C., care 7-22-19 YOUNG man, 22years of age, desires position The Louisiana Planter, .407 Carondelet St., New with sugar chemist for coming Louisiana cam.

Orleans, La., U. S. A.

6-26-19 WANTED plantation blacksmith and wheel. paing; willing to go to Cuba. Two years experiwright; man with family preferred ; white ence at bench work and sugar poarization Colonial

A position wanted as head sugar-boiler for the colored ; must be well recommended; state wages Sugar Co., Gramercy, La., where now employed. expected in first letter. Address, G. W. sen- Address, Jos. M. Cantrelle, Jr., Gramercy, La., U. coming Louisiana crop; prefer working by con

trict; can ruu own clarification or work under tell, Bunkie, La., U. S, A. 7-16-19 S. A. 7-10-19

chemical control; applicant not a tropical man: POSITION wanted as sugar maker or assistant

can furnish best of reference as to ability. WANTED

Adan expert sugar mill manager to superintend the construction and operation of a for the coming season ; 28 years experience in dress, A. J. Stoufflet, Box 801, Morgan City, La..

6-26-19 large beet sugar mill in Spain; expert knowledge making all grades of sugar;When answering please U. S. A.

. of modern American machinery necessary: state

Address, F. N. Smith, 2007 Dauphine

POSITION wanted as assistant engineer by young Xperience and give reference: knowledge of Span- St., New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 7-9-19

man with twelve years' experience in Louisiana's ish language preferable. Address, Manuel Caragol

POSITION is desired for next campaign by largest factories. Address, Engineer, 319 Washing. & Son., Inc., 127 Water St., New York, N. Y., U.

6-24-19 S. A.

ton St., New Iberia, La., U. S. A.
sugar-maker and chemist, who has been for years 7-15-19

in charge of tropical factories in Mexico, Central

America, etc. ; familiar with manufacturing either SUPERVISING chemist wants position for comWANTED) one chief chemist two first-class su- white or 96-test sugar; also expert in the distilla- ing Louisiana crop; graduate chemical engineer. gar-boilers for large central in Jamaica ; men must tion of molasses. Address, P. 0. Box 183, New Address, S. O., 1836 Felicity St., New Orleans, have experience in Cuban factories; sugar-boil. Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-26-19 La., U. S. A.

6-24-19 ers must be god a tboiling low-grade crystallizer massecuties as is practiced in Cuba ; state experi- CHIEF chemist, who has had long experience ence and salary requirements. Address, Suprin in Cuba and Louisiana and who speaks both Span

A position wanted by a married man who has undnt, Hays, Jamaica, B. W. I.

7-7-19 | ish and English, desires position in Cuba for experience in plantation management; is willing coming campaign. Address, 7806 Jeanerette St.,

to take almost any kind of a plantation job, and EXPERIENCED and competent chief chemist New Orleans, La., U. S. A.


can give good references. Address, S. A. West, and assistant chemist for sugar mill and bone

1532 Foucher Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. black sugar refinery, situated in state of Vera A first-class and long-experienced sugar-boiler Cruz; must report at factory not later than No. is available for position. Address, Jas. G. Fran- A Sugar Maker with over 20 years' experience vember 15th and

ends June 30, 1920 : ris, 2018 Division Street, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. in the sugar houses of Louisiana, Cuba and Mexboard and lodging and transportation furnished A.

7-23-19 ico, desires a situation : thoroughly understands the both ways; must be competent to keep complete

clarifiication of cane juice for making white highchemical control of sugar factory and alcohol dis. WANTED position as assistant chemist for the grade sugars, and the working of crystallizers ; is tillery; state salary expected, experience, and ad. coming sugar crop ; two years' experience at Ster- expert on low-grade sugars and close back boil. dress, giving references. Address, Mexican Reling Sugar Company and year at Ermita, ing; can furnish A1 references, if desired. Ad finery, care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Caronde (uba. Address, Guy L. Leefe. 201 So, Pierce dress, 52, care THE LOUISIANA PLANTER, 407 Caronlet Street, New Orleans, La., C. S. A. 6-27-19 Street. New Orleans, La., ('. S. A.

Page 5

rent for lighting during the dead season, the

generator will drive the crystallizers, waterThe Louisiana Planter Aluays Prints It Fir&t.

supply pumps, carpenter shop, repair shop and

sawmill during the grinding season as well. Four and a Half Million Tons Predicted for 1920-Cardenas Ships

, Central Toledo at Mariano, Province of Ha

vana, has purchased a 24''x39"x39" LaidlawSugar to Constantinople--Considerable Sales of Equipment Reported

Dunn-Gordon feather valve

pump Mr. Peterson Buys Central Union-Hershey to Make Granulated

through the U. S. and Cuban Allied Works EnSugar-Filter Press Cake Draws Fire of Health Authorities.

gineering Corporation, for use in connection with the 34,000 square foot beating surface

quadruple effect recently bought from Joubert OFFICE OF THE LOUISIANA PLANTEK, of 152,871 bags or 2.55 per cent from the & Goslin Machine and Foundry Company LONJA DEL COMERCIO 415, estimate.

through Riera, Toro & Von Twistern. HAVANA, August 1, 1919.

Central Cacocum, at Cacocum, Province of The American Trading Company, through the

Oriente, expected to produce 60,000 bags of sugar Babcock & Wilcox Company, has sold a similar Very optimistic reports of the condition of the this year, but on account of weather conditions pump to Central Dos Hermanos, near Cienfuecane crop continue to come in. While the rains was forced to shut down after having turned gos, Province of Santa Clara. The Babcock & bave not stopped altogether, they have been

out only 38,280 bags. Centrals Alto Cedio, Bil & Wilcox Co. and the United States and Cuban much more infrequent and of less rolume than

guanos, Boston, Chaparra, Delicias, Preston, and Allied Works Engineering Corporation jointly during the past few weeks. This allows more ! and better field work to be done, and the cane Santa Lucia are still grinding.

represent the Worthington Pump and Machinery is in a very flourishing condition. A crop of

Receipts of sugar at all ports of the island Corporation, manufacturers of the efficient and four and a half million tons of sugar is being

during the week ending July 28th amounted to well-known Laidlaw-Dunn-Gordon feather valve

13,012 tons. This brings total receipts to date talked of for 1919-20. Such an estimate does

vacuum pumps. not seem to be an exaggerated one, judging from this time last year, and 672,723 tons more than to 3,321,728 tons, 453,000 tons more than at

Mr. Frank J. Peterson, formerly of Bayate, the amount of cane planted and its extraordiwere received at the same time in 1917. At

Oriente, the recent purchaser of Central San bigb temperatures. nary development as a result of the rains and this time last crop, twelve centrals were still / Ramon at Mariel, Province of Pinar del Rio, is

If weather conditions are favorable in November, it is highly probable

grinding, and at the end of July, 1917, sixteen now reported to have bought Central Union at were grinding.

Agramonte, Province of Matanzas, from Sr. J. I. that the number of centrals starting to grind

Lezama. The price said to have been paid in that month will be largely increased over

Exports for the week amounted to 63,735 for the place is $4,500,000. Central Union this that of former years. Both the unusual develop- tons. Most of this went to the three ports north

year made a record crop in producing 208,430 ment of the cane and the prospective high price of Hatteras, in spite of the maritime strike in for 1919-20 sugar will make it worth while to the United States. Shipments were also made bags of sugar. During the past two years Sr.

Lezama has greatly improved this factory, instart the crop as early as possible this year. to New Orleans, Galveston and Savannah. For

stalling during the summer of 1918 a fifteenIf the prospects are realized, Cuba will start the first time since exportation of 1918-19 su- roll and low type double crusher manufactured

made to the her 1919-20 crop under the most favorable cir- gar began no shipments were

by the Fulton Iron Works Company. United Kingdom; 2,314 tons were shipped to cumstances in her history.

Sr. Lezama is transferring the sphere of France and 2,626 to other European countries. Reports of the sugar shortage all over the

his actions to the eastern end of the island,

Two thousand two hundred forty tons of world is most welcome to Cuban producers, who, refined sugar from the Cardenas refinery and

having bought Mr. Peterson's land near Bayate with an increase in production of a half million 2,700 bags of washed sugar were shipped to

in the Province of Oriente. It is reported that tons of sugar and higher prices, see a brilliant Constantinople during the week, confirming the Sr. Lezama intends to build a large factory down prospect before them. It has been reported that reported shortage of sugar in the countries of

there for the 1920-21 crop. offers for 1919-20 sugar for delivery in Janu- Europe. France and Italy are also reported as

The Compania Azucarera Nacional, owners ary bave been made at 6 1/4 cents a pound f. o. being very short of sugar, and it is said that six of Central Orozco at Cabanas, Province of Pinar 5. Cuba, and that offers for small amounts steamers are on the way from France to Cuba del Rio, and the Compania Azucarera Central have gone as high as 6 1/2 cents under the same to take on cargoes of sugar to relieve the situa- Araujo, proprietors of Central Araujo at Manconditions. It bas also been reported tbat a tion in that country.

guito, Province of Matanzas, have declared a large central in the Province of Oriente has

Total exportation now amounts to 2,415,261

10 per cent and 15 per cent dividend respecsold its entire estimated output for 1919-20 tons of sugar. This is over 100,000 tons more

tively this year. Both centrals made record at 6 cents a pound, f. o. b. Cuba. This hardly than were shipped at this same date last year, of sugar, its largest previous production having

Central Orozco produced 90,000 bags seems probably, for under the existing system and is 60.38 per cent of the estimated crop of of payment for cane according to price obtained 4,000,000 tons.

been 62,000 bags. Central Araujo made 108,000 for sugar, the central would be in for a large

Fifty-eight thousand three hundred ninety

bags of sugar, 38,000 bags more than had ever loss if the price rose much above six cents a nine tons of sugar have been held for local con

been produced before. pound. We have heard nothing further of the sumption, and there are 1,048,068 tons in storage

Sr. Felix Cossio, administrator of Central proposed organization of a selling committee at the ports awaiting shipment.

Santa Gertrudis at Banaguises, Province of Mato take charge of all sales of 1919-20 sugar as discussed in the recent meeting of sugar pro- have sold an electrification of shut-down-day Corporation, has resigned this position, and will

Zaldo & Martinez of O'Reilly 26, Havana, tanzas, the property of the Cuba Cane Sugar ducers and cane growers in Ciego de Avila. and dead season auxiliaries to Central Isabel al be succeeded by Senor Francisco Bernal. It hardly seems probable that such an organiza- Media Luna, Province of Oriente, the property A change in the organization of Central tion will be effected for the coming crop, of Beattie & Co. The electrification was plan- Guira at Guira de Melena, Province of Havana, although it would undoubtedly be a good thing ned by Mr. J. w. Steenblik, Central Isabel's has been announced. Sr. Jose Maria Espinosa for the Cuban producers.

capable consulting engineer. Instead of a tur- has been elected president of the company; its Central Ciego de Avila, near the town of that bine, a 20"x24" Chuse-Corliss engine direct capital has been increased to $1,300,000, and it name in the Province of Camaguey, has shut connected to a General Electric 192 K.W., 220- is reported that the capacity of the central will down wi a record production of 183,356 bags volt alternator wiil be installed. Mr. Steenblik be increased. The estate of Central Guira is of sugan. This is the last central in this Prov- believes that with the ordinary labor available very old. The factory was formerly called ince to complete its crop. The remaining seven at the centrals of Cuba a steam engine is more "Elijalde” and later "Victoria,” and was burned factories which are still attempting to grind easily handled than a turbine, and with the in 1893, at the beginning of the Cuban war of are in the Province of Oriente. The total pro- ! lower voltage, fewer accidents due to careless independence. It was not rebuilt until 1915, duction of the twenty-two centrals in the Prov. ness are liable to happen. To further simplify and during all these intervening years some of ince of Camaguey amounted to 5,207,129 bags of the installation, a separate oil-burning boiler the machinery was standing exposed to the sugar. The estimated production was 5,360,000 will be used to run the engine, so pressure will weather. Some of this ola machinery was used bags, so there is a shortage, or under-production always be uniform. Besides supplying the cur-'in the reconstruction of the place for the 1915

Page 6

Distilling Experiments in Fermentation.

vat at the beginning of the campaign. When the vat is filled with wash, of course so is the bar

rel, and when the ripe wash is drawn off from (By Maurice Bird, B.S., Chemist.)

the rat the barrel remains full, and retains suffi

cient ripe wash to inoculate the vat when it is The great demand for sulphuric acid as the had sulphuric acid been used throughout, refilled with fresh wash for fermentation. The war progressed, together with high freight rates, 6,273.97

inoculation is thus reduced to an automatic, made it a costly matter to obtain enough for -, or 461 more gallons proof rum would laborless operation. the distilleries of British Guiana. This led to 13.61

Plon. Port Jourant, British Guiana, July 3, inquiries as to whether its use in the local manu- have been made.

1919. facture of alcohol could not be dispensed with, Valuing this at 60 cents a gallon, it would and, as the experiments made along this line, in amount to $276.60. But 78 gallons sulphuric

HAWAII AND ITS COLLEGE this distillery, resulted in a permanent modifi- acid would have been used to produce it, which, cation of our method of fermentation, the writer at $2.16 a gallon (the cost here at the time of

(By David L. Crawford.) thought readers of THE LOUISIANA PLANTER the experiment(, would amount to $168.48,

The sugar industry in the Hawaiian Islands engaged in the production of alcohol for com- leaving a balance in favor of sulphuric acid of

dates back many years before the islands bemercial or other purposes, would be interested $108.12. Also, the total sugars (calculated to

came a territory of the United States. For over in a short description of them. glucose) left in the ripe wash was .48 per cent

half a century the cane fields have been spreadThe function of sulphuric acid in the fermen- more when sulphuric acid was not used than

ing over more and more of the arable land, tation of molasses appears to be two-fold, viz., when it was used, showing that the fermentait inverts the sucrose rapidly into fermentable tion is not so thorough without the sulphuric leaving comparatively small area for the de

velopment of other crops. For years this has acid as with it glucose, and also retards the growth of noxious

been not only the most important industry germs. The latter is also accomplished by am- However, if sulphuric acid is not obtainable, but pretty nearly all the industry of Hawaii, monium fluoride, and the former we at first it would seem that no very serious loss is in- representing a very large percentage of the tried to bring about satisfactorily with mate- curred by its non use, at least temporarily, since, Territory's wealth. rials containing invertase, as paddy, rice, etc. apparently from the above, dispensing with it

Long ago the planters saw that the limitation Of these, the bark of the lignum vitae (locally would entail a loss of less than one and a half

of suitable land would keep the Hawaiian sugar known as mawby), gave the most promising per cent of the value of the rum produced.

crop at a very low figure if some special efforts laboratory results. In the factory, however, it Next, in order to decide if inoculation with

were not made to increase the production on did not work satisfactorily; its action appeared + per cent ripe wash, together with the addi- each acre. The builders of New York City to be so energetic, and the ebullition of the fer- tion of sulphuric acid, gave an additional yield faced the same situation on Manhattan Island, menting “wash" so violent, that large quanti- over sulphuric acid without such inoculation, and, by making high buildings compensate for ties of alcohol were vaporized from the ferment- two rows of vats were set up with wash, and limited ground space they built there one of ing vats. As other distilleries were reporting to each the usual quantity of sulphuric acid, the greatest cities on earth. In the same way good results from the inoculation of "wash,” ammonium sulphate and ammonium fluoride, the builders of Hawaii's sugar industry bare 'to be fermented, with 4 per cent of already fer- were added, and both rows were treated in ex- made high yield compensate for small area. mented “wash," instead of the addition of sul-actly the same way, except that one row only

Only two countries surpass Hawaii in total phuric acid, a careful experiment was made to received ripe wash, in the proportion of 4 per commercial cane sugar production (Java and test this claim.

cent of the total wash of this row, the other Cuba) but no country in the world even equals Two rows of vats were set up with wash (di- row not being inoculated. This was continued

Hawaii in production of sugar per acre, or in luted molasses to be fermented), and to each sul- for two weeks, with the following results, all production of cane per acre, or in percentage of phuric acid (2 gallons to 3,300 gallons wash) wash being set up at 1.063 sp. gr. :

sugar extracted from each ton of cane. In was added for the first fermentation. There

Not these things Hawaii is the world leader-not after one row of vats was continuously treated

Inoculated Inoculated because of superior soil or better climate-but with sulphuric acid, and the other with 4 per Pounds total 'sugars Wash distilled, gallons. . 122,420 82,160

because of the careful and scientific study of cent "ripe” wash from a previous fermentation.

glucose per gallon wash 1.190 1.218

the sugar specialists in Hawaii. The usual ammonium sulphate, as bacterial food, Pounds glucose in wash and ammonium fluoride were added to both rows

The great sugar factories all combine to make fermented

..,115,718 100,083 of vats. Bulk rum made, gallons. 7,863 5,082

Hawaii a wonderful world's sugar "laboratory" During three weeks' practice of the process Gallons proof

Proof gallons rum made. 11,492.90 7,419.72 and these thousands of acres of cane fields, per

with their expert management, and the scores the following data were collected :

cent wash per 5° at

of factories each with its own laboratory so tenuation

1.15 1.13 With Without Pounds glucose required

efficiently and wastelessly supervised do the Sulphuric Sulphuric per gal. bulk rum.

18.5 19.6 work. There is no equal to it anywhere in the Acid. Acid. Wash set up of sp. gr., Pounds glucose required

world. The demand for experts and specialists gal. proof rum.

12.6 13.4 1.063 .126,310 137,160 l'nfermented sucrose per

in the sugar industry of the world is very great, Attenuation of ripe wash 39.0 37.3

.11 cent ripe wash..


and not nearly satisfied. Many more Sucrose left per cent Unfermented glucose per

needed. ripe wash

.33 .71

. 47 cent ripe wash..

.47 Glucose left per cent

The College of Hawaii is in the midst of this Degrees attenuation.

10.8 39.9 ripe wash


.57 Gallons proof rum made 11,198.20 11.837.68 Recovery of bulk rum per

great laboratory, making full use of it now cent wash...

6.42 6.18 in training the experts of to-morrow, And Recovery of proof rum Recovery of proof rum per

where else could experts be better trained than per cent wash.

8.86 8.63 cent wash

9.38 9.03 Sucrose and glucose (cal

here! culated to glucose) per gallon wash set up.. The increased recovery of rum (alcohol) from

There are the chemical, agricultural, patho1.207 1.220 l'ounds glucose used per

Page 7


WANTED chief engineer who can speak Spanish POSITION is desired for next campaign by and handle Spanish labor for a 1,000-ton factory sugar-maker and chemist, who has been for years

at Guantanamo, Cuba, We will publish in this column, free of charge quired, to

Reply, stating salary re- in charge of tropical factories in Mexico, Central va further notice, the applications of all man.

E. W. Barron, 115 University Ave., America, etc.; familiar with manufacturing either Boulder, Colo., U. S. A.

7-15-19 white or 96-test sugar ; also expert in the distillaort, overseers, chemists, sugar-makers and others

tion of molasses. who may be seeking positions, and also the wants

Address, P. 0. Box 183, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-26-19 e planters and sugar manufacturers desiring to

SITUATION WANTED eploy any of these.

CHIEF chemist, who has had long experience These advertisements will be inserted until they

in Cuba and Louisiana and who speaks both Span. aro paghed out at the bottom of the column by POSITION wanted by young married man as ish and English, desires position in Cuba for dhe influx of new advertisements at the top. Any chief chemist or assistant superintendent for com-coming campaign. advertiser may have his advertisement re-inserted ing tropical crop : four years' experience ; can fur- New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

Address, 7806 Jeanerette St.,

7-23-19 wew, however, if he will write it out again and nishi Al references. Address, T. D., care, The med it in to as. We cannot undertake to forward by mall replles leans, La., U. S. 'A.

Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Or- A first-class and long-experienced sugar-boiler

8-6-19 is available for position. to the advertisements in this column, even though

Address, Jas. G. Fran

cis, 2018 Division Street, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. postage bo sapplied, and to secure publication in YOUNG married man desires position as chem

7-23-19 he issue of the succeeding Saturday, they must ist for coming tropical campaign ; can furnish best mach w not later than Thursday morning of of references ; four years' experience. Address, J. WANTED position as assistant chemist for the each week

B., care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet coming sugar crop ; two years' experience at Ster- Street, New Orleans, La., '. S. A.

8-6-19 ling Sugar Company and one year at Ermita, Cuba.

Address, Guy L. Leefe, 201 So. Pierce HELP WANTED

POSITION wanted by experienced sugar. Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-23-19 boiler for Louisiana cropeither head or assistant :

can furnish best of references as WANTED an assistant sugar-maker.

AN experienced to ability and

sugar-maker desires Address,

position J. N. Curley, Opelousas, La., U. S. A.

sobriety. Address, William Weigle, Box 235, Thibo- for coming season; familiar with high and low8-6-19 daux, La., U. S. A.

8-4-19 grade sugar boiling and also close boil-back; willWANTED assistant superintendent by large ex

ing to accept position in Louisiana or any tropical port and import house for sugar factory in Peru; tion for coming tropical crop ; first-class references Remy, La., U. S. A. CHIEF chemist, college graduate, desires posi- sugar-producing country. Address, C. F. Landry,

7-18-19 two years' contract. Apply, giving full experience as to experience and character. Address, “Chemist," and references, to P. 0. Box 286, New York, U. S. A. J1+12

MARRIED man, age 32, would like to get in 7-31-19 Willis Avenue, Dallas, Texas., U. S. A.

8-4-19 touch with

some firm who will need a good WANTED chief chemist for coming Louisiana

all around man about November 1st ; understands campaign ; give references and salary expected. Ad

COLLEGE graduate in science, with one year's general merchandise business ; also, is book-keeper dress : Town,” care The Louisiana Planter, 407 experience in beet sugar manufacturing plant as and time-keeper ; has done a good deal of me

chemist : would like Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

a similar position in some chanical work and had handling of labor; now 7-31-19

cane mill for next crop; will go anywhere. Ad employed, but will change after present contract dress, "R. C. Owens," Loup City, Nebr., U. S. has expired. Address, L. W. Briggs, R. 2, Box

A. WANTED one chemist and one assistant chemist

7-30-1944-A, Plaquemine, La., U. S. A.

7-18-19 for the Louisiana crop. Address "Table," care The Louisiana Planter,

POSITION wanted as chief chemist for Louisi407

Carondelet Street, SUGAR mill foreman desires position for next New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

Address, "A. Hoffman," 637 Decatur St.,

ana campaign. 7-31-19 season.

Address, R. B. Garrot, Marksville, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.


La., U. S. A. 7-9-19 WANTED sugar-boilers for a factory in Central America; makers of white and 96-test sugars; A sugar-maker, with twenty-five years' experiexperience on Louisiana sugar plantations to repair

A position wanted dy engineer of over 30 years' must be competent at boiling-back molasses ; in ence, who can handle crystallizer sugars to per- and take off coming crop. answering please give references, salary desired fection, desires position ; will go to tropics, if de- mons, Pass Christian, Miss., U. S. A.

Address, Wm. N. Simand age. The company will furnish all traveling sirable: is 45 years of age; competent and willing

7-5-19 expenses, board and lodging. Address, "Superin- to work. Address, "M. Philips," General Delivtendent," 3319 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La., ery, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

Experienced planter, formerly auditor of Ha

7-30-19 U. S. A

waiian Sugar Corporation, and familiar with steam 7-30-19

plows, irrigation, railway, factory and all conWANTED chief chemist and assistant for Cu

POSITNON wanted as chemist and superintend- nections with the production of sugar by most ban factory; prefer college graduates ; chief chem- ent of fabrication in tropics ; has had experience modern methods, desires position as accountant, ist should have considerable experience in

in Louisiana, Cuba and Porto Rico; excellent ref. outside manager or administrator of a sugar comsugar factories and be a thorough chemist.

erences. Ad.

Address, "Chemist," P. 0. Box 604, Pla- pany; speaks Spanish; best of references ; please dress, "A. B.", care The Louisiana Planter, 407 quemine, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 state salary attaching to the position. Address, Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S.

A. D., Apartado 680, San Juan, Porto Rico. A. 7-30-19 CHEMIST, with six years' experience in sugar and industrial work desires position in tropics or plantation or farm, or position as expert stockman.

POSITION wanted as expert tractor driver on WANTED chief chemist, assistant chemists and Louisiana : best of references furnished.

, sugar-boilers for large Cuban factory; answer, J. B. L.," P. O. Box 1192, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Address, c. T. 505, Liverpool & London & Globe

Building, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-3-19 stating experience, references and salary expected. C. S. A.

7-31-19 address, “Superintendent," Whitney Homestead, Nahant, Mass., U. S. A. 7-23-19

A competent and experienced sugar-boiler desires MANUFACTURING chemist, expert on fertili. position in a beet sugar factory; only season en.

zation; German ; 30 years of age, with thorough gagement wanted. WANTED expert tractor driver and repair man ; commercial education, linguist, resided many years

Address, Blyler, 3518 Cheste good healthy location on Gulf coast in Cameron

aut Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 6-27-19 in South America, of unusual knowledge and Parish. Address, Chas. R. Abington, Grand Che abilities seeks

oportunity anywhere. Address, nier, La., U. S. A. 7-23-19

AN experienced sugar-maker desires position for Louis Giese, 435 Central Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. coming season; can furnish best of references. Ad

7-15-19 dress, A. E. Weber, Convent, La., U. S. A. 6-26-19 WANTED two experienced steffen house fore. men for Colorado factory : year around position ; detailed information will be furnished on applica

Chief engineer and mechanic is open for en- AN experienced overseer and superintendent of tion. Address, Great Western Sugar Company, gagement anywhere in any sugar factory : just re- cane sugar field wants position anywhere in tropiSugar Building, Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. 7-22-19

leased after 18 years' service in one of the large cal country; experienced erecting sugar plant; can centrals ; have tropical experience and can oper

furnish best of references. Address, A. D., care WANTED plantation blacksmith and wheel. ate any factory i will consider any good offer: The Lousiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New wright; man with family preferred; white ample reference.

6-26-19 Address, Chief Engineer, care Orleans, La., U. S. A. colored ; must be well recommended; state wages

The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, expected in first letter.

AN experienced Louisiana man wants to secure Address, G. W. Sen- New Orleans, La., U. S. A.


a position in the tropics as assistant sugar factors tell, Bunkie, La., U. S. A. 7-16-19

superintendent for coming season; have wonder

MANAGER of a large sugar plantation in Mex- ful knowledge of sugar boiling and general facWANTED

expert sugar mill manager to ico desires change; thoroughly experienced in all tory work : can speak Spanish fairly well and have superintend the construction and operation of a field work; specialty opening up new forest lands handled Cuban labor; gilt-edge references. Ad large beet sugar mill in Spain ; expert knowledge in the tropics for cultivation ; perfect knowledge dress, C. L. D., 2218 Peniston St., New Orleans, of modern American machinery necessary : state of Spanish ; wishes position as assistant manager La., U. S. A.

6-26-19 experience and give reference ; knowledge of Span-l on large estate or field manager; would consider ish language preferable. Address, Manuel Caragol a good colono proposition; highest references. Ad

SUPERINTENDENT-Chemist desires position as & Son., Inc., 127 Water St., New York, N. Y., U.

Cress, J. Dare Knight, Apartado 87, Puerto Mex. superintendent for coming Louisiana crop ; four S. A. 7-15-19 ico, Ver.

7-15-19 seasons' experience in largest and best houses in

Louisiana, Cuba and California ; applicant is capWANTED one chief chemist ,two first-class su

able and a hard worker. Address, A. B. C., care

POSITION wanted by American sugar facgar-boilers for large central in Jamaica ; men must

The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet St., New have experience in Cuban factories; ' sugar-boil tory engineer; 15 years' experience ; Speaks Span. Orleans, La., U.S. Ar

Page 8

The New York Sugar Market.

latter ports were 47,811 tons, which compares with meltings of 33,000 tons, the stocks being

estimated at 53,150 tons. In other words, there (By: Special Telegram to The LOUISIANA | cally is centering about the prospects for tion, but owing to unequal distribution among

is just about enough sugar for a week's operaPLANTER, Thursday Night, August 1919 and now it is not generally believed refiners some have been compelled to close down 14, 1919.) that the next crop will be purchased by temporarily.

"Mixed conditions are reported in the do- NEW YORK, August 14, 1919.

the United States Equalization Board as
this Board ceases to exist at the end of Colorado report showers, but in Michigan a

mestic beet sugar situation. Nebraska and There is no change in the sugar situa

Cuban producers are likely to severe drought is drying up the beets. Wiscontion. The same scarcity is reported, with

prefer an open market though there is talk sin notes favorable conditions, but Wyoming the buyers willing to pay a premium on of selling through a central committee. In

needs more rain. California reports a second-hand sugars where available, but

favorable situation and harvesting is expected naturally there is a hesitancy on the part tain since the new crop is already sold to

any event higher prices are practically cer- to begin this week. of sellers to furnish such supplies because

“Commenting on the sugar situation, H. A. Europe at 6.50 f. o. b., with 7 cents pre

Himely, under date of July 28th, says: of the campaign against profiteering. Ardicted in the near future. Thre is some

" "The weather continues very rainy generally rivals of raw sugar at Atlantic ports this talk of a Cuban legislative action to stabi- the canes for next crop while quite the reverse

and consequently favorable for the growth of week were only thirty-eight thousand tons,

lize the situation, but this is hardly likely for the present crop of the ten central factories with meltings reduced to forty-six thousand tons, hence stocks are steadily depletto be to the disadvantage of the producers which are still grinding and which still have a

large acreage of cane unharvested.

In some strength. Sugar stocks in the face of the ing to less than one week's supply. An

parts of Oriente Province the rainfall has congeneral decline in securities are significant tinued to be less than it was a couple of weeks even poorer showing is anticipated progress of future possibilities. Earnings are likely ago, notwithstanding which Central Palma of sively until the end of the month. Sig

to be unprecedented despite the fact that that province closed down on the 25th inst. nificant in this regard are the exports from

on account of the excessive rain, having made the colonos are sure to demand their pound 256,540 bags of 325 pounds of sugar each, fallCuba to north of Hatteras, reaching only of flesh and higher costs generally. The ing short considerably of the 275,000 bags which nineteen thousand tons. The embargo beet outlook is improved, especially in

it expected to make. It has, however, made on export shipments is expected to continue

56,000 bags more than it did in the preceding Michigan where favorable rains are break- crop. Central Ciego de Avila has closed down, for the remainder of the month, and there

ing the previously existing drought. There having made 183,356 bags, against 150,000 bags are indications that it will possibly conis a good demand here for Louisiana sugar,

estimated. On the other hand Cacocum, which tinue beyond September the first despite the

expected to reach 60,000 bags, has been forced but little is reported available. Canadian by the heavy rains to close its crop with only eager inquiry from France and the remain

refineries have advanced their price some, 38,280 bags. der of Europe, where practically sugar fam-it now being 1 cent higher than in the


'Included in this week's exports are 2,240 ine conditions are prevailing. Interest lo- United States.

tons of Cardenas refined and 2,700 bags centri

fugals for Constantinople. THE NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET. sugar for domestic and manufacturing purposes,

A meeting was held recently in Camaguey both as to market prices, wholesale and retail; Province at which some 400 colonos, or caneMessrs. Lamborn & Co., sugar brokers, whether these prices are reasonable and the farmers, were present, and the sense of the 1:32 Front Street, New York, report that sugar amount of sugar now in the United States, both meeting was strongly in favor of placing the market, under date of August 8, 1919, for the raw and refined in the possession of sugar re- sale of all their next crop's sugars in the hands week then ending, as follows:

finers, wholesale dealers or in storage; said in- of a committee. A number of prominent mill "The sugar situation shows little change in vestigation to involve a report of supplies in owners are also in favor of this plan; it reits general aspect, there being the same urgent the possession of the United States, raw and mains to be seen whether a plan which will be demand from all quarters, with refiners a month refined, and the causes of the present sugar acceptable to all parties interested can be workscarcity.

ed out. Meantime there are rumors afloat to two months behind in shipments and little immediate prospect of improvement.

to the effect that negotiations are going on Unfor- “As regards the raw sugar situation, there tunately the arrivals of raws are below the is nothing new, Cubas being taken by refiners with a view to making a sale of the whole 1919

1920 crop

to representatives of the United recent level of meltings, compelling curtail- from the Equalization Board at 7.28 cents duty

States at a price higher than was fixed for ment of operations, and this condition is likely paid and Porto Ricos at the same price. More

the present crop. Presumably, now that the to continue until the latter part of the month, interest is reported in new crop sugars which retarling in turn replenishment of depleted do not come under control of the Board, though war is over, the consent of all Cuban sugar invisible supplies. there has been talk of action being taken to producers would be necessary in order to carry

out the sale and that would be difficult to ob"Naturally, the effect is to cause anxiety purchase the next crop. Offers are reported at

tain, even if an advance of 1/2c per pound over on the part of consumers who find themselves 6 3/8c to 61/2c f. o. b. Cuba, or a full cent

this year's price were offered.' limited in purchases to pressing requirements, above the present crop basis, and sales have and complaints are heard of inability to pre- taken place for January shipment at 61/1

"REFINED SUGAR, serve along normal lines, with the possibility cents f. o. b. Cuba, probably 25,000 bags.

"To comment on the refined sugar market is that considerable fruit may go to waste, though "New crop San Domingos are reported to to repeat our statements of the past few of course the high price of sugar would logically have been purchased for the account of Cana | weeks, there being absolutely no improvement operate in the same direction. Under the cir- dian refiners, according to the story, no fixed in the situation. Refiners are all out of the cumstances, it is readily understood that Wash- price being agreed on, but the sugars to be in market in the face of an active demand for ington is taking cognizance of the situation, voiced based on cost-and-freight price of new sugar, being moreover from a month to two particularly as regards profiteering, and the crop Cubas on day of arrival. Philippine su- months behind in deliveries, making the situausual investigation has been proposed.

Page 9

seasons chemical superintendent at l'sine Ste.

Sar. Madeline, Trinidad, West Indies, has returned to his home in New Orleans after having completed the regular sugar season on that island. Mr. Mestier is one of the many expert sugar

Inquiry from Manila for Sugar - Loud Clamor for Sugars - Imchemists that Louisiana furnishes every year

provements at Crockett Going Ahead Rapidly-Nevada's Only Sugar to the manufacturers of sugar in the American

Factory Abandoned tropics.

Mr. Louis Thomann, the well-known Louisiana sugar superintendent, has returned from Porto

SAN FRANCISCO, August 7, 1919. the earlier estimate of 120,000 tons and probRico with his family and is now in New Orleans

Judging from various reports from various su- ably exceed that amount. It is estimated that after completing the 1919 crop on that island.

gar interests hereabouts, it would seem the prin- the output of the factory, which is located in Vivien Gianelloni, of Burtville, La., sugar cipal concern of the trade at the present times is Betteravia, in Santa Barbara County, Cal., will manufacturing superintentent, left this week to supply the demand. Inquiries for refined sugar we 15,000 tons of sugar and may reach 16,500 for Central Teresa, Cuba, where he will be in are reported from far distant points. For in- tons. charge next season. Mr. Gianellino, for the stance, the general manager of a certain firm Beet harvesting in Ventura County, Cal., tribpast two years,

overseas in the United here showed a dispatch a few days ago from Ma- utary to the American Beet Sugar Company's States army.

nila asking whether his company could supply plant at Oxnard, started on August 4th, and Mr. Thomas A. Snow, superintendent of beet sugar in large quantities and at what the plant began grinding at the end of the Central Chaparra, Cuba, has returned to his price, adding that delivery could be made after week. While the tonnage in this district will home here., Mr. Snow usually takes off a crop the embargo against exporting had expired. IIe not be record-breaking, it is encouraging to the in Louisiana before going to Cuba, but he is was obliged to reply that the floating stock has growers and factory men that beets tested so doubtful as to whether he will take op any crop been entirely cleaned up here and there is abso-far have shown a high sugar percentage. The here next season.

lutely no beet sugar obtainable in this market. campaign will probably last 85 or 90 days.

Furthermore, this same firm reports having Advices have reached San Francisco that the SUGAR NOTES,

received within the last ten days cablegrams Nevada Sugar Company's holdings near Fallon, from the Orient seeking to purchase granulated Nev., have been sold to the Nevada Packing

Company and the plant will be dismantled of From Hawaii the interesting information sugar up to the amount of 50,000 tons. comes forth that the College of IIawaii is plan- It is pointed out that at the California & its sugar-making equipment. This is the only ning to give a fine course in sugar manufacture Hawaiian plant, at Crockett, Cal., some uneasi- sugar factory in the State of Nevada, it is unwhere the students will get practical experience. ness was felt early in the season because of the derstood, and its abandonment will , mean the The field and factory will come under their accumulation of raw sugar and rather light out- end of beet culture as an industry of that State observation. In suminer the students will work ward shipments of refined, whereas now the for the immediate future at least. with the planters, and, if all goes well, by situation is reversed, it being impossible to turn

BY-PASSED FLUE GAS CANE JUICE 1920 the college will rank as a university au- out the refined fast enough to fill orders. The

HEATER thorized by the Legislature. Hawaii has aimed following letter was sent out by this company to be progressive and has had the foremost work to its customers a few days ago : "The present A United States Patent has just issued to ers boosting for the industry.

heavy demand for sugar is taxing our manufac- Mr. J. 0. Frazier for a "By-Passed Flue Gas

turing facilities heavily and we are meeting with Cane (tubular) Juice Heater," ivith other naIowa is to have a second beet sugar factory. some difficulty in filling all orders promptly. I tional patents pending. The heater is espeIt will be located at Belmond. A temporary We are using and shall continue to use our best cially adapted to the heating vi raw cane and office building has been erected and the company endeavors, however, to ship our customers suf-beet juices and the base of heat supply is in will be known as the Iowa Valley Sugar Com- ficient supplies to take care of the legitimate waste furnace gases. The apparatus is placed pany. The sugar beets in this region have requirements of the trade, but it must be dis- in a by-pass of the regular gas passage, in been going to Mason City where the first fac- tinctly understood that

counte- order that normal furnace operation may not tory is located. A large acreage is assured. nance any more on the part of jobbers to ship be interfered with and the waste gases are dis

sugar to points outside of their regular terri. charged into the stack or into the open, by It would seem that lowa has prospects of tory. Activities of this kind would be regarded suitable draft stimulus. having three sugar factories. The factory :1 hy us as good cause for discontinuance of all The details of the apparatus cover a system Waverly is liable to be resurrected if some of shipments to the concern undertaking it. Out of dampers for application or withdrawal of the farmers can have their way. The repre- side of canners who naturally must be given the heat, which

are automatically operated sentatives of the Iowa Sugar Company are in preferential treatment during the season, all by the flow of liquor. The heater is also apterested in this move. The last active season orders will be filled in regular turn re- plicable in the vapor pipes of vacuum pans and of Waverly was in 1913-14. The factory has a ceived."

effects where considerable heat recovery is posslicing capacity of 300 tons per day. It was Preparations for increasing the facilities of sible with a corresponding diminution of conrun by a company of Bay City, Michigan, for the Crockett refinery are going forward without densing water required. seven years.

delay, orders baving been placed for some of the There is now building a 600-tons (cone per

additional machinery and equipment which will day) heater for regular sugar factory operaA report from New York says thal two be necessary to bring the capacity up to about tion in the approaching Louisiana campaign. seats on the New York Coffee and Sugar Ex-2,000 tons a day as contemplated. There was change recently sold at $6,250 and $6,050. much rejoicing around the plant this week when tains the monarchial name) of Germany re

The Reichsamt (the statistical office still rerespectively. George Dyer purchased the seat the announcement was made that a voluntary of Leon Pedron at the former price and B. R. increase in wages had been decided upon, where. / ports the following statistics relative to the Cabn purchased the seat of James Phyffe at by the entire force, including both workmen in

production of sugar in the country, including

factories, hectarage, etc. : the iatter figure. the refinery and office staff, would benefit.

1917/18: factories. 312; beets, d. cwt., 92,At the present time it is estimated that the

As there will be no Philippine raw sugars 299,388; hectares, 381.571: prod. per hectare, 89 plants turning out beet sugar in the United coming here next season, it is understood that 240: raw sugar, d. cwt., 15,410,615. States last year, will have 6 more

1916/17: factories, 316: beets, d. cwt., 9.3,to follow the Sugar Factors Company, Ltd., has arranged 707.770; hectares. 400,341 : prod. per hectare, suit. Two factories that did not work last year to supply the Western Sugar Refinery in this 239: ra'w .sugar, d. ewt., 15,379,297. will do so and four incomplete ones will march city with 100,000 tons of Hawaiian raw sugars.

1915/16: factories, 320: beets, d. cwt., 96,to the front line and do business. . The follow- the rest of its holdings going to Crockett, Cal. 251.076: hectares, 364.532: prod., per hectare, ing are the new factories : Sunnyside and Toppenish, in Washington; Rigby, Idaho; Gun- The Western plant has a capacity of about 264., raw sugar. d. ewt... 15, 15:3.164.

1914/15: factories, 3:33 : beets, d, cwt., 1.59,nison, Utah. Six plants will be idle, Waverly, | 700 tons a day. ,

615,179; hectares, 516,736; prod. per hectare, Iowa; Whitehall, Montana; Fallon, Nevada ; Lamar. Colorado; Chino, California and Santa

The Union Sugar Company started its sugar

293; raw sugar, d. cwt., 23,101,016.

1913/14: factories, 341; beets, d. cwt. 169,Ana, California. Utah' now has 18 factories making campaign this week, with the assur. 399,786; hectares, 532,813: prod. per hectare, and California 14, while Colorado has 16. ance that the crop of beets will at least equal 318; raw sugar, d. cwt., 27,158,701.

Page 10

amount of the Australian consumption. There No. 3 district, and .216 in No. 4 district. The

THE SUGAR MARKET. were over 4,000 farmers in Queensland, mostly sugar is to be taken as 94 net titre. small growers, who were handicapped when The estimated yield for 1919 is 170,000 tons,

(For the Week Ending August 15, 1919.) their efficiency was compared with growers in or a shortage of 100,000 tons, the consumption are sold for net cash. All other sugars are sold

(Ninety-six-test sugars, molasses and syrups Java and Hawaii, owing to their want of capi- being about 233,000 tons. The difference rep. for cash less 2 per cent.) tal. A good deal of agricultural machinery.resents the quantity raised in New South Wales.

Fine white granulated.

9c mostly from America, has come into use.

I’lantation granulated. Interesting evidence was given by William


Clarified- Choice white

8.8.70 James Short (general manager, government su

It is estimated that the American farmer has

Off white

8.700 gar mills), who stated that there were six gov

Choice yellow

8.70€ ernment mills. IIe could not say what share extracted 70 times as much potash from his fields

Prime yellow

8.50c the government authorities had in selecting the than he applied and fifteen times as much is

Off yellow

8.200 site for the central mills. The mills were washed away, and it is hoped that sooner or Seconds

First group

7.500 badly placed, no matter who had the selection later the American people will discover some

Second group

7с of the site. The government was responsible means of supplying their own needs on this line

Fourth group

6.700 for the site of the South Johnstone mill, but it as more and more are the beet fields dependent

Fifth group

6.50c a good supply of potash to restore the

Washed sugar was admitted now that the mill was not on the on

7.680 96-test sugar

7.28c best site. All the mills he was controlling now losses.


..nomipal were government central mills. He submitted a

The Formosa exports of sugar for the first statement showing that in his opinion the

THE NEW ORLEANS RICE MARKET. value of the Queensland raw mills and machin-kin. valued at 3,006,396 yen. In 1917 it was

ten months in 1918 amounted to 30,767, 151 ery was £1,300,000. He put the farm value

The rice market throughout the week has 133,038 kin valued at 14,951,699 ken. in 1916 the been quiet because of the lack of supplies. There down as £5,500,000, by which he meant 175,000 acres, at an average of £30 per acre, with in- figures stood at 107,862,801 valued at 10,950,690 is no question but that good rice coming in provements and plant, or, to put it in another ken. China and Hong Kong got nearly three would bring full prices if it was offered, but way, 4,400 farmers with an average value of quarters of this sugar in 1918, but in 1917 the lots thus far in have been too small to form £1,250, making £5,300,000. At July 1, 1918, British America got 46,502, +40 kin. Japan did any definite market and have been sold at high the amount advanced by the Treasury by way not get the quantities as she used to in the past prices, presumably rather for an advertisement of loan totaled £1,309,903/3/11, to which must and it would seem commercial relations with of the buyers and sellers than for any intrinsic be added temporary assistance amounting to China are the strongest yet in the history of value. On last Saturday the market was report£173,410/13/1, making a total of £1,573,313/17/. the sugar industry. Australia got 8,893,911 ed as “draggy" and with but little business done. of this amount there had been repaid £117,345- kin in 1917. Switzerland drew 7,778, 100 kin a small lot of Carolina rice, of the new crop, /7/11; leaving a balance of £1,155,968/9/1. in 1918.

was sold at $12.15 per barrel, otherwise the There were, however, various other ways in

market was without any quotable feature. Durwhich the Treasury was bound up in the in

Word comes from Yakima, Washington, that

ing the day Saturday no further business was

beet fields has been dustry, such as advances in land and invest- the blight reported on ments in railways in sugar districts, etc. With greatly exaggerated and that the foliage that reported, but some 1,600 packages of old rice

were received from the interior mills and conregard to the cost of labor, accepting Mulgrave seemed to be affected was simply struggling siderable quantities were expected during the Mill as an example of an economically managed through a droughty condition. The crops ac

present week. The general situation of the mill, the actual disbursement for labor per ton cording to Manager Nibley of the Utah-Idaho

rice crop then reported was that Louisiana in of cane crushed would be 9/. On tbe 1917| Company are going to be way ahead of last

prospects was leading all other rice-growing total Queensland crop this would total £1,- year and all the three Washington factories will states and that the Acadia rice planters ex200,000. To this should be added the labor cost be ready for operations in the fall.

pected for themselves a taree-million-dollar crop. of the raw product, which would add on the

('orcoran, California, the first sugar- On Monday, August 11th, trade was again re1917 crop a further £3,000,000, bringing the wages bill to over £4,000,000. This did not take beet factory to start operations, slicing having ported as very moderate, ivith sales of Honduin the wages manufacturing and repairing of been begun June 25th. The Spreckles factory. ras and Carolina at prices ranging from $12.36

at Manteca, in the lower valley near Stockton. to $12.40 per barrel of 162 pounds. Some Honmachinery in foundries, labor in railways serv

The latter factory began six weeks earlier this duras arrived and was held at $13 per barrel, ing the mill areas, etc. In the average cost

year than last year. The leaf-hopper has been but nc buyer was secured. So business in clean of manufacture of raw sugar Queensland com

On Tuespared favorably with some other countries. The having his annual hop in the lower part of the rice was reported from first-hand. control of the industry was in the hands of the valley and the sugar-makers are giving him the day, August 12th, in rough rice there was noth

ing doing whatever and in clean rice sales were Commonwealth, as the price of sugar was de "once over" before he can do it twice over. pendent upon the duty, which was in the Fed

making at all the way from 81/2 to 13 1/2

A chemist of note writes that nitrogen pro- cents per pound, according to quality, with the eral jurisdiction. The cane prices and wages duces the vigorous growth of a plant, phospho market quite strong. awards all hinged on the ability of the industry rus the solidity of the structure while the potash 13th, no sales were reported of rough rice, and

On Wednesday, August to pay the awards. He considered the price of gives it quality. This trinity of forces written the party holding Honduras at $13 had not sold sugar in Australia should be governed by the into all nature is especially true of sugar beets. it, the highest offer secured having been $12.40 cost of proruction, manufacture, and distribu

Each one of these elements plays a distinct role tion. It was evident from a perusal of the

per barrel.

On Thursday, August 11th, some and one

a substitute for the small sales of new rice were made at $12.57 central mill balance sheets that the industry

other. Potash is the great quality maker in could not stand any reduction in the present

to $12.67 1/2 per barrel of 162 pounds. The sugar beets. As it is quality the world is after party holding Ilonduras at $13 still beld the price of “raws."

in apples, in wines, in vegetables, in sugar-cane rice. The arrivals of new rough rice are fewer The Government Statistician has rendered a and beets, King Potash ought to be courted. A than was expected. return showing the results of the sugar season recent statement issued by an experiment station

The New York Rice Market, in the absence of 1918, as follows:

shows that in 1,000 pounds of oranges in Cali- of supplies, has simply been compelled to wait

fornia 2.11 pounds of potash were discovered, until rice reached it. Cultivated. Crushed. Cane, Sugar

Old rice was quoted : while in Florida there were 4.79 pounds of Domestic screenings, 81/2; second head, 9 Div. Acres Acres. Tops. Tons.

57,941 39,015 537,870 62,173 potash. Thus, Florida oranges are much sweeter cents; medium and fancy head, 14 cents; Japan 2.

62,103 43,361 602,147 69,232 than the California fruit, and largely because choice and fancy, 13 to 13 1/4; Blue Rose 3.

37,493 27,495 506,923 55,762 2,991 1,698 27.881 2,911

there is more potash in the soil. In the Cali- choice to fancy, 13 to 14 cents, and Rangoon
fornia oranges there was 1.83 pound of nitro-

12 1/2 cents, in bond. On Wednesday, August State ...,160,534 111,572 1,674,829 189,978 gen, while in the Florida oranges it was on 12.4 13th, the market was quoted firm, with prices

pound. Once again it was found that the sugar for some varieties bigber. In a general way the The total number of growers of 5 acres and produced from a given area with potash was market maintained the previous quotations. The

same conditions prevailed on Thursday, August was 4,145, which included 1,076 in No. 1,785 pounds, while the same area without pot-14th, and there has been no further change 1 district, 1,743 in No. 2 district, 1.113 in ash produced only 4,000 pounds of sugar. reported.

Page 11

engine. Specify constructor and other details, including price, place of shipment and date of delivery.

WANTED one chemist and one assistant chemist TANK CARS


EXPERIENCED plantation book-keeper-stenog: rapher, familiar with detail work, married. would

like to get in touch with firm which is in need
WANTED two chemists for a Cuban crop : please of a permanent man of this capacity; would like
address at once with references, "No. 8756," care place where can move family ; can furnish good
The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New reference and surety bond. Address, "D. C. S.," A second-hand 3-roll mill, Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-14-192224 General Taylor Street, New Orleans, La.. U. S. A.

8-13-19 WANTED a capable, energetic young man or

48" x 26" with or without good habits and a few years' experience as over. POSITION wanted as assistant chemist for com

sugar plantation, to take charge of a ing crop. Address, “Chemist,” 4903 Danneel St., 1,000-acre plantation; send references. Address, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-9-19 Bayou Teche," care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, LA., U. S. A A thoroughly experienced mercantile man, sugar

8-14-19 or cane weigher, desires a position, or as assistant

hook-keeper or time-keeper now or for the coming WANTED chief chemist for Cuban factory near season; can furnish A1 references. Address, P. Havana ; applicants state education, experience 0. Box 260, Kentwood, La., U. S. A. 8-8-19 and salary expected. Address, "Hershey Corp.." Prado 33, Havana, Cuba.

8-11-19 MANAGER-Advertiser, with many years' tropi

cal experience, desires administrative position on WANTED one assistant chemist for Cuban fac. sugar estate anywhere in West Indies, Central or

tory near Havana ; applicants state education, ex- South America: speaks Spanish fluently. can han- perience and salary expected. Address, "Hershey dle labor and always gets on well with foreigners ; Corp.," Prado 33, Havana, Cuba.

8-11-19 best references: nine years with present employers
in Cuba. Address "Esperanza," care Henry R.

WANTED a sugar-boiler ; one having refinery Teepe, 29 Broadway, New York City, U. Š. A.
experience. Salary $150 per month : send refer-

8-8-19 ences. B. H. Varnau, General Superintendent, Imperial Sugar Co., Sugar Land, Texas, U. S. A. MANAGER of a large sugar plantation in Mex- National Bank of Cuba, Room 316

HAVANA, CUBA 8-9-19 iro desires change; thoroughly experienced in all

field work; specialty opening up new forest lands WANTED an assistant sugar-maker. Address. in the tropics for cultivation ; perfect knowledge J. N. Curley, Opelousas, La., U. 8. A.

8-6-19 of Spanish ; wishes position as assistant manager
on large estate or field manager ; would consider

Do You Read
WANTED assistant superintendent by large ex- a good colono proposition ; highest references. Ad-
port and import house for sugar factory in Peru; dress. J. Dare Knight, Apartado 87, Puerto Mex.
two years' contract. Apply, giving full experience ico, Ver.

7-15-19 and references, to P. O. Box 286, New York, U. S. A. 7-31-19

the live stock and market paper of the WANTED chief chemist for coming Louisiana


Southeast? It covers all Southeastern live

stock markets each week and is the best campaign ; give references and salary expected. Ad

advertising medium for live stock breeders dress : "Town," care The Louisiana Planter, 407 35 SECOND HAND

in the whole Southeast. Send for a free Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

sample copy today.

Subscription Price: $1.00 Per Year in the Southeast for .

, care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street,

In First Class Condition

Special advertising rates to breeders on application New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 7-31-19

Address : Southern Scrap Material Co.

WANTED sugar-boilers for a factory in Central Bicnville and David Sts. NEW ORLEANS, LA.
America; makers of white and 96-test sugars ;

Record Building

Jacksonville, Florida must be competent at boiling-back molasses ; in answering please give references, salary desired

WANTED and age. The company will furnish all traveling expenses, board and lodging. Address, Superin- NAILING MACHINES


" tendent,” 3319 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La.,

7-30-19 U. S. A.

KENTUCKY FINE LIVE STOCK Doig or Morgan make; also all kinds of

WOOD BOX MACHINERY WANTED chief chemist and assistant for Cu-

FOR SALE ban factory : prefer college graduates; chief chem

Chas. N. Braun Machinery Co. ist should have considerable experience in cane

Mammoth Jacks and sugar factories and be a thorough chemist. Ad- 825 Calhoun St., Room 5 Fort Wayne, Ind., U.S A.

Saddle Stallions dress, "A. B.", care The Louisiana Planter, 407

Registered Hereford Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

and Holstein Cattle Tanks for Sale WANTED chief chemist, assistant chemists and

Berkshire and Duroc sugar-boilers for large Cuban factory; answer, Five new K. D. 15' in dia., 10' high, open

Hogs stating experience, references and salary expected.

Export Trade address, Superintendent,” Whitney Homestead; top. Immediate delivery. Cheap for cash.

Our Specialty Nahant, Mass., U. S. A.


LEWIS COLWELL WANTED expert tractor driver and repair man;

GILTNER BROS. good healthy location on Gulf coast in Cameron 1617 Conway Bldg.

Chicago, UI. Parish. Address, Chas. R. Abington, Grand Che

Cataloge in Spanish on Request EMINENCE, KY., U. S. A. nier, La., U. S. A.


Wanted to Purchase SITUATION WANTED

A position wanted as assistant superintendent

A small Dredging Outfit for dredging

FOR SALE or chief sugar-boiler by a man who has had wide

field ditches, 20 feet maximum width. experience in the tropical countries ; applicant a

Three 72x18 Return Tubular Boilers, 70— practical all-around sugar-house man, with expe

4" tubes; eye beam supports at each end; rience in both cane and beet sugar factories; will.

built by J. H. Murphy, New Orleans, La., ing to go anywhere and speaks French and Span- P. O. Box 972

Franklin, La. 1911. Thoroughly repaired; good for ish; can furnish first-class references. Address,

130 lbs. working pressure. "D. C. Gloreyette," P. 0. Delhi, Cal., U. S. A.

PRICE, $800.00 EACH. 8-15-19

Two 72x18 Return Tubular Boilers, 72– POSITION wanted as first-class sugar-maker :

4" tubes ; eye beam support at each end. best of references given. Address, "Frank Leiser,"

Built by Erie Boiler Works. Good for 110 310 N. Dupre Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

lbs, working pressure.

PRICE, $ 650.00 EACH. EXPERIENCED sugar chemist wants position for coming tropical crop. Address, "Chemical En.

Address “W”

THE A. MORESI CO., Ltd. gineer," 1800 Dryades Street, New Orleans, La.. I. S. A.

Jeanerette, La. 8-14-19 Care of The Louisiana Planter

Wanted to Buy 8-15-19 A 40-ft. boom Steam Derrick

Page 12

vears. Both will return to Rio Cauto about

September 1st.
The Louisiana Planter Alucays Prints It First.

THE PLANTER is in receipt of a communication advising us of the recurn to the United

States of Captain E. N. C. Rogers, who arrived Crop Looks Better-Labor Outlcok Improved, Mr. Dickson Goes

in New York on the Steamship "Northern Pato Chicago--Experiments With Tractors-Shadyside Will Not Oper

cific" this week. Mr. Rogers is a aprominent ate-Norit People May Build Plant in Louisiana-Resolutions Ask

sugar distribution expert and was a visitor to ing Removal of Price Restrictions Adopted by Sugar and Molasses

Louisiana in 1917, at which time he visited

the big Chalmette refinery and other interesting Distributors—Heaslip Sugar and Molasses Co. Fails

sugar sights in this State. While "over there" he

toured the devastated areas between Amiens and There is a better feeling all around in the durability of the tractor which is the economy Laon behind the famous Hindenburg line, and Louisiana sugar district this week; not that feature of tractor use.

visited several of the ruined sugar factories the prospects for the next •rop have shown

Sales of paper barrel liners this year will that were located in that section. any increase with regard to the probable out. hardly run more than one-fourth of last year's The Sugar and Molasses Distributors' Assoturn of sugar in this State this fall, but rather sales of these articles. This is said authori- ciation of which B. C. Perkins is president, from the standpoint of progress in growth and tatively to be the smallest sales of liners since adopted the following resolutions at a meeting in some sections wonderful showings have been 1912 and the same figures would apply equally held on August 20th, in New Orleans : made in this particular within the past several as well to barrels-sugar, syrup and molasses. "WHEREAS the period of war emergency has weeks. . A study of the weather reports from

A contract for the sale of 193 acres of sugar ceased to exist and restrictions placed upon the the angle of rainfall during the last two lands one mile north of Whitecastle has been distribution of commodities by the Food Admonths in the sugar parishes of Louisiana made by Charles E. Landry to Ulysse LeBlanc, ministration have been removed from everyshould surprise most people who have been in the price to be paid being $30,000. Another thing else but sugar and the governmental reguclined to believe that there has been an undue sale of 160 acres, two miles west of White-lation of sugar distribution has proved detriprecipitation during that period. On the con- castle was made last week by L. M. Soniat, mental to the best interests of all those identitrary, the excess precipitation has not been had

planter and sugar manufacturer of Dorceyville, fied with the industry; and, whilst the thermometer has been almost con

to Ernest Barbier at $160 per acre. Both tracts stantly at most satisfying warm levels. The

"WHEREAS the United States Tariff Comare high and dry lands and among the finest in mission has recently reported, after careful inblow to the 1919 crop was struck in the endthe State for sugar purposes.

vestigation, that the domestic sugar producers less wet days of the last grinding and the early

Shadyside factory, located between Patter- have not been benefited by reason of so-called spring of this year. There has been a steady

son and Franklin, in St. Mary Parish, will war-time prices; and, improvement in the labor situation obtaining

'It has not yet been in the sugar parishes since almost three months not operate next season.

"WHEREAS the restrictions placed on the now and the riots of the Eastern and Middle decided where the cane of Shadyside will go. price and distribution of sugar has been unWestern cities are expected to bring back the It is thought that it will go to the Sterling fac- fair in that it partook of the character of class negro laborers to the South, who will come to tory of Mr. Williams at Franklin, but other legislation; and, realize, if they have not already done so, that plants are bidding for it and it is possible that

"WHEREAS the coming Louisiana sugar crop one of these other bidders wll finally get the will be very short and consequently a very exthe best place for them is the South.

Shadyside tonnage. This is perhaps the larg- pensive one from the standpoint of the proThe proposal of Mr. E. F. Dickinson, one est Louisiana factory yet to announce that it

ducer; of the most active sugar district thinkers, to will be closed down because of scant tonnage.

and, go to Chicago and take steps to tell the negroes

"WHEREAS the cost of distribution has great

The Victoria factory of the Danos, located ly increased owing to the higher costs of late; that they are welcome again in the Louisiana

across the Bayou Teche from Patterson, will canefields, has resulted in the sending of a com

therefore, make syrup exclusively next season. mittee to Chicago of which Mr. Dickinson is

"Be It Resolved, by the Sugar and Molasses

An amendment to the charter of the Penick chairman, and good results are expected of this Molasses and Syrup Company, Inc., just filed

Distributors' Association, in meeting assembled, action. One of the largest planters in the State at New Orleans, would seem to indicate that

That Congress be petitioned to remove all resaid Thursday that the labor outlook was get this concern, first formed apparently for the

strictions on sugar as soon as possible, and that ting better every day. distribution of cane products alone, now

Louisiana's Senators and Representatives be

urged to oppose an extension of such regulaAt this time cane with eight and nine joints templates engaging in cane planting and manuis to be seen almost everywhere, and, what is facturing in the Louisiana sugar district. The tions after the formal conclusion of peace or the out of the ground is growing splendidly. Of same interests that own Penick & Ford, Inc., enactment of any new legislation; and,

"Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of these course the weather cannot increase the number are the owners of the newer corporation which,

resolutions be forwarded to our Senators and of stalks in the fields, it is too late for that, however, is not as heavily capitalized as Penick

Representatives and a copy furnished the press." but it can help considerably to make better & Ford, Inc. cane out of that which is already up. “There

C. Del Kemper, general manager of the big

The affairs of the Heaslip Sugar & Molasses is decidedly more hopefulness among the cane

Co., Inc., have been placed in the hands of a

Stirling sugar factory and refinery of the growers now," said a prominent sugar asso- liams, at Franklin, is now on his way to New committee of creditors composed of R. G. Bush, ciation man Thursday. This authority said York to close a

Frank Barker and J. A. Bousquet. The assets

contract with the General that he had received stalks of cane from Pointe Norit Company of Amsterdam, Holland, with have been figured by some at not more than Coupee that were surprisingly fine. Some of branch offices in New York, for the use of “Xo

$200,000, with the liabilities approximately the stalks had as much as 11 joints and the rit," the sugar refining agent, at their factory $400,000. The committee of creditors are enrest 8 and 9 joints each. in the coming season. The Yorit Company

deavoring to wind up the affairs of the Heaslip

corporation out of court. This company is Although the present crop is not an ideal one will, according to the preliminary understanding. for tractor experiments, such experiments are, build a plant at Franklin. "Vorit” is a regetable engaged in the sugar, molasses and syrup dis

tributing business at New Orleans. nevertheless, now being carried out at Jeaner- decolorizing agent for sugar obtained from seaette and around Houma and at other places. weed, and is said to have been very successful Mr. J. B. Bassich, secretary-treasurer of the There is a very widespread interest in the trac. whererer used. It is reported that the contract, Heaslip Molasses Company, said late Thursday tor for use on the sugar plantations, but none if signed, will run for a period of four years. that if the liquidation of the Heaslip affairs of those now available have been found well Mr. F. P. Breneman, superintendent of the was carried out gradually the creditors would enough adapted for such use as yet. One trac-Rio Cauto factory in Cuba, is now back in realize full value on their claims. Ile denied tor now being tried out in St. Mary it is New Orleans after completing the crop there. the accuracy of earlier reports that the assets thought will fully meet all requirements, the He was accompanied home by his assistant E. would not reach one-half of the debts of the only difficulty being a fear that its construc- .1. O'Brien of Rhoda, La. Mr. O'Brien was

Huge unsold stocks of molasses are tion will not be strong enough to make for the in the l'nited States Army overseas for two given as the cause of the 'ollapse.

Page 13

these points as centers or bring in more for

Hawaiian Letter. the other plantations. Similar insects have been found to fly long distances, and it may be that

The Louisiana Planter Always Prints It First. the Cuban parasite will become established at places many miles from the three centers. (If

Stock Market Center of Interest-Japan Scrambles for Sugar-Ba. the fields at Audubon Park are included, there are really four centers.)

gasse Paper Plant at Olaa Works Well-Profit Sharing Plan OfferAt the Park it is intended to use the green

ed Cane Growers by C. Brewer & Co.-Mr. Weinzheimer Goes to house again this winter, so that if the parasite

Philippines is killed in the open air there will be a chance of it living through the winter in the heated cages.

HONOLULU, August 1, 1919. these two small shipments of sugar are the On the whole, the status of the work is much

Sugar stock sales during the week ending first which have left here for Japan in years, better at present than it was a year ago, when July 26th exceeded the high record set the pre- as Japan has heretofore purchased most of her it was started unexpectedly and without ade- | vious week both in the number of shares nego- sugar either in the Philippines, Shanghai or quate equipment, and we hope to get promising tiated and in the cash total of transactions. List. Hongkong. This year, however, a world shortresults on the plantations before the end of the ed stocks amounting to 46,202 shares changed age of sugar exists, so Japanese firms are cabyear.

hands, while the street sales and transfers of ling all over the world, and particularly to Respectfully submitted,

unlisted securities brolight the grand total to Honolulu, to their agents, to buy all the sugar T. E. HOLLOWAY, a figure in excess of 60,000 shares. San Fran- in Hawaii they can get.

Some concerns are Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, cisco once more set the pace in the matter declining to sell sugar unless they know it will New Orleans, La., August 13, 1919. of prices, and made heavy calls for Hawaiian be consumed in the islands and not shipped

Commercial, Oahu, Ewa, Waialua, Olaa and away, and some have only enough to last them THE DANGER OF BOILER SCALE.

McBryde, as well as demands for Hawaiian until the new crop comes in.
Sugar, Pioneer and a number of others. There

The present estimate of the 1919 outturn of Boiler scale is highly dangerous, for when seemed also, to be more interest shown by local

sugar in Hawaii, which is subject to ever it accumulates to any great extent at a

investors than during the preceding week, due changes while the mills are completing their part of the shell or tubes exposed to high tem- probably to the improved prospects for higher grinding, is 578,000 short tons, or approximately peratures, it prevents the cooling action of sugar in 1920 and generally satisfactory re- 1,000 tons less than two weeks ago. Up to June the water from protecting the metal against ports from the plantations concerning next 30th a total of 373,000 tons had been shipped, burning. The plates frequently become overyears cane crop.

and since that date an additional 61,000 tons heated to such an extent as to bag or crack. During the week ending July 19th the stock have gone forward, leaving 141,000 tons still to This is a common source of boiler leaks and of market was the center of business interest, and be accounted for. The total refining output is boiler explosions.

large transactions and quick deals must have now estimated at 22.000 tons, bringing the Boiler cleaning is usually considered a diffi- caused the street to think of the “good times" total output of sugar for the islands up to apcult and costly job, involving several days' time

before the war. On Monday prices stiffened to proximately 600,000 short tons for the year. Of and during which the boiler is out of service. an active market, and reports from San Fran- the sugar shipped during July, 53,000 tons However, boiler cleaning by proper methods will cisco that night and the following morning served were by the Sugar Factors Company, and 11,000 more than pay for itself in decreased coal con

to create considerable excitement, with the re- tons outside. 33,000 tons going through the sumption. A little booklet "Graphite for the sult that there was considerable heavy buying Canal to Eastern refineries, and 31,000 tons Boiler," issued by the Joseph Dixon Crucible and selling on Tuesday. Wednesday opened to New York, Company; Jersey City, N. J., tells how Dixon's with figures firmer than they had been since

Weather conditions throughout the islands Pioneer Boiler Graphite aids in the removal of

1917. Then followed a smooth, easy-running have been excellent during the last two weeks boiler scale-makes it an easy job.

boom in sugar stocks. In the first instance. for harvesting, and no extraordinary conditions The booklet reviews the scale question in a

the activity was precipitated by San Francisco's have prevailed anywhere, according to reports common sense manner. No claims are made demands for sugar stock. The second phase received in Honolulu. Young cane is not suf

to entire prevention of scale through the was a report that the Government would posi- fering, but more water in some of the districts use of boiler graphite. The feature empha- tively abandon sugar control on September 30th. might help. The Olaa drought is apparently sized is the ability of this material to mix with It now appears to be admitted generally that as broken, and the cane throughout the Hilo and the scale-forming elements thrown down from soon

as the fixed figure is off, sugar will go Puna districts is reported to be in good conthe feed water and to prevent the scale from higher, so that investors and speculators as well aition. Maui and Kauai have had light rains becoming hard and baking fast to the metal sur- begin to have hopes of 8 and 9 cents for Ha- in some localities, while in Hamakua, Kona and faces. The action of Dixon's Boiler Graphite is waii's product.

Kau conditions have been rather too dry for purely mechanical; the absence of active chemi

One of the features of the boom has been the best results. cal reagents within the boiler insures long the attempts by Japan and Manila to secure

Recent visitors to the Olaa plantation found life to metal, packing and fittings.

Hawaiian sugar. From Yokohama, Tokyo, Kobe the new bagasse paper plant to be working perThe manufacturers will send a copy of this and the Philippines have come messages seeking fectly. Not only is mulching paper for the booklet to any one interested and asking then either raw or refined in this market, and thr cane fields being turned out, but Manager Eckfor it. Address, Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., purchase by Japan of 500 tons of refined from art is now certain of being able to produce comJersey City, New Jersey, U. S. A.

the San Carlos Milling Co. indicates the ex- mercial papers in quantities. When the mulch

tent to which buyers in that country are will-paper is taken off the fields it is found that the A new sugar association has been organized ing to go. But it is reported now that the at weeds underneath have been successfully smothin London known as The Empire Sugar Re-itempts of Japanese firms to buy sugar in Hono- ered. The strong shoots of cane, on the other search Association, the purpose of which is to i lulu have met with but little success. The hand, work through the paper without trouble. increase the production of sugar to increase steamer Anyo Maru, which sailed recently Inasmuch as the expense of weeding at Olaa the efficiency in sugar manufacture within the for Yokohama, carried one shipment of five tons. is a large item, the saving to the plantation empire. The prospectus says that the interested consigned by a local concern to a firm in Kobe. will be very large. ones want to put the sugar industry in such a The local firm sought 50 tons but was able to The C. Brewer & Co. plantations on the place that it will have as good a standing "in get only five, and paid nine and one-half cents a Island of Hawaii will, in the future, offer this branch of applied science as Germany and pound for it. This is rather high, as local gro- what amounts to profit-sharing contracts to the the United States.” Sir George Sutherland, a cery houses, when bids were opened July 14t) independent growers of cane, thus making an man of wide experience in India, has been to supply the army commissary with sugar. entirely new departure in the history of sugar made chairman of the new association which offered to sell the army all its needs for 8.93 raising in the territory. The plan, according to promises some aggressive moves for this indus- Inents a pound for August delivery. One other a recent announcement, is that the company try that has somehow gone by the board to a ! firm secured three tons from local dealers and shall pay the producers a certain basic rate for degree in the counsels of the Britishers.

Page 14


S['GAR-BOILER desires position anywhere in CHEMIST, with six years' experience in sugar the tropics ; applicant familiar with all grades of and industrial work desires position in tropics or

sugars and the working back boiling of molasses, Louisiana ; best of references furnished. Address, We will publish in this column, free of charge etc.; also familiar with Spanish, and can furnish J. B. L.," P. 0. Box 1192, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, uti further notice, the applications of all man. best of references. Address, John C. Bourne, cr. U. S. A.

7-31-19 gora, overseers, chemists, sugar-makers and others Anaheim Sugar ('0., Anaheim, Cal., U'. S. A. 8-19-19 who may be seeking positions, and also the wants of planters and sugar manufacturers desiring to SUPERINTENDENT-CHEMIST wishes position

COLLEGE graduate in science, with one year's employ any of these.

for the coming Louisiana crop ; applicant las had experience in beet sugar manufacturing plant as These advertisements will be inserted until they experience in the two largest factories in Cuba chemist; would like a similar position in some are pushed out at the bottom of the column by and several seasons' experience in Louisiana both

cane mill for next crop; will go anywhere. Adche influx of new advertisements at the top. Any with raw and plantation granulated sugars; good dress, “R. C. Owens," Loup City, Nebr., U. S. advertiser may have his advertisement re-inserted references; competent and a hard worker.

7-30-19 laew, however, if he will write it out again and dress, X. Y. Z., Box 1073, Shreveport, La., U. send it in to as.



SUGAR mill foreman desires position for next We cannot undertake to forward by mall replles

Address, "A. Hoffman," 637 Decatur St., to the advertisements in this column, even though ADMINISTRATOR--Live-wire American, 43 New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 postage be supplied, and to secure publication in

years of age, exemplary habits, capable and expe. who issue of the succeeding Saturday, they must rienced manager Cuban sugar mill and plantation,

A sugar-maker, with twenty-five years' experireacht not later than Thursday morning of desires connection either as manager or assistant mach week anywhere in the tropics. Address, “Manager." P'.

ence, who can handle crystallizer sugars to perO, Box 164, Santiago, Cuba.

8-19-19 fection, desires position; will go to tropics, if de

sirable : is 45 years of age; competent and willing HELP WANTED A first-class sugar-boiler desires position in the

to work. Address, “M. Philips," General Delivtropics for the coming season; bave had twelve ery, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 years' experience in refineries and beet sugar WANTED two A1 sugar weighers for this houses; am thoroughly acquainted with the boiling

POSITNON wanted as chemist and superintendyear's Louisiana crop; furnish references with

of low-grade goods. applications ; only men need apply. Address, c.

Address, H. Krahling, Huntent of fabrication in tropics; has had experience ington Beach, Cal., U. S. A.

8-19-19 in Louisiana, Cuba and Porto Rico; excellent ref. Lagarde Co., Ltd., Thibodaux, La.. l'. S. A.

erences. Address, “Chemist," P. 0. Box 604, Pla8-19-19 „AN American, graduate of America nuniversi. quemine, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 ties and European sugar schools, wishes & permaWANTED two chemists for a Cuban crop : please nent position in South or Central America ; sev

POSITION is desired for next campaign by address at once with references, "No. 8756," care eral years' experience in beet sugar as chif. con- sugar-maker and chemist, who has been for years The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New trol and research chemist, also superintendent; one in charge of tropical factories in Mexico, Central Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-14-19 year in Cuba ; mechanical engineer familiar with America, etc. ; familiar with manufacturing either

construction and repairs ; speaks French and Ger. white or 96-test sugar : also expert in the distillaWANTED a capable, energetic young man or man fluently, some Spanish ; sober and industrious. tion of molasses. Address, P. O. Box 183, New good habits and a few years' experience as over- Btst references. Send full particulars in first let Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-26-19 seer on a sugar plantation, to take charge of a ter. Address, G. C., 180 Sherman Street, Portland, 1.000-acre plantation; send references. Adcress, Oregon, U. S. A.

7-16-19 CHIEF chemist, who has had long experience *Bayou Teche," care The Louisiana Planter, 407

in Cuba and Louisiana and who speaks both SpanCarondelet Street, New Orleans, La.. U. S. A A position wanted as assistant superintendent ish and English, desires position in Cuba for


or chief sugar-boiler by a man who has had wide coming campaign. Address, 7806 Jeanerette St., experience in the tropical countries; applicant a

New Orleans, La., U. S A.

7-23-19 WANTED chief chemist for Cuban factory near practical all-around sugar-house man, with expeHavana; applicants state education, experience rience in both cane and beet sugar factories : will

A first-class and long-experienced sugar-boiler and salary expected. Address, "Hershey Corp.." ing to go anywhere and speaks French and Span is available for position. Address, Jas. G. FranPrado 33, Havana, Cuba.

8-11-19 ish; can furnish first-class references. Address, cis, 2018 Division Street, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. "D. C. Gloreyette," P. 0. Delhi, Cal., U. S. A. A.


8-15-19 WANTED one assistant chemist for Cuban factory near Havana; applicants state education. ex

WANTED position as assistant chemist for the

POSITION wanted first-class sugar-maker : coming sugar crop ; two years' experience at Sterperience and salary expected. Address, "Hershey Corp.," Prado 33, Havana, Cuba.

Address, “Frank Leiser," ling Sugar Company and 8-11-19

best of references given.

one year at Ermita, 310 N. Dupre Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. Cuba.

Address, Guy L. Leefe, 201 So. Pierce WANTED a sugar-boiler; one having refinery

8-15-19 Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-23-19 experience. Salary $150 per month : send refer.

B. ences. H. Varnau, General Superintendent,

EXPERIENCED sugar chemist wants position WANTED two experienced steffen house fore. Imperial Sugar Co., Sugar Land, Texas, U. S. A.

for coming tropical crop. Address, "Chemical En- men for Colorado factory; year around position ; 8-9-19 gineer," 1800 Dryades Street, New Orleans, La detailed information will be furnished on applicaU. S. A.

8-14-19 tion. Address, Great Western Sugar Company, WANTED an assistant sugar-maker. Address,

Sugar Building, Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. 7-22-19 J. N. Curley, Opelousas, La., U. S. A.


EXPERIENCED plantation book-keeper-stenog:

rapher, familiar with detail work, married, would WANTED plantation blacksmith and wheel. WANTED assistant superintendent by large ex- like to get in touch with firm which is in need wright; man with family preferred; white port and import house for sugar factory in Peru: of a permanent, man of this capacity, would like colored : must be well recommended; state wages two years' contract. Apply, giving full experience place where can move family ; can furnish good expected in first letter. Address, G. W. Sen

reference and surety bond. Address, “D. C. S.," tell, Bunkie, La., U. S. A. and references, to P. O. Box 286, New York, U.

7-16-19 S. A.

7-31-19 2224 General Taylor Street, New Orleans, La.. U. S. A.

8-13-19 MANAGER of a large sugar plantation in MerWANTED chief chemist for coming Louisiana

ico desires change; thoroughly experienced in all

POSITION wanted as assistant chemist for comcampaign : give references and salary expected. Ad

field work ; specialty opening up new forest lands dress : "Town,” care The Louisiană Planter, 407 | ing crop. Address, "Chemist," 4903 Danneel St., in the tropics for cultivation ; perfect knowledge Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-9-19 of Spanish ; wishes position as assistant manager

on large estate or field manager ; would consider WANTED one chemist and one assistant chemist A thoroughly experienced mercantile man, sugar a good colono proposition ; highest references. Adfor the Louisiana crop. Address "Table,"

or cane weigher, desires a position, or as assistant dress, J. Dare Knight, Apartado 87, Puerto MexThe Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, book-keeper or time-keeper now or for the coming ico, Ver.

7-15-19 New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-31-19 season; can furnish Ai references. Address, P.

0. Box 260, Kentwood, La., U. S. A. 8-8-19 WANTED chief engineer who can speak Spanish WANTED sugar-boilers for a factory in Central

and handle Spanish labor for a 1,000-ton factory America; makers of white and 96-test sugars ;

MANAGER-Advertiser, with many years' tropi- at Guantanamo, Cuba. Reply. stating salary remust be competent at boiling-back molasses; in cal experience, desires administrative position on quired,, to E. W. Barron, 745 University, Ave. answering please give references, salary desired sugar estate anywhere in West Indies. Central or Boulder, Colo., v. s. A.

7-15-19 and age.

The company will furnish all traveling South America : speaks Spanish fluently, can hanexpenses, board_and lodging. Address, “Superin. dle labor and always gets on well with foreigners : WANTED expert sugar mill

manager to tendent," 3319 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La.. best references: nine years with present employers superintend the construction and operation of a U. S. A.

7-30-19 in Cuba.

Address "Esperanza," care Henry R. large beet sugar mill in Spain ; expert knowledge Teepe, 29 Broadway, New York City, U. S. A.

of modern American machinery necessary : state WANTED chief chemist and assistant for Cu

8-8-19 experience and give reference; knowledge of Spanban factory; prefer college graduates; chief chem

ish language preferable. Address, Manuel Caragol ist should have considerable experience in cane- POSITION wanted by young married man & Son., Inc., 127 Water St., New York, N. Y., U. sugar factories and be a thorough chemist. Adchief chemist or assistant superintendent for com- S. A.

7.15-19 dress, "A. B.", care The Louisiana Planter. 407 ing tropical crop : four years' experience; can fur· Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. nish Al references. Address, T. D., care, The WANTED one chief chemist ,two first-class su

Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Or: gar-boilers for large central in Jamaica ; men must WANTED expert tractor driver and repair man; 1 leans, La., U. S. A.

8-6-19 have experience in Cuban factories; sugar-boil. good healthy location on Gulf coast in Cameron

ers must be god a tboiling low-grade crystallizer Parish. Address, Chas. R. Abington, Grand Che. YOUNG married man desires position as chem- massecuties as is practiced in Cuba ; state experiaier, La., U. S. A.

7-23-19 ist for coming tropical campaign: can furnish best ence and salary requirements. Address, Suprinof references ; four years' experience. Address, J. tndnt, Hays, Jamaica, B. W. I.

7-7-19 B., care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet SITUATION WANTED Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-6-19 MARRIED man, age 32, would like to get in touch with some

firm who will need a good POSITION wanted as chief engineer or master

POSITION wanted by an experienced sugar-all around man about November 1st; understands mechanic in Cuba, the tropics or Louisiana, by boiler for Louisiana crop_-either head or assistant; general merchandise business ; also, is book-keeper young sugar-house and refining engineer ; ten

Page 15

nos were to be paid for their cane, a dispute

which lasted during practically the entire crop, The Louisiana Planter Alucays Prints It First.

has finally been settled. The colonos named President Menocal as arbitrator, and he turned

the matter over to the Department of AgriculMuch Cane Left Unground-Cane Far Advanced in Growth-Value

ture for solution. The department has fixed of Current Crop Estimated at $457,304,000- New Sugar Company

a price of 4.85 cents a pound for the sugar Organized in Santa Clara-Colonos Complain Because of Unground

produced from cane supplied during 1918-19,

and this figure has been accepted by the colonos. Cane-Association of Sugar Producers and Cane Growers Success

It is estimated that some 20,000,000 arrobas fully Formed-Large Quantity of Santa Lucia's 1920 Output Re

250,000 tons) of cane were left unground this ported Sold at Seven Cents

year by the Centrals in the Province of Pinar

del Rio, and to prevent the recurrence of this OFFICE OF THE LOUISIANA PLANTER, | -3 1/2 cents f. o. b. Cuba, is in round numbers, in so far as possible, the colonos of the ProvLONJA DEL COMERCIO 415, $157,301,000.

ince who suffered these losses and whose holdHAVANA, August 22, 1919. Receipts of sugar at the ports for the past ings are along the line of the Western Railroad, Central Preston of the United Fruit Com- week amounted to 24,787 tons. Exportation in- met in Artemisa a short time ago to discuss pany, at Preston, Province of Oriente, has shut creased considerably over that of the previous the best method of preventing this. Some of down, producing 307,755 bags of sugar against week. a total of 77,210 tons baving been ship- the colonos blamed the centrals for contracting an estimated output of 359,000 bags. Central ped from the Cuban ports: 47,768 tons of this for more cane than they could grind and then Preston did not start to grind until the 1st were exported to the three ports north of Hat- not living up to their contracts, while others of February and has shut down a full month teras. 8,464 tons to New Orleans, 3,139 tons blamed the railroad for their trouble, claiming earlier this year than it has done in the three to Savannah, 1.129 tons to interior points of that the excessive rates charged for transporprevious crops, so in producing the 307,755 bags the United States, 12.250 tons to France, 1,474 tation of cane prevented them from shipping to of sugar in this time, it has done very well in- tons to Spain, and 2,957 tons to other European other centrals where the cane could have been deed. Centrals Baguanos, Boston, Delicias and countries. The total exportation of 1918-19 ground. It was decided to ask the centrals to Santa Lucia are now the only four factories sugar amounts to 2.589,136 tons, prac

estimate more exactly the amount of cane they still grinding. Twice this number of centrals tically 100,000 tons

could handle during the coming crop, and also more than were shipped

to ask for a reduction in transportation rates, were grinding at this time in 1918, and at the at this date last year. same time in 1917, ten factories were still at

so that in the event of any one Central conWe hare received a letter from Senor Belar

tracting for more work. mino Fernandez Fierros of Fomento, Province the cane might be sent to other mills at a profit.

cane than it could grind, Large amounts of cane have been left un- of Santa Clara, informing is of the organi- It seems to us that tractors for hauling cane ground at many of the centrals, particularly at zation of the Compania Azucarera Naranjal, S. could be used to advantage to relieve such a those in the extreme eastern and western prov- A., of which he is president, in Fomento on situation, for there are good roads in the Provinces. This will enable them to start early this August 4th of this year. The company is capi-ing of Pinar del Rio, and there is certainly no year under more favorable conditions than would talized at $600,000 and will engage in sugar need for the colonos to be left with such large be the case had all the available cane been production. The officers of the company are

amounts of cane in their fields when such ground.

Sr. Belarmino' Fernandez Fierros, president; transportation could undoubtedly be used and Moderate rains have fallen during the week Dr. Jorge L. Besada, secretary, and Senor Mi- used profitably. which have still further favored the growth guel Jiminez Rojas, treasurer. Its directors

The Association of Sugar Producers and Cane of the cane. From many parts of the island are made up of Senores Belarmino Fernandez

Growers of Cuba was officially constituted reports have come in to the effect that the cane Fierros, Angel Alvarez Ulacia, Dr. Francisco has already attained the same growth this year Salas Campoy, Jose Benito Labrador, Anselmo yesterday afternoon at an enthusiastic meeting

of sugar producers and cane growers, held in that it had in the month of October of last Otero and Jose Silvestre Rios.

the building of the Asociacion de Dependientes year, which is most encouraging to the producers These gentlemen recently bought Central Sanin view of the desirability of an early start be- tissima Trinidad, located at Lajas, Province of dusers and cane growers from every province

Sugar pro

on Prado, and Trocadero Street. ing made to help supply the increased demand Santa Clara, from the Ulacia Brothers, and of the island were present, and the meeting was for sugar. With the necessity for greater pro- will move it to Naranjal, Santa Clara, in the the largest and most successful one ever held duction in Cuba comes the certainty of better municipal district of Trinidad. The central

here. prices, and the prospects for 1919-1920 grow will grind in its new location by the end of brighter every day. February, 1920, and its first crop is expected to

Long before the time set for the opening of

the meeting, sugar producers and cane growers It is somewhat doubtful now whether the be 30,000 bags of sugar. The new Trinidad

made their appearance at the appointed spot estimated 4,010,000 ton sugar crop in Cuba this railroad has opened up a large amount of teiriyear will be realized. However, if there is a tory in that section of Santa Clara Province, to talk over the organization of the association

informally. By the time the meeting was called shortage, it will be a very small one; 3,616,088 which, while not virgin land by any

to order, at about 3 o'clock, the large ballroom tons of sugar have been received at all ports of bas only been accessible by roads.

of the Asociacion de Dependientes was filled the island to date. Future production at the

Central Santissima Trinidad was sold in May,

to overflowing. four centrals which are still grinding with stocks 1918. just after its crop had been completed.

Sr. Alejo Carreno, to whose efforts the organiof sugar still in the warehouses of those which to the Ulacia Brothers by the Ajuria Brothers. have shut down will hardly bring the total to who had owned it for years. The Central Ula- zation owes its existence, presided at the meetmore than 3,963,000 tons of sugar, which would

cia at Rodrigo, Province of Santa Clara, prop-ing, Sr. Joaquin Guma acting as secretary. The make the crop some 42.000 tons short of the erty of the Ulacia Brothers. had capacity to resolutions adopted at the previous meeting of estimate. Taking Mr. Ilimely's figures for pro

handle all of Santissima Trinidad's cane in ad- the sugar producers, already reported in THE duction by provinces, we have:

dition to its own, and we understood at the LOUISIANA PLANTER, were read, as well as the

time the sale was made that it was the inten- bases of organization proposed at that time, No. of Estimate Production tion of the Ulacia Brothers to move the factory which have also been reported in these columns. Province Centrals Bags Bags

to another location in Santa Clara Province. Dr. Sanchez Fuentes then made brilliant Pinar del Rio..

779,000 710,713 Habana 19 2,670.000 2,697,002

This was never done, but Central Santissima speech, using Dumas' famous phrase "All for Matanzas

37 5,011,000 5.161.913 Trinidad did not grind during the crop just one and one for all” as a subject. He stressed Santa Clara. 63 6,914,000 6.811.042 over. Maximum production was made in 1911- the imperative need of co-operation between the Camaguey

5.635,000 5,435,133 1.5, when some 61.000 bags of sugar were turned sugar producers and cane growers, urged them Oriente 7,085,000 6,936,311

In the last crop. 1917-18, production to forget whatever differences they had had in Totals.... 196 28,091,000 27,775,144 amounted to 49,000 bags.

the past, and expressed the belief that the As

The dispute between the colonos and the sociation would prevent these in the future. He This is equivalent to 3,967,877 tons. The sugar producers of the Guantanamo section also emphasized that the organization of an value of this crop to the Cuban producers at of Oriente Province, ahout the prices the colo- ' Association of Sugar Producers and Colonos of

Page 16

Jamaica News Letter.


Fully 373 persons will be employed in the KINGSTON (JAMAICA), B. W'. I. July, 1919. | explanation is not heard with satisfaction as Yakima Valley's three beet sugar factories when

Long before this reaches print all the Jamaica although safe-guarded against a sugar famine, the season's run is on, with a greater number sugar factories will have ceased to grind; many we still have to pay dear for it by having the in outside work, hauling, pitting, topping and already are having their machinery overhauled prices fixed by the price of foreign markets.

such tasks, according to a statement made to

day by T. R. Horne, resident manager. for the next crop. Only a few factories in the The steadily-increasing prices of foodstuffs, Parish of Vere are expecting to grind into the and necessary articles of clothing are causing and Toppenisl, on which about 200 men

Mr. Horne says the factories at Sunnyside first days of August owing to the fact that they much anxiety to several sections of society, had to shut down for a while during the month and particularly to families whose income is

now at work, will be completed in ample time of June when the severe rains damaged the below £300 per annum, and whose salaries have the digging of beets will start early in October,

for the run, which will begin in November. roads and curtailed the haulage.

remained the same as they were before the war when the sugar content is highest. Mr. Horne Government returns show some interesting caused the prevailing hardships. Quite recently

says the fields on the reservation are likely export increases from January to June 1919, there appeared in the local press a letter advothe returns show 20,999 tons of sugar against cating the need of a "planters’ Association” for to make a production record for the United

States. 14,581 tons in 1918 in the same period. Rum overseers and book-keepers, with the object of also stands at a high figure, being 1,844,739 gal- trying to better their positions by securing bet

DERLETH TO REPRESENT CELITE. lons as against 146,843 gallons in 1918. This ter pay than is usually obtained for the numerquantity, of course, is chiefly owing to the fact ous responsibilities they have, and also obtain

In order to care for the increasing demands that a shortage of tonnage caused an accumu- ing more humane treatment in the way of dislation of rum hitherto not experienced to be missal without notice when there is no specific for Celite Products (Sil-O-Cel for heat insula

tion and Filter-('el for filtration) the company housed in the island. Bananas and cocoanuts fault complained of, as is the custom prevailing also showed an appreciable increase, the num- up to the present time, but the suggestion for has appointed Mr. Chas. P. Derleth to repre

sent their interests. ber of stems exported for 1919 being 4,288,102 such an association has met with little response,

Previous to his enlistment fourteen months and 394,795 for 1918; the number of cocoa- only a couple of letters appearing on the subject.

ago in the chemical warfare service, Mr. Derwere 11,831,838 in 1919 and 8,855,750 But it is felt that if such an association were

leth formed and the several proprietors and attorneys in 1918.

was sales representative of the J. B.

Ford Company at Wyandotte, Michigan. He is In the western parishes despite the labor dif- approached on the subject there would be a

a graduate of the University of Illinois. ficulties, the cane fields generally are about between these two factors which would make for

better understanding, and a mutual co-operation as near perfect as can be expected and a record

SUGAR NOTES. each others benefit. crop may be counted on; news from the other parishes bespeak the same optimistic expectation The serious difficulties between the Jamaica

Germany will levy a consumption tax of 3 1/3 for the coming crop.

laborers in Bocas del Toro, and now the lynch- cents on their sugar in addition to what it has ing of one of them in Cuba, does not seem

already levied. This is to insure some A few estates during the crop which has just in any way to deter them in their desire to quit revenue to pay the bills of the war, without closed, again tried the experiment of purchas- their native land, and scores of them are making

doubt. ing the new sugar (wet sugar), made by the ready to leave the island for adjacent sugarsmall settlers in the Chattanooga mills. Noth

Formosa exported 79,579 tons or 132,633,057 ing can be learned as to whether or not the making islands, as soon as their crops are about

to start. Of course, the lure of the "dollar" | kins of sugar from January 1st to September purchasers gained on the bargain, but certainly the small settler scored. One man, a schoolper day is the attraction, but where it will all 30, 1917. In the same period in 1918 it was

In 1916 it amounted to 61,master, declared he made £30 on the transac

lead is a problem for our "re-constructionists”! only 30,314 tons.
to solve. There is much earnest talk of an ex-

717 tons. tion, and not a few small mill owners declare tensive output in our many and various industhey will increase their output with the sole tries, but how this is to be accomplished with 120,000 tons of sugar instead of 140,000 or

Southern California will only produce about object of zelling to the near-by sugar estates. These mill masters on the whole have nothing to lation to other countries is a problem not yet the continued emigration of our laboring popu

150,000 as was predicted at the beginning of complain of by the way of the prices their

the season. The weather conditions have been tackled. We have been promised a Royal Com- real unfavorable, there has been drought, blistersugars fetched ; during the war, and until quite recently, they got as high in most parishes as 9d mission during the next year and it is believed ing winds and fogs which have occurred in the

the labor question may be satisfactorily thrashto 1/ per quart. Only within the past six or

past and would have toned down the severity ed out then. eight weeks has the price fallen to 6d and 71/2d

of things, seemed to be conspicuous by their abper quart. This wet sugar, as it is locally Already we realize that with the luxurious sence. Other crops, like beans, are suffering called, is chiefly used by the native population, growth of our canes, weeds need to be kept down, also and that alleviates some of the depresin tea, and mixed with water as a beverage: and labor is not only short, but independent. sion among beet growers.

The early sugar with the addition of a lime and a dash of "old We know that after a couple of hundred fresh campaigns are aimed to forestall any further Jamaica" it makes a very appreciable "toddy.” acres are planted out, there is the cry, we can't deterioration. In 1915-16 this new sugar was bought in afford to put in much more even though we have

On June 1st the United States Department large quantities by a western sugar estate for the land, for we might not get it cleaned, or

sufficient labor to cut the canes this coming of Beet Culture reported the beet crop at use in the manufacture of rum. But it was

crop! The idea has always existed that East 93.6 per cent of the ten-year average. On found that a loss was incurred, as the sugar

Indian labor was more often than not adulterated with clay

was exceedingly poor against July 1st it was reported as 87.8 per cent on or such foreign stuffs, and it was thought that Creole labor, but it does not hold true these the same basis. Last year on July 1 the crop

The forecasts unless the sugar could be purchased under a days. The following came under my observa- was placed at 97.7 per cent. polariscopic test the investment was not worth tion within the preceding month: A mixed gang have it that the crop this year will be 22.8 while.

of 50 men and women, East Indians, free and in- per cent larger than last year.

dentured. planted 16 acres of cane by task in Although the Government provided that 105 1/2 days, while a mixed gang men and women, The Snake River Valley, in Idaho, is going per cent of our manufactured sugar should be of 80 Creoles, working five days at day labor, to have a decreased beet acreage. The mounkept in the island for home consumption, it has planted 81/8 acres ! Laborers are positively tains had a small snow fall, May and June not prevented the consumer from having to pay refusing to do task work, and stipulating for ended without rain and here is the valley going high for this sugar. For some time we paid day wage, so as to loiter at their work with begging for moisture and the beets crying for 31/2d and we did not consider this price a low impunity. These are the field troubles of the water day and night. The factories at Sugar, one: now, however, we have to pay 11/20 per Jamaica sugar planter in these days of pre- Rigby, Black Foot and Shelley will feel this pound for it, and the explanation is, that there carious labor.

decreased acreage and so will the men finanis an advance in price in foreign markets. This

JAMAICAN. icially interested.

Page 17

Randolph Pea Vine Rakes

at $18.00 each Doherty Hardware Co.


SITUATION WANTED We will publish in this column, free of charge,

I'RACTICAL field-man, married, 3+ years old, until further notice, the applications of all man

with 14 years' experience in Mexico and Cuba, agers, overseers, chemists, sugar-makers and others commanding English and Spanish thoroughly, is who may be seeking positions, and also the

vants open

for engagement. For particulars address, of planters and sugar manufacturers desiring to “Walter Show," Union Hotel, Selma, Ala., U. S. A. employ any of these.

8-22-19 These advertisements will be inserted until they are pushed out at the bottom of the column by

CHIEF chemist, university graduate, with many the influx of new advertisements at the top. Any years' experience in Cuban sugar mills and refinadvertiser may have his advertisement re-inserted cries, open for engagement for the coming season. anew, however, if he will write it out again and

Address, "Chemist," 358 Sycaste Ave., Detroit, send it in to us.

Mich., U. S. A.

8-22-19 We cannot undertake to forward by mail replies to the advertisements in this column, even though the sugar houses of Louisiana, Cuba and Mexico,

A sugar-maker with over 20 years' experience in postage be supplied, and to secure publication in desires a situation; thoroughly understands the

Baton Rouge, La. the issue of the succeeding Saturday, they must clarification of cane juice for making white highreach use not later than Thursday morning of grade sugars, and the working of crystallizers ; is each week.

expert on low-grade sugars and close back boiling ;

urnish A1 references, if desired. Address, 52, HELP WANTED

care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, EXPERIENCED plantation book-keeper-stenog. New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-25-19 rapher, familiar with detail work, married, would

like to get in touch with firm which is in need WANTED a practical sugar-maker for a small

GRADUATE of Audubon Sugar School, with ex- of a permanent man of this capacity; would like factory in Louisiana ; applicant must be familiar perience in Louisiana and Cuba, desires position as place where can move family ; can furnish good with the clarification of cane juice, and know how

chemist for the coming grinding season ; applicant reference and surety bond. Address, “D. C. S.," to boil back; write fully, giving experience and familiar with the manufacture of granulated, y. c. 2224 General Taylor Street, New Orleans, La., reference from last employer. Address, "P," care or raw sugars ; credentials will be furnished on U. S. A.

8-13-19 The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New request.

Address, “Chemist," 1026 Joseph Street, Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-22-19 New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-25-19 A thoroughly experienced mercantile man, sugar

or cane weigher, desires a position, or as assistant WANTED assistant chemist for Louisiana crop: book-keeper on a

POSITION wanted as time-keeper or assistant book-keeper or time-keeper now or for the coming

sugar plantation; can furnish season ; can furnish A1 references. state experience and salary expected. Address, "S.

Address, P. B. B.", care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Caron Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

references. Address, “Book-keeper," 2113 Brainard 0. Box 260, Kentwood, La., U. S. A. 8-8-19

8-27-19 delet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 8-27-19

MANAGER-Advertiser, with many years' tropiPOSITION wanted as chief engineer or master cal experience, desires administrative position on WANTED two A1 sugar weighers for this mechanic in Cuba, the tropics or Louisiana, by sugar estate anywhere in West Indies, Central or year's Louisiana

crop; furnish references with young sugar-house and refining engineer; tep South America ; speaks Spanish fluently, can han. applications ; only men need apply. Address: C. years' experience in practical erecting, constructing dle labor and always gets on well with foreigners; Lagarde Co., Ltd., Thibodaux, La., U. S. A. and operating sugar machinery; can furnish best best references : pine years with present employers

8-19-19 of references from two of the largest sugar manu- in Cuba. Address "Esperanza, care Henry R.

facturers in the South ; is employed at present, Teepe, 29 Broadway, New York City, U. S. A. WANTED two chemists for a Cuban crop ; please i but wants to make a change ; can also furnish

8-8-19 address at once with references, "No. 8756," care

rry capable assistant. Address, No. 184, care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New

Te Louisina Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New POSITION wanted by young married man Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-14-19 Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-19-19 chief chemist or assistant superintendent for comSUGAR-BOILER desires position anywhere in nish

ing tropical crop ; four years' experience ; can fur. WANTED a capable, energetic young man of

AL references. the tropics : applicant familiar with all grades of Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Or:

Address, T. D., care, The good habits and a few years' experience as over- sugars and the working back boiling of molasses, leans, La., U. S. A. seer on a sugar plantation, to take charge of a etc.; also familiar with Spanish, and can furnish

8-6-19 1.000-acre plantation; send references. Address, best of references, Address, John C. Bourne, cr. “Bayou Teche," care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Anaheim Sugar Co., Anaheim, Cal., U. S. A. 8-19-19 ist for coming tropical campaign ; can furnish best

YOU'NG married man desires position as chemCaropdelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A 8-14-19 SUPERINTENDENT-CHEMIST wishes position

of references ; four years' experience. Address, J. for the coming Louisiana crop ; applicant has had

care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet WANTED chief chemist for Cuban factory near experience in the two largest factories in Cuba Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-6-19 Havana; applicants state education, experience and several seasons' experience in Louisiana both and salary expected. Address, “Hershey Corp.," with raw and plantation granulated sugars ; good

POSITION wanted by an experienced sugarPrado 33, Havana, Cuba. 8-11-19 references ; competent and a hard worker. Ad

boiler for Louisiana crop-either head or assistant: dress, X, Y, Z.,

Box 1073, Shreveport, La., U. can furnish best of references as to ability and WANTED one assistant chemist for Cuban fac- S. A.

8-19-19 sobriety Address, William Weigle, Box 235, Thibotory near Havana ; applicants state education, ex

daux, La., U. S. A.

8-4-19 perience and salary expected. Address, "Hershey ADMINISTRATOR-Live-wire American, 43 Corp.,” Prado 33, Havana, Cuba.

8-11-19 years of age, exemplary habits, capable and expe.

CHIEF chemist, college graduate, desires posiWANTED a sugar-boiler: one having refinery desires connection either as manager or assistant 51414 Willis Avenue, Dallas, Texas., U. S. A. rienced manager Cuban sugar mill and plantation, as to experience and character. Address, "Chemist,"

tion for coming tropical crop ; first-class references experience. Salary $150 per month; send refer anywhere in the tropics. Address, "Manager." P. ences. B. H. Varnau, General Superintendent, 0. Box 164, Santiago, Cuba.


8-19-19 Imperial Sugar Co., Sugar Land, Texas, U. S. A. 8-9-19

CHEMIST, with six years' experience in sugar A first-class sugar-boiler desires position in the and industrial work desires position in tropics or

tropics for the coming season ; have had twelve Louisiana ; best of references furnished. Address, WANTED an assistant sugar-maker. Address, years' experience in refineries


beet sugar “J. B. L.," P. O. Box 1192, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, J. N. Curley, Opelousas, La., U. S. A. 8-6-19 | houses; am thoroughly acquainted with the boiling U. s. A.

7-31-19 of low-grade goods. Address, H. Krahling. Hunt WANTED assistant superintendent by large ex- ington Beach, Cal., U. S. A.


COLLEGE graduate in science, with one year's port and import house for sugar factory in Peru; iwo years' contract. Apply, giving full experience .AN American, graduate of America nuniversi- experience in beet sugar manufacturing plant as ties and European sugar schools, wishes a perma

chemist; would like a and references, to P. O. Box 286, New York, U.

similar position in some


cane mill for next crop; will go anywhere. S. A.

7-31-19 nent position in South or Central America ; sev

eral years' experience in beet sugar as chif. con- dress, “R. C. Owens," Loup Čity, Nebr., U. S. WANTED chief chemist for coming Louisiana trol and research chemist, also superintendent; one

7-30-19 campaign ; give references and salary expected. Adyear in Cuba ; mechanical engineer familiar with

SUGAR mill foreman desires position for next dress : “Town," care The Louisiana Planter, 407 construction and repairs : speaks French and Ger.

Address, "A. Hoffman," 637 Decatur St., man fluently, some Spanish ; sober and industrious. New Orleans, La., U. S. A. Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. Btst references. Send full particulars in first let.

7-30-19 WANTED one chemist and one assistant chemist ter. Address, G. C., 180 Sherman Street, Portland.

A sugar-maker, with twenty-five years' experi. for the Louisiana crop.

7-16-19 Address "Table," care Oregon, U. S. A.

ence, who can handle crystallizer sugars to per. The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street,

A position wanted as assistant superintendent fection, desires position ; will go to tropics, it deNew Orleans, La., U. S. A.

or chief sugar-boiler by a man who has had wide sirable ; is 45 years of age ; competent and willing
in : a

to work. Address, “M. Philips," General Deliv. WANTED sugar-boilers for a factory in Central practical all-around sugar-house man, with expe- ery, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 - sugars

rience in both cane and beet sugar factories; willmust be competent at boiling-back molasses; in

POSITNON wanted as chemist and superintendanswering please give references, salary desired ing to go anywhere and speaks French and 'Span

Address, ent of fabrication in tropics ; has had experience and age.

Page 18

suzar campaign is not promising.

The area planted with beets has decreased by 30 per cent as compared with last year and by 60 per cent as compared with the time before the

The Louisiana Planter Always Prints It First.

In Ilungary only 8,600 hectares have been

Light Rains Fall-Early Start Planned at Many Factories- Associasown with beets, so that, even if all of the

tion of Sugar Producers and Cane Growers Urges All Eligibles to bee's grown, are worked up into sugar, only

Join- Increased Shipments of Machinery Noted-Factories of Cuba one-fourth of the usual crop will be harvested.

Cane Sugar Corporation Ground 6,269,957 Tons of Cane-Centrals
Instead of exporting sugar, as in better times, Hungary will have to import. If only there

Get a Notice from Dr. Guiteras.
is a sufficient quantity of the article to supply
a country where so many other things are

OFFICE OF Tue LOUISIANA PLANTER, ters, 8,135 tons to New Orleans, 379 tons to needed, too!

LONJA DEL COMERCIO 415, ' Savannah, 1,913 tons to interior parts of the Dr. H. C. PRINSEY GEERLIGS.

HAVANA, August 28, 1919. United States, 7,193 tons to Canada, 2,857

Light rains have fallen in all six provinces tons to the United Kingdom, 16,758 tons to CLARIPHOS GRANULAR.

of the island during the week, but have in France, and 21 tons to Spain. These amounts

no way hindered field work of the grinding at bring total exportation of 1918-19 sugar to 2,Colonel C. Robert Churchill, the well-known the four centrals in the Province of Oriente | 699,360 tons, as compared with 2,529,464 tons and popular agent of the Provident Chemical which have not yet completed their crops. The at this time in 1918 and 2,570,333 tons in 1917. Works of St. Louis, announces the preparation outlook for the coming crop is therefore brighter Comparative figures of the distribution of exof his clarifying agent “Clariphos," in a new than ever, and it seems to be the concensus of ports during these three years may be interestform, now called "Clariphos Granular.” This opinion that Cuba should experience in 1920 ing, so we reproduce Mr. Himely's statistics retains all the merits of the liquid clariphos the most prosperous year in its history.

of these : and Clariphos Paste and can be shipped in

1918-19 1917-18

1916-17 slack cooperage, thus preventing loss by leakThree ports north of Hatteras.

1,712,089 1,397,916 1,353,104 age. New Orleans..

287,373 289,178

329,91+ Galveston. The chief use of the compound is for the clari.

41,628 28,664

32,890 Savannah

62.827 54,795

15,510 fication of cane juice, and it can be applied im- Interior points United States.


8,879 mediately after liming in the open clarifiers Canada


7,029 or mixed into the limed juices as they comes out United Kingdom

108.810 086.843

719,93. France

130.267 15,813

78,922 of the heaters and enter the settling tank. Spain

7,129 21,317

28,66,3 The granular form greatly facilitates filtra- Other European countries.


6,593 tion, increasing the capacity of existing appaMexico


4,500 ratus. All communications addressed to Col. C. South America

300 R. Churchill. 408-414 Canal Street, New Or


2,699,360 2,329, 16+ 2,570,333 leans, or to the Provident Chemical Works, St. Louis will receive prompt attention.

Plans for early starts at most centrals are, Receipts for the week amounted to 26,218

continually heard, and with the unusual develop- tons, which bring the total to 3,612,336 tons ; SUGAR NOTES,

ment of the cane this year, these should be 67,609 tons of sugar have been held for local

made under more favorable circumstances than consumption, so there are 875,367 tons still Sugars in Paris continue scarce; in fact, ex. ever before.

in storage at the ports. changes state that just now the supplies are as

Rumors of a desire on the part of the Shipments of machinery and equipment for loir as they have ever been during the war. The United States and the other nations which the factories of the island from American (hamber of Deputies took the matter up on

were included in the contract for the sale of manufacturers brought to Havana from Key June 5th because there was much grumbling on the entire 1918-19 crop to buy the 1919-20' West by the ferries of the Cuban All-Rail the part of a large number of people. Even crop at a price of 6.50 cents a pound f. o. b. Route during the past week were considerably during the war the people were able to obtain Cuba have been unfavorably received here. It heavier than they have been for some time. a small amount and people seemed to be satis is considered almost a certainty that the aver- The Baldwin Locomotive Works were among fied then but with the after-war adjustment mat- age price per pound of sugar produced during the heaviest shippers, sending down a locomoters have been let up somewhat and there is 1919-20 will be well above 6.50 cents f. o. b. tive complete on its own wheels for Central not the same authority to marshall about the Cuba, so the producers are unwilling to sell at Cunagua, at Cunagua, Province of Camaguey, necessary supplies and some sections have fal. this fixed price, or at any other fixed price where there are already several Baldwin locolen short of their needs. On June 3rd, for for that matter. A free market is desired, motives working with their usual efficiency, a example, there were only 6,434 bags on hand ror with Cuba as the dominating producer, locomotive and tender complete on their own in the Paris district while the same date last she will be in a position to obtain much better wheels to Central Australia, at Jaguey Grande, year there were 68,623 bags on hand. It was prices.

Province of Santa Clara, locomotive parts for pointed out that the Food Supply Board had 28,- The recently organized Association de Ha- Central Providencia, at Guines, Province of 000 tons of sugar in Reunion and shipped 10,000 cendados y Colonos de (Suba (Association of Habana, a locomotive boiler and three boxes tons of tapioca from there, but did not touch Sugar Producers and Cane Growers of Cuba) of parts for Central Lugareno in the Province the sugar and thus the discrimination made bad is actively engaged in spreading propaganda to of Banaguises, Province of Matanzas, Baldwin feelings. The Reunion sugar, it was pointed induce every sugar producer and cane grower locomotives have been in use at all these cenout, was held back to sell at 72 francs in on the island to join the association, for their trals for a number of years. Two broad-gauge order that the producers could get rid of their benefit well to give maximum locomotives, one a 17x24 Mogul, and the other sugar at home at 48 to 54 franes and the mid-strength to the association. Letters have been a four-wheel drive, were shipped to Central dle-man came in naturally for a biz rub. sent out to all of them, and the final organi- Australia in July, 191.), and practically all of

zation is expected to be made in the near fu- the centrals of the ('uba Cane Sugar Corpora“Al hail to Spain," so say the consumers. She ture.

tion use these popular and efficient engines. put the price of beets down from 65 francs per While there was only a slight increase in The Ingalls Iron Works Company made ton to 60 francs per ton. The farmers are receipts of sugar at all ports of the island further shipment of structural steel to Central satisfied for they are confidently expecting that during the past week, there was a decided in- Estrella of the Compania Azucarera Central all farm produce is going to be lowered. The crease in the number of tons exported: 110,- in the Province of Camaguey. This central, question is being asked here and there if the 224 tons were shipped from Cuba as com- it will be remembered, made its first crop in high price of things is not somewhat psycho-pared with 77,210 tons of the week previous. its present location this year, making 27,000 logical like a crime wave that subsides after it | The exports were distributed as follows: 72,-, bags of sugar. We understand that it is behas run its course.

668 tons to the three ports north of Hat-'ing practically rebuilt for the coming crop,

Page 19

Sugar Experiment Station Work in Queens

land, Australia.

which will increase as the fruit and fruit-pre-award of the Arbitration ('ourt, which, as ex- use of machinery on cane farms, especially tracserving industries are expanded-as they seem plained in a previous letter, was more satisfac- tors. destined to do if labor conditions are satisfactory to the growers than the previous award, An interesting side-light on the sugar industory. It might also be considered an additional even though it provided for a small increase in try comes from Bundaberg, where a farm of 20 attraction if sugar required to make up any

Industrial matters so unsettled, acres has just been sold with all improvements shortage could be imported from a country with lowerer, that it is impossible to predict a week at £12.5 per acre. The Improvements are conin the Empire and especially one under Aus- a bead.

siderable, but the price is said to constitute a tralian control. At present the loss of money There appears to be increased interest in the record. en ailed by importing from a country not under a British flag is a serious drain on the people of the ('ommonwealth.

It is fully expected in Australia that when the policy of Imperial preference has been formulated it will be found to contain provision for encouraging sugar production within the

The General Superintendent of the Bureau | dently been due to his extensive experience along Empire, and growers believe that they will reap lof Sugar Experiment stations bas received the agricultural lines, and scientific application. corresponding advantage. Although there will

following report on Cane Grub Investigation Although his cane was seriously troubled with be some objection to the fact that sugar growing for June, 1919, by Dr. J. F. Wingworth, Ento- grubs for several years, he has now practically in New Guinea will be a colored labor industry. mologist to the Bureau :

rid his fields of the pest. He uses lime in the the great support to it will be the number of artisans that will be required to take up other

The past season has been particularly favor- cane holes on even the new land, and is a firm parts of the work and the large amount of ship

able to the eradication of cane grubs in most believer in the value of conservation of humus.

The dry weather He also recognizes the value of removing the ping that will be necessary to cope with the in- of the northern districts. creased trade. Moreover, other tropical indus- early in the year necessitated frequent cultiva- feeding trees of the beetles-in fact, this probtries will be similarly extended-and they

tion which not only hindered egg-laying, but ably accounts for much of his present immubadly needed extending in New Guinea, where also, is a most effective means of destroying the nity. Another factor which has an important the progress has not heen commensurate with the soung grubs. Then, too, the continued rains, bearing on this case, is that Mr. Sugden controls richness and size of the territory awaiting de which were .so late in starting, pushed the weeds in the cane of his stump land by sprayvelopment.

new roots just at the time when the beetles were ing them with sodium arsenite. In this connecIn the meantime, an agitation is being con- the cane was quick to recover. getting in their worst work, bence in many cases, tion Mr. Sugden called my attention to a strik

ing demonstration of the value of spraying. On ducted in the Southern States, where no sigar

During the month I made a survey of the adjoining stump-fields cne grower removed the is produced, and where the National Govern

grub situation on the Johnstone River, and weeds by chipping, while his neighbor for the ment sits, to reduce the price of sugar in the also secured a fresh supply of the borer beetle same purpose used several sprayings of sodium interests of the preserving companies. This parasites from the Mossman.

arsenite. The fullgrown cane in both fields agitation is conducted on the plea that the manu

now shows a marked difference, although the

DISTRICT facturers are entitled to compete in the markets


land was identical in every way. The chipped of the world and they cannot do so unless the

I was interested to note the remarkable scare field is badly damaged by grubs, while, right up price of sugar is reduced. Owing to the high ity of grub-injury in the Goondi area, for the

to the line of treatment the sprayed field is price and scarcity of sugar, it is contended. beetles were particularly abundant last Decem- perfect. It may be premature to form a definite Victorian manufacturers have been unable to ter. The farm of Mr. R. Davis, which is typi- conclusion, but the suggestion is certainly worth open up various overseas markets. Trade has cal of those at Daraji, has always suffered con- consideration and further experiment. been opened up with certain centers, but it is siderably in former years, but there is no sign feared that with the return to normal condi- of grubs this season. It will be remembered that

ON THE VALUE OF LATE CULTIVATION. tions it will not be possible to continue the com- the Goondi factory was very late in starting last

Mr. Sugden also drew my attention to a 10petition. Consequently, it is argued that there year because of the damage from cyclone; hence. acre field of second ratoons on his stump land should be an open market for the manufacturers all the cane was cut after September, and the and gave me the following interesting history: to buy sugar. A big campaign to this end is ratooning coincided with the egg-laying of the This cane was planted late in 1916. At the being promoted. The secretary of the Austra- | beplies Mr. Davis also planted late, so that all end of the season, 1917, half of the cane was lian Sugar Producers' Association made a very of his crop came in for cultivation during the cut and the balance left for plants. The cyclone effective reply and put a broadside into the agi- critical time, and his crop is perfect.

oi Verin, 1918, wrecked this see { cane, but ho tatons by pointing out first that the jam manu

I was also able to visit other farms and Jr. best of it was cut and all the discarded decayfacturers enjoyed a greater measure of pro- E. S. Smith, the cane inspector at Goondi, took half was so stunted by the cyclone that it made

ing stalks were left on the ground. The other tection than the sugar producers, and during me to Stockton paddock, a grazing area of 210 the war hall been able to get their sugar at a

acres, owned by Mr. Shaw.

This is a

very poor growth, and, later, accidentally was

most lower rate than the manufacturers in any part interesting spot, since most of the money from set on fire. Mr. Suyden then decided to draw of the world, with the result that the value of the Cane Pest Destruction Fund is spent for

the logs together so that e could use th exports jumped up enormously-in many cases beetles collected there. Furthermore, strange

pony plow on this part, and consequently cultiover ten-fold. In addition, he quoted from re- to say, the surrounding cane has not suffered

vated during last December and January while ports and balance-sheets of jam preserving and from grub-injury. Mr. Shaw planted 30 acres

the beetles were flying. kindred companies to show the extraordinary, along one side of this paddock, and though this

The present result is most remarkable: the prosperity indicated in the documents. One is adjoining feeding-trees to windward, the first

cane in the cultivated area is as dark green as company for instance had not paid under 12 ratoon crop is in excellent condition. Exami- if treated with sulphate of ammonia and will per cent dividends in the last six years. nation revealed numerous grubs in the grass.

cut a splendid crop, contrasting sharply with , The grinding mills are expected to start ven- land, hence, it appears evident that all this ex

the half which was volunteered through the ruberally at an early date. Some have started. tensive supply of beetles is developed there, bish, which is very yellow and grubby. As already indicated the amount of cane to and they have not taken to the cultivated fields.

Evidently the pony plow was effective in prego through, especially in the Southern part of If, however, all of this area was cultivated, the venting the ovipositing of the beetles, while Queensland, will be very small, the total sugar ravages of the pest would probably appear.

possibly the surplus rubbish in the other part for the State being estimated at about 190.000 At the South Johnstone Factory the scrub has was an inducement to the beetles to lay. Some of the mills have been delayed. only been felled along the narrow valleys, so that

FEEDING TREES. owing to the hold-up in the shipping industry, naturally much of this cane area is affected by Through the kind assistance of Mr. Sugden which delayed the shipment of machinery re- grubs, for feeding trees border most of the I was able to visit the extensive district extendquired in crushing. Some of the mills, how fields.

Page 20

SITUATION WANTED A first-class sugar-boiler desires position in the

tropics for the coming season; have had twelve

years' experience in refineries and beet sugar We will publish in this column, free of charge, ENGINEER, with over thirty years' experience houses ; ain thoroughly acquainted with the boiling until further notice, the applications of all man-on Louisiana plantations, is open to engagement of low-grade goods. Address, H. Krahling, Hunt agers, overseers, chemists, sugar-makers and others to repair and take off coming crop of sugar. Ad- ington Beach, Cal., U. S. A.

8-19-19 who may be seeking positions, and also the wants dress. “Wm. N. Simmons,"

," Pass Christian, Miss. of planters and sugar manufacturers desiring to l'. S. A.


AN American, graduate of America nuniversiemploy any of these.

ties and European sugar schools, wishes & perma. These advertisements will be inserted until they

nent position in South or Central America ; serPOSITION wanted

assistant chemist in are pushed out at the bottom of the column by tropics, by college graduate, with two years' ex

eral years' experience in beet sugar as chif. conthe influx of new advertisements at the top. Any perience in beet-sugar laboratories: can furnish

trol and research chemist, also superintendent; one advertiser may have his advertisement re-inserted Best of references.

year in Cuba ;, mechanical engineer familiar with

Address, "R. C. Owens," Huntanew, however, if he will write it out again and ington Beach, California, U. S. A.

construction and repairs : speaks French and Ger.

9-3-19 send it in to us.

man fluently, some Spanish; sober and industrious.

Btst references. Send full particulars in first let. We cannot undertake to forward by mail replies POSITION wanted in the tropics by a sugar- ter. Address, G. C., 180 Sherman Street, Portland, to the advertisements in this column, even though maker with 26 years' experience; understands Oregon, U. S. A.

7-16-19 postage be supplied, and to secure publication in

crystallizers and clarification and


furnish the issue of the succeeding Saturday, they must best references. Address, “Michael Philips," 1010

A position wanted as assistant superintendent reach use not later than Thursday morning of Port Street, New Orleans, La., I'. S. A. 9-3-19

or chief sugar-boiler by a man who has had wide each week.

experience in the tropical countries ; applicant a

practical all-around sugar-house man, with expe. YOLXG man with ten years' experience on sugar rience in both cane and beet sugar factories; willHELP WANTED

plantation desires positi as manager. Address. ing to go anywhere and speaks French and Span"Overseer," care The Louisiana Planter, 407 ('a- ish; can furnish first-class references. Address,

rondelet Street, New Orleans, La.. l'. S. A. "D. C. Gloreyette," P. O. Delhi, Cal., U. S. A. WANTED an assistant chemist for a sugar mill,


8-15-19 refinery and alcohol distillery, situated in Mexico ; must be on the place by November 1st and to

LOCOMOTIVE engineer with 12 years' experi- ! best of references given.

POSITION wanted as first-class sugar-maker: return by July 1st. Address, "John B. Lea," P.

Address, "Frank Leiser," 0. Box: 1192, Bartlesville, Okla,, ('. S. A. 9-5-19

on plantation, repairing and shop work ; married ; desires position: can furnish best

310 N. Dupre Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. or

8-15-19 references. Address, *John Schaffer," 210 S. WANTED a practical sugar-maker for a small


A. factory in Louisiana ; applicant must be familiar

Street, New Orleans, La., V. S.

EXPERIENCED sugar chemist wants position

9-2-19 with the clarification of cane juice, and know how

for coming tropical crop. Address, "Chemical Ento boil back; write fully, giving experience and

gineer," 1800 Dryades Street, New Orleans, La.. reference from last employer. Address. “P," care WOULD like to correspond with some sugar U. S. A.

8-14-19 The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New planter who would be willing to advance a good Orleans, La., U. S. A. 8-22-19 competent cultivator also up-to-date sugar-boiler,

POSITION wanted as assistant chemist for comsober and industrious, with small family. to

ing crop.

Address, "Chemist,” 4903 Danneel St., WANTED assistant chemist for Louisiana crop ; make cane by the ton on a small scale. Address, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-9-19 state experience and salary expected. Address, "S:/ "Cora," Box 136, Thibodaux, La., U. S. A.

9-2-19 B. B.", care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Caron

EXPERIENCED plantation book-keeper-stenog: delet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 8-27-19

rapher, familiar with detail work, married, would

PRACTICAL field-man, married, 34 years old, like to get in touch with firm which is in need WANTED two


sugar weighers for this with 14 years' experience in Mexico and Cuba, of a permanent man of this capacity; would like year's Louisiana crop; furnish references with commanding English and Spanish thoroughly, is place where can move family ; can furnish good applications; only men need apply. Address, C.

open for engagement. For particulars address, reference and surety bond. Address, “D. C. S.," Lagarde Co., Ltd., Thibodaux, La., U. S. A. Walter Show," Union Hotel, Selma, Ala., U. S. A. 2224 General Taylor Street, New Orleans, La., 8-19-19 8-22-19 U. S. A.

8-13-19 WANTED two chemists for a Cuban crop : please CHIEF chemist, university graduate, with many

A thoroughly experienced mercantile man, sugar address at once with references, "No. 8756, care

or cane weigher, desires a position, or as assistant The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New years' experience in Cuban sugar mills and refin book-keeper or time-keeper now or for the coming Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-14-19 eries, open for engagement for the coming season.

season; Address. "Chemist," 358 Sycaste Ave.,

can furnish A1 references. Detroit,

Address, P. Mich., U. S. A. 8-22-19


0. Box 260, Kentwood, La., U. S. A. WANTED a capable, energetic young man or good habits and a few years' experience as over

MANAGER-Advertiser, with many years' tropiseer on a sugar plantation, to take charge of a A sugar-maker with over 20 years' experience in cal experience, desires administrative position on 1,000-acre plantation; send references. Address, the sugar houses of Louisiana, Cuba and Mexico, sugar estate anywhere in West Indies, Central or “Bayou Teche," care The Louisiana Planter, 407 desires a situation; thoroughly understands the South America ; speaks Spanish fluently, can hanCarondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. clarification of cane juice for making white high- dle labor and always gets on well with foreigners;

8-14-19 grade sugars, and the working of crystallizers: is best references: nine years with present employers

expert on low-grade sugars and close back boiling: in Cuba. Address "Esperanza, care Henry R. WANTED chief chemist for Cuban factory near

can furnish A1 references, if desired. Address, 52, Teepe, 29 Broadway, New York City, U. S. A. Havana; applicants state education, experience care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street,

8-8-19 and salary expected.

8-25-19 Address, “Hershey Corp.," New Orleans, La., U. S. A. Prado 33. Havana, Cuba. 8-11-19

POSITION wanted by young married man as GRADUATE of Audubon Sugar School, with ex-chief chemist or assistant superintendent for comWANTED one assistant chemist for Cuban fac perience in Louisiana and Cuba, desires position as ing tropical crop; four years' experience; can fur

chemist for the coming grinding season : tory near Havana ; applicants state education, ex.

plicant nish Al references. Address, T. D., care, The

familiar with the manufacture of granulated, y. c., perience and salary expected. Address, "Ilershey

Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New OrCorp.," Prado 33, Ilavana, Cuba.

raw sugars; credentials will be furnished on leans, La., U. S. A.

8-6-19 request. Address, “Chemist," 1026 Joseph Street,

8-25-19 WANTED a sugar-boiler ; one having refinery New Orleans, La.. l'. S. A.

YOUNG married man desires position as chemexperience. Salary $150 per month; send refer

ist for coming tropical campaign; can furnish best ences. B. II. Varnau,

POSITION wanted as time-keeper or assistant
General Superintendent,

of references ; four years' experience. Address, J. Imperial Sugar Co., Sugar Land, Texas, U. S. A: book-keeper on sugar plantation ; can furnish B., care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet

references. Address, "Book-keeper," 2113 Brainard Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-6-19 Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-27-19 WANTED an assistant sugar-maker. Address,

POSITION wanted by an experienced sugar. J. N. Curley, Opelousas, La., U. S. A.

POSITION wanted as chief engineer or master boiler for Louisiana crop either head or assistant: 8-6-19

mechanic in Cuba, the tropics or Louisiana, by can furnish best of references as to ability and WANTED assistant superintendent by large ex

young sugar-house and refining engineer : ten sobriety. Address, William Weigle, Box 235, Thiboport and import house for sugar factory in Peru; Sears' experience in practical erecting, construcung daux, la., U. S.' A.

8-4-19 two years' contract. Apply, giving full experience of references from two of the largest sugar manu

and operating sugar machinery ; can furnish best and references, to P. 0. Box 286, New York, U. facturers in the South; is employed at present, tion for coming tropical crop ; first-class references

CHIEF chemist, college graduate, desires posiS. A.

but wants to make a change ; can also furnish

as to experience and character. Address, “Chemist," WANTED chief chemist for coming Louisiana

viry capable assistant, Address: No. 184. care 5441% Willis Avenue, Dallas, Texas., U. S. A. campaign : give references and salary expected. Ad: Orleans, La., U. S. A. Tije Louisina Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New

8-4-19 dress : “Town," care The Louisiana Planter, 407


CHEMIST, with six years' experience in sugar Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

SUGAR-BOILER desires position anywhere in and industrial work desires position in tropics or

the tropies; applicant familiar with all grades of Louisiana : best of references furnished. WANTED one chemist and one assistant chemist

Address, sugars and the working back boiling of molasses, ! "J, B, L.," P. O. Box 1192, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, for the Louisiana crop. Address "Table," care

etc.; also familiar with Spanish, and can furnish, U. S. A. The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street,

7-31-19 best of references. Address, John C. Bourne, (r. New Orleans, La., U. S. A.


Anabeim Sugar Co., Anaheim, Cal., U. S. A. 8-19-19; COLLEGE graduate in science, with one year's WANTED sugar-boilers for a factory in Central

experience in beet sugar manufacturing plant as

SUPERINTENDENT-CHEMIST wishes position chemist; would like a similar position in some America; makers of white and 96-test sugars : for the coming Louisiana crop; applicant has had must be competent at boiling-back molasses ; in experience in the two largest factories in Cuba dress, "R. C. Owens," Loup City, Nebr., V. S.

cane mill for next crop; will go anywhere.

Adanswering please give references, salary desired and several seasons' experience in Louisiana both and age. The company will furnish all traveling with raw and plantation granulated sugars; good


7-30-19 expenses, board and lodging. Address. “Superin- references; competent and a hard worker. Ad. SUGAR mill foreman desires position for next tendent," 3319 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La., dress, X. Y. Z., Box 1073, Shreveport, La.. U.

Address, “A. Hoffman," 637 Decatur St., U. S. A. 7-30-19 S. A. 8-19-19 New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

7-30-19 WANTED chief chemist and assistant for Cu.

ADMINISTRATOR--Live-wire American, 43 A sugar-maker, with twenty-five years' experiban factory: prefer college graduates; chief chemist should have considerable experience in cane

years of age, exemplary habits, capable and expe. ence, who can handle crystallizer sugars to per

rienced manager Cuban sugar mill and plantation, fection, desires position; will go to tropies, if desugar factories and be a thorough chemist.


Page 21

from that country was insignificant and did not exceed a few hundred tons.

Great Britain imported in the six months

January to June, 1919, 619,176 tons of raw Weather Favorable for Beets - Much Delayed Mail Finally De.

sugar and only 12,939 of raw, against 610,831 livered - German Mark Will Buy Little Sugar - Unique Sugar

and 223,011 tons of both assortments during Situation in Norway-Italian and British Figures.

the corresponding period of 1918.

Cuba was the chief purveyor of raw sugar viz., 276,276

tons, with Java closely following with 173,321 AMSTERDAM, August 20, 1919. est on the money, the profit of merchants and

tons, Mauritius came in for 71,695 tons, BritBright sunshine, alternating with good down- middlemen, the importation duties in Germany ish West India and Demerara for 49,507 and pours of rain, is having a good influence on and the manifold smaller expenses and costs, Peru for 32,961. The only quantities of beet the growing beet crop throughout Europe and one can conceive how much Java sugar will sugar came from the Netherlands, which sent is promoting both growth and sugar accumu- cost, when delivered in the household of the 7,691 tons of raw and 5,999 tons of refined lation of the roots. The latest figures of Mr. German citizen, if his government buys Java sugar. The exports were next to nothing, beLicht, of Magdeburg, still show a smaller sugar.

ing only 1,123 tons, while the consumption 'weight and sugar content as compared with a If we buy that sugar in Holland, where the amounted to 822,006 in the first half of 1919, series of former years, but we do not doubt exchange with Java is about at par, it may against 529,455 and 573,835 tons in the same that the present beneficial weather will make cost us, everything included, about one guilder month of 1918 and 1917. good the retard occasioned by the late spring per kilo, while, before the war, sugar costus

DR. H. C. PRINSEN GEERLIGS. and the dry month of June.

about 60 guilder cents. Compared with the On the 15th of July the stock of sugar in high price of almost everything else, sugar is

SUGAR NOTES. Holland in the bonded warehouses amounted not so very expensive in Holland and even to 13,345 tons of white raw beet sugar, 12,245 the least-paid working-man needs only to work

The estimated tonnage of sugar at Mauritius, tons of ordinary raw beet, 3,942 tons of raw about three-quarters of an hour to earn the according to the American consul, is 253,000 cane sugar and 2,323 tons of refined, altogether equivalent of a pound of sugar.

The learned tons.

This is for the season 1918-19. England amounting to 33,596 tons of sugar, calculated professions, authors, preachers, etc., have to is to get 30,000 tons of this amount.

The govo The monthly consumption being 15,- work longer and more intensively to get that ernment is going to advance 7.50 roupées per 50 000 tons, this stock is sufficient for the wants amount of sweetness, but they are always be kilograms for this incoming sugar, according to of two months or until the 15th of September. hind, when there is something substantial to a provision of the Royal Commission. The price The new crop will come in sight about October earn.

of the sugar is to be 17s and 6d per quintal. 1st, but there are cargoes of Java sugar afloat, The stocks of sugar in Germany on the last so that we shall not suffer from lack of sugar of June, 1919, amounted to 523,632 tons, against An exchange says that Belgium will need 129,this year. Yesterday we were rejoiced at our 610,996 tons a month ago. The monthly cou- 762 tons of sugar from April 1st to October 1st, office with the arrival of parcels of tea, coi. sumption is, therefore, equivalent to 115,364 tons and that the stocks on hand on March 25th fee and sugar, which had been forwarded to so that the stock will still last for something were 24,725 tons, and that it was expected 54,us by good friends in Java at the time when less than 5 months or until medio October. It|500 tons would be imported. At a gathering at we drank, decoctions of dried walnut leaves for is, therefore, just sufficient to meet the new Brussels it was decided to pay 75 francs per tea, of dessicated and torrified acorns for coffee crop provided that the same small ration is ton for sugar beets with a content of 14 per cent. and nothing at all for sugar. These kind maintained and nothing occurs to diminish the There is a feeling, however, that the price may sendings had been held up by the blockading stocks or retard the new crop.

drop to 60 francs because the first mentioned is powers and are released now at the time when

The rationing of sugar in Belgium ceased on abnormal and the manufacturers have hesitated we can buy these commodities in every shop. the 1st of August, but the official maximum somewhat in making final arrangements just At the same time we received a score of letters price will be maintained until further notice. about planting time. from distant friends, asking us for advice how At the date of the end of sugar rationing in to act in difficult cases in their sugar houses. Norway on the 1st of July, 30,000 tons of Bohemia will export 280,000 tons of sugar We presume that our friends will not have any sugar were lying in the warehouses of the mer- out of its 550,000-ton production of raws. The more use for the information needed three or chants and 24,000 a fortnight later. Moreover, domestic consumption is estimated at 210,000 four years ago, and, therefore, we have burned large supplies are afloat, under way to Norway, tons or about 44 pounds per capita. The suthose dangerous papers so carefully withheld which country until December can dispose of gar ration at present is 2.75 pounds per from us by the censor.

80,000 tons, whereas the whole consumption in capita. The importation of sugar into Germany is the year 1916, unrationed then, only amounted calculated at 40,000 to 80,000 tons, but it is to 60,000 tons, Norway is thus an instance of An interesting tale of a chocolate drop that not yet clear from whence that much will be a European country with no sugar production was launched on a $12 financial ship and now fetched. The sugar from Bohemia will cost of its own, which possesses in these times a has grown to a $2,000,000 leviathan hails from 400 crowns per 50 kilos and the amount will be stock exceeding the total consumption of a Seattle. And this was only two years ago. Two about 5,000 tons.

year. The official price of sugar in Sovjet sprightly American lassies, Helen Elizabeth Sugar from Java can be had in any amount Russia has been fixed at 175 rubles per pood Townsend and Martha Ardelle Townsend began but the price of the article in that island is of 16.32 kilos, while, as a comparison, we men with a dozen dollars and now their enterprise going up steadily, while the exchange of the tion that before the war the price of that com- nets $150,000 a year. Miss Martha was secremark is falling with astonishing rapidity and modity oscillated between 4.10 and 4.33 rubles tary of the Chamber of Commerce and figured constancy. At the time when we made a voy- per pood.

out how she could become more economically age through Germany in the month of July, the Italy imported in the year 1918 29,713 tons free while attending the University of Washexchange of the mark in Holland valuta was of sugar, against 50,966 and 51,458 tons dur- | ington.

There had been financial reverses in 20 cents at the beginning and 16 at the end, ing the two preceding years respectively. It the family. Some Syracuse university girl had while yesterday it was as low as 11.60 cents. appears that the sugar famine of that country made a success of candies, and the two sisters The gold parity is 59 cents, so that the mark is decreasing and, as we mentioned in one put their heads together and formulated three has come down to under one-fifth of its original of former letters, the

impor- / business principles to run their business. They value as compared with the Holland, and, there- tation during the present year, will be still were: "Faith in yourself, Faith in your proI fore, with the Java valuta. The present price smaller again. In 1918 the United States sent duct and Faith in humanity." They started of granulated raw plantation sugar is 32 guil- 8,610 tons to Italy, Brazil 8,112, Egypt 6,290, to make candy on a kitchen range and took ders per picul at the harbors in Java, equivalent Java 3,559 tons, Argentine 1,268 tons, and other small orders, Miss Ardelle taking a $25 order to 52 guilders per 100 kilos or to 449 marks countries the rest. This is all first sugar, while the first day. They called their candies the per 100 kilos. Add to this sum the cost of the importation of after-products amounted to "Helen Ardelle" candies and to-day they possess receiving and warehousing in Java, the lighter- 7,307, 5,268 and 24,225 tons in the three years a large manufacturing establishment consumage, insurance and freight to Europe, the inter- under consideration. The exportation of sugarling tons of sugar and molasses.

Page 22

an average increase in value of $44 per acre of the seedlings over the White Transparent. This would give for the 35,000 acres of cane land in the whole island an annual increase of over $1,500,000 in favor of the seedlings.

The writer spent an afternoon with Mr. Bovell in visiting the experimental grounds at Dodds where the field work and fertilizer tests are carried out. The general results of the fertilizer experiments at Dodds show that as regards nitrogen 40 lbs. of this element to the acre (15 lbs. in January and 25 lbs. in June), applied as ammonium sulphate give the best monetary results. Applications of phosphate on lands similar to Dodds, owing to premature ripening of the cane or to other causes, produce a financial loss. As regards potash the best results are secured from 80 lbs. of potash to the acre, applied all in January two weeks after planting.

The plots of cane, when ready for cutting, are VIEW TOWARDS BRIDGETOWY FROM CORRINGTON HOUSE,

carefully inspected by the field assistants of the SHOWING


Department of Agriculture. The number of

canes in each stool is noted, also the weight of just described for the natural seedlings is also to the writer fields of B. H. 10(12) which were canes and tops and the amount of infection by employed in the experiments with hybrid and yielding over 40 tons to the acre and the labo- | fungus diseases, borers, etc. The stalks of self-fertilized seedlings.

ratory book of his factory showed normal juice cane are then carried to the laboratory for The field and factory characteristics upon from this cane of 22 Brix and 20 polarization. analysis. After cutting the cane, the stumps which Mr. Bovell and Prof d'Alberquerque, Mr. The fibre content of the cane was more than I of each stool are dug up and the grubs of the Bovell's present colleague who carries out the chemical analyses, lay chief stress in the valuation of seedlings are as follows: (1) Germinating power; (2) behavior under extremes of dryness and moisture; (3) habit, upright or recumbent; (4) power of resisting the attacks of insects and fungi; (5) period of growth; (6) productive power, in tons of cane; (7) tonnage of tops; (8) ratooning power; (9) milling quality, whether the canes are tough or brittle ; (10) fuel-producing quality, depending upon the percentage of fibre; (11) percentage of expressible juice( determining the dryness or juiciness of the cane); (12) the sucrose content of the juice; (13) the purity of the juice.


SIS, DODDS EXPERIMENT STATION, BARBADOS. A summary of the experiments with plant canes upon black soils during the five years sufficient to heat the boilers and the excess of rootborer (Diaprepes abbreviatus) and of the 1914-1918 is given in Table I. bagasse had to be stored.

brown hard-back (Phytalus smithi) counted

and killed. These two pests with the mothTAB LE I.

borer (Diatraea saccharalis) are the worst inBlack Soils—Plant Canes.

Increase or

sect enemies of the sugar cane in Barbados, decrease in and have been a great drawback not only indus

value per acre trially but in an experimental way, the infecMuscovado compared

tion of the plots with the root-borer, hard-back, Name or No. No. of Ex- Sucrose los.

sugar lbs. with White No. oi Cane. of years periments per acre

etc., affecting the results of the field work to Transparent

per acre. B. H. 10 (12)

5 36 10,488


$100.66 such an extent that in many cases no definite Ba 6032....

59 9,255



conclusions could be formed. In one experiW. No. 2

10 8.747



ment there were found in the basal portions of B. 12619

10 8.526


53.12 Ba. 8069

5 8,524



15 clumps of withered cane 238 grubs of the B. 6450

98 8,257


46.60 root borer and 169 grubs of the brown hardB. 10650

16 8,148


43.94 back. The average weight of each cane in the Ba. 7924

30 7,866



withered clumps was 3.75 lbs. and of other cane B. 6308

43 7,853

36.78 Ba. 2471

59 7,850


36.72 in the same plots, also more or less infected B. 7169

55 7,859


28.69 with root grubs, 4.27 lbs.-a difference of 0.52 B. 6835

12 7,190



Ib. per cane which is equivalent to a minimum B. 3922

Page 23

SITUATION WANTED CHIEF chemist, university graduate, with many

years' experience in Cuban sugar mills and refinWe will publish in this column, free of charge,

CHEMST with B. S. degree, 26

eries, open for engagement for the coming season. years old,

Address. "Chemist," 358 Sycaste Ave., Detroit, until further notice, the applications of all man- recently discharged from U. S Army, would like

Mich., U. S. A.

8-22-19 agers, overseers, chemists, sugar-makers and others to locate with a sugar company preferably beet who may be seeking positions, and also the wants sugar company. Address, “F. B. Crowley," Potsof planters and sugar manufacturers desiring to dam, N. Y., . S. A.


A sugar-maker with over 20 years' experience in employ any of these.

the sugar houses of Louisiana, Cuba and Mexico, These advertisements will be inserted until they

SUGAR-MAKER, thorough in clarification, and desires a situation ; thoroughly understands the are pushed out at the bottom of the column by competent to assist or superintend sugar manu

clarification of cane juice for making white highthe influx of new advertisements at the top. Any facture, is open for engagement ; factory managers grade sugars, and the working of crystallizers ; is advertiser may have his advertisement re-inserted or general superintendents in need of a high expert on low-grade sugars and close back boiling; anew, however, if he will write it out again and class man please address, "Sugar Maker," care

can furnish Al references, if desired. Address, 52, send it in to us. The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street,

care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, 9-10-19 New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-25-19 We cannot undertake to forward by mail replies New Orleans, La., U. S.' A. to the advertisements in this column, even though postage be supplied, and to secure publication in

POSITION wanted as sugar-maker or assistant GRADUATE of Audubon Sugar School, with exthe issue of the succeeding Saturday, they must

for the coming season ; 28 years' experience in perience in Louisiana and Cuba, desires position as

making all grades of sugar: can furnish reach use not later than Thursday morning of of references; when answering please state terms. familiar with the manufacture of granulated, y. C.,

best chemist for the coming grinding season, applicant each week.

Address, "F. N. Smith." 2007 Dauphine Street, or raw sugars ; credentials will be furnished on New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

9-10-19 request. Address, "Chemist," 1026 Joseph Street, HELP WANTED

New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-25-19 POSITION wanted as locomotive engineer : can

furnish references where last employed. Address, POSITION wanted as time-keeper or assistant WANTED an assistant sugar-boiler for Louisi- “J. C.", 416 Mandeville Street, New Orleans, La.. book-keeper on a sugar plantation ; can furnish ana ; applicant please state experience and refer

U. S. A.

9-10-19 references. Address, "Book-keeper," 2113 Brainard ences. Address, "S. L. DeGravelles," Patterson.

Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-27-19 La., U. S. A.

9-12-19 LOCOMOTIVE engineer desires position either

in Louisiana or Texas. Address, "E. L. Heno." POSITION wanted as chief engineer or master WANTED a first-class chemist superintendent ;

1404 Music Street, New Orleans, La., U'. S. A. mechanic in Cuba, the tropics or Louisiana, by length of service about six months. For further


young sugar-house and refining engineer; tep information address, "No. 77," care The Louisi

years' experience in practical erecting, constructing ana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Orleans,

DRAFTSMAN, experienced sugar-house drafts. and operating sugar machinery ; can furnish best La., U. S. A.


man on effects, pans, centrifugals, power-house, of references from two of the largest sugar manu

etc.; shop and field experience, erecting and facturers in the South; is employed at present. WANTED an assistant sugar boiler; length of

superintending construction ; open for position but wants to make a change ; can also furnish

in Cuba, the Islands, Louisiana. Address, service about six months. For further particu- "Draftsman,"

rcy capable assistant, Address, No. 184, care

The Louisiana Planter, 407 lars address,

Iue Louisina Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New "No. 77," care The

Louisiana Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, Lil.,

9-10-19 Orleans, La., U. S. A.

8-19-19 U. S. A.

POSITION wanted as chief chemist in Cuba 01

SUGAR-BOILER desires position anywhere in Porto Rico : seven

the tropics ; applicant familiar with all grades of


years' experience in WANTED one centrifugal foreman; must be competent ; must be able to keep up the machines, chemist : best of references: available November | best of references. manufacturing and refining as chemist and chief sugars and the working back boiling of molasses,

etc. i also familiar with Spanish, and can furnish also know how to dry sugar ; work to begin Octo

Address, John C. Bourne, cr.

Address, “P. O. Box 95," Betteravia, ber 1st.

1. 1919. For particulars address, "The Pelican Cal., U. S. A.


Anaheim Sugar Co., Anaheim, Cal., U. S. A, 8-19-19 State Refinery," Angola, La., U. S. A. 9-11-19

SUPERINTENDENT-CHEMIST wishes position WANTED one electrician, must be competent

YOUNG man, junior accountant. wishes a per- for the coming Louisiana crop ; applicant has had and furnish credentials as to his ability from the

manent position as office man or book-keeper for experience in the two largest factories in Cuba last party for whom he has worked : work to be.

sugar plantation. Address, "D. J. D.", 2871 Louisi. and several seasons' experience in Louisiana both gin October 1st. Address, "The Pelican State

apa Avenue, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 9-10-19 with raw and plantation granulated sugars, good Refinery," Angola, La., U. S. A.

9-11-19 IIELP- !1 !ñ !ñ !i !

references ; competent and a hard worker.

Address, X. Y. Z., Box 1073, Shreveport,

La., U. WANTED chief chemist and assistant chemist POSITION wanted as superintendent or assist. S. A.

8-19-19 for beet-sugar works, present campaign. Apply, ant superintendent in tropical sugar factory ; ap. “Chas. Pope," 332 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, plicant has seven years' experience and speaks ADMINISTRATOR-Live-wire American, 43 Ill., U. S. A.

9-10-19 Spanish. Address, "Box 332," Oxnard, Calif.. U. years of age, exemplary habits, capable and expe. S. A.

9-6-19 rienced manager Cuban sugar mill and plantation, WANTED an assistant chemist for a sugar mill,

desires connection either as manager or assistant refinery and alcohol distillery, situated in Mexico; I cant was assistant chemist in Cuban mill prior to

POSITION wanted as assistant chemist : appli- anywhere in the tropics. Address, "Manager." P.

0. Box 164, Santiago, Cuba.

8-19-19 must be on the place by November 1st and to return by July 1st. Address, "John B. Lea," P.

service in United States Army. Address, "1526 0. Box 1192, Bartlesville, Okla,, U. S. A. Riverside Ave.", Jacksonville, Fla., U. S. A.

A first-class sugar-boiler desires position in the 9-5-19

9-6-19 tropics for the coming season; have had twelve

years' experience in' refineries and beet sugar WANTED a practical sugar-maker for a small factory in Louisiana; applicant must be familiar

ENGINEER, with over thirty years' experience of low-grade goods. Address, H. Krahling, Hunt.

houses ; am thoroughly acquainted with the boiling with the clarification of cane juice, and know how on Louisiana plantations, is open to engagement | ington Beach, Cal., U. S. A.

8-19-19 to boil back; write fully, giving experience and

to repair and take off coming crop of sugar. Adreference from last employer. Address, "P," care dress. "Wm. N. Simmons," Pass Christian, Miss..

„AN American, graduate of America DuniversiThe Louisiana Planter, 407 Carondelet Street, New i'. S. A.


ties and European sugar schools, wishes a permaOrleans, La., U. S. A. 8-22-19

nent position in South or Central America ; sev

POSITION wanted assistant chemist in eral years' experience in beet sugar as chif. conWANTED assistant chemist for Louisiana crop; tropies, by college graduate, with two years' ex- trol and research chemist, also superintendent; one state experience and salary expected. Address, "S! nerience in beet-sugar laboratories : can furnish year in Cuba ; mechanical engineer familiar with B. B.", care The Louisiana Planter, 407 Caron: best of references. Address. "R. C. Owens," Hunt- construction and repairs; speaks French and Ger. delet Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 8-27-19 ington Beach, California, U. S. A.


man fluently, some Spanish, sober and industrious.

Btst references. Send full particulars in first letWANTED

ter, Address, G. C., 180 Sherman Street, Portland. two A1 sugar weighers for this POSITION wanted in the tropics by a sugar

Oregon, U. S. A.

7-16-19 year's Louisiana crop; furnish references with maker,

with 26 years' experience: understands applications ; only men need apply. Address, C. crystallizers and clarification and


A position wanted as assistant superintendent Lagarde Co., Ltd., Thibodaux, La., U. S. A. best references. Address. “Michael Philips," 1010 or chief sugar-boiler by a man who has had wide 8-19-19 Port Street, New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 9-3-19 | experience in the tropical countries ; applicant a

Page 24

The New York Sugar Market.

H. A. Himely, under date of September 1st, comments as follows on the Cuban situation :

There is no change to report since our last, the (By Special telegram to The LOUISIANA/ crop sugars at 6.75 f. o. b; also, January- weather continues favorable for the growing

crop and the cultivation of the fields is being PLANTER, Thursday night, September March sales at 6.50. The Equalization carried on. In some districts more rain during 18, 1919.)

Board is purchasing further domestic beets the month of August would have been preferNEW YORK, September 18, 1919.

able, but the previous rainfall had been so at 9.50, which resell to trade at 9 cents, heavy that the cane is in unusually fine conIt is impossible to report improvement of absorbing difference in costs. Other sales dition. . any consequence in the sugar situation. by producers direct to the trade were made We are still in the dark as to whether the While refiners have accepted some

at 11.50, practically 2 1-2 cents above governments of Great Britain and the United business the allotments are mostly small, the price of cane refined. It is generally of Cuba. There does not seem to be any way

States intend to make a bid for the next crop failing to bring any relief although melting expected that the majority of producers will by which planters can be forced to sell their continues near normal totaling 65,000 tons hold back beets in order to take advantage crops; it can apparently only be a matter of the past week. The sugar is rapidly pass of the higher prices, which appear certain voluntary agreement between buyers and sell

Planters have very high ideas of the prices ing into consumption as the invisible stocks for the next year. Further shipments of of sugar during 1920, and some would probably are practically bare and are urgently need- refined sugar to the British Commission refuse to accept any price in advance. At 7 ing replenishment. Atlantic port receipts have been made. There is considerable cents f.o.b. probably a very fair amount might

be secured; but judging by the feeling wbich were only 46,499 tons, comparing with more due the Commission before the end prevails amongst the class mentioned above, we 56,382 tons the previous week, resulting in of the year. The British Commission re- do not think that any offer, even fractionally a decrease in stocks to 68,095 tons. Ship-cently purchased 175,000 tons of Mauri- lower

, for their entire crops, would meet with

The expectation of very high prices ments from Cuba were only 79,446 tons, tius crop at 49 to 51 shillings. It is re- ruling during the coming year would not, of of which 61,953 tons went north of Hat-ported that they intend to raise the price course, mean to say that some planters may not teras. The outlook and the situation for for manufacturers and possibly for all do- be willing to sell a portion of their expected

production on a lower basis, while still countthe remainder of the year is very unsatis- mestic use. No definite developments re-ling upon higher prices for the remainder. factory, indications pointing to continued garding the continuing of Government con

REFINED SUGAR. scarcity of sugar, and possibly severe in trol are reported. Prominent interests

The refined sugar situation remains practiNovember and December. Higher prices here are urging the Government to make cally unchanged. Demand continues keen with are also practically assured for next year, some announcement as regards its inten- the

same difficulty encountered in placing Cuba reporting sales of December new tion.

orders as has been experienced for the past month or

Several refiners have made

minor allotments to their regular trade, but THE NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET. 2,000 tons. The total stock at Cuban ports the assignments have been small and helped

is 757,457 tons, compared with 511,297 tons at conditions but little. Oversales, however, are Messrs. Lamborn & Co., sugar brokers, this time last year. Four centrals continue steadily being filled, resulting in a somewhat 132 Front Street, New York, report that sugar grinding.

better distribution. The outlook for the next market under date of September 12, 1919, for

New crop Cubas are still being offered freely month, or possibly longer, is not very promisthe week then ending, as follows:

at 6.50 cents f.o.b. for January-March ship- ing. It is expected that refiners will not be in Conditions in the sugar trade have shown

A premium, however, will be paid for a position to take a normal amount of business. no material change during the week. There is December shipment new crops, and it was re

for some time. Prices remain unchanged at still little indication of a return to normal for ported that 6.65 cents f.o.b. has already been 9 cents, less 2%, the fixed basis. time to come, even though everything paid by speculators for that position. Further

The Sugar Equalization Board has purchased possible is being done to alleviate the acute business, too, is understood to have been trans- 20,000 bags Los Alamitos beets at 9.50 net situation which has prevailed since the begin- acted in crops for January-June ship- California. These will be distributed through ning of August.

ments, according to Willett and Gray, estimates the same channels heretofore employed at $9.00 Arrivals of raw sugar at Atlantic ports dur- placing the total at 150,000 tons. A large part per 100 pounds net, cash basis. ing the week were somewhat disappointing, of this sugar will be refined here according to Early shipments of the 200,000 bags purtotalling only 56,382 tons, whereas meltings them at a toll basis of from 2 to 244 cents per chased several weeks ago by the Equalization were 65,000 tons, bringing about a reduction pound.

Board have been delayed by California labor of almost 9,000 tons in refiners' stock, which Additional purchases of Cuban

for troubles, and only a small proportion of these is now 86,596 tons, or only slightly over one shipment this month have been made by the sugars have been allotted. week's melt requirements. Exports from Cuba Equalization Board at 5.88 c. and f., the sugar The first sales of new crop beet sugars from were much smaller than the previous week, being resold, refiners at 7.28. The Equaliza- producers or the trade have been made by the totalling 94,454 tons, against 122,172 tons. tion Board has also made additional purchases Holly Sugar Company, 20,000 bags of new crop Only 56,951 tons were shipped north of Hat- of Western beets at 9.50 cents, less 2% f.o.b. California beets having been sold at 1142 cents teras, whereas during the previous week 100,- factory, which will be sold to the trade at 9 basis, or 242 cents above the price now being 443 tons were exported.

cents net cash, the Equalization Board absorb. I charged by cane refiners. Advices from Cuba report rain in some parts ing the difference.

Previous to the purchase of 20,000 bags of of the island, which is generally favorable for Willett & Gray advices from Java state that beet sugar from Los Alamitos mentioned above, the growing new crop. A hurricane was expe- it seems to be the intention of the government the Sugar Equalization Board contracted for rienced over the northern part of Cuba during to levy a tax on sugars produced in the 1919-100,000 bags new crop beets at 919 cents with the week, doing considerable property damage 20 crop, and about a half a guilder per picul the Spreckles Sugar Company. at Havana, somewhat delaying the loading of (0.15 cents per lb.) is mentioned. There is

Page 25

The 220-acre, Ella plantation, of Colo Sacco,

near Centerville, in St. Mary Parish, was sold The Louisiana Planter Always Prints It First.

recently for a price of $30,000 to the Centerville Company. The Centerville Company, which

is a co-operative one, took over the Sacco place Contracts Made for Syrup and Molasses-Almost all Planters Decline

to secure the rights of way and an outlet for to Renew Government Contract-Grinding Will Start Late-Good

their factory located in the rear of the Ella

place. Cane Reported Here and There-Annual Meeting of American Cane

R. E. Glass, Nicaraguan sugar planter, was Growers Association Next Thursday.

in New Orleans last week to purchase machin

ery for a new and modern sugar factory to be The first sales of syrup and molasses of the almost up to normal at this time.

erected in the eastern part of that country.

There is 1919 crop were made public this week and are very little that is good or encouraging to be said It will be a 1,000-ton house and will manufac

ture 96-test sugar. Mr. Glass says that the indicative of the way that he big purchasers about the other places in St. Mary Parish, of these two cane products view the oncoming where the cane is something really sad to look average cane tonnage to the acre in Nicaragua

is 35 tons. He said that all the sugar hereLouisiana season. Contracts, it was reliably upon.

tofore made there has been manufactured on stated, had been made for syrup at 6 and 6 1/2 The Burguieres interests, in St. Mary Parish, the western coast in English-owned factories times the average price of high grade yellow report that they have plenty of cane on their and that his factory will be the first on the clarified sugar during the week in which the Cypremort and Bayou Sale plantations that eastern coast, and the first large mill to be delivery is made. The National Biscuit Com-would cut from 5 1/2 ton 6 feet right now.

built by American capital in Nicaragua. pany, which is perhaps the largest individual

The hurricane which was coming, but which buyer of high grade Louisiana molasses is un- passed Louisiana almost miraculously and

The estate of Peter Edward St. Martin, dederstood to havee closed contracts for a large struck most fiercely at Corpus Christi, Texas, ceased planter of St. John Parish, is valued at amount of the finest high-grade first molasser did not do any harm at all to the Louisiana

$101,783.52 according to an inventory filed obtainable in this State, at 60 cents per gallon.

in the Civil District Court of New Orleans this sugar cane crop. There were very high winds So far as was knowable Thursday there have experienced on many of the plantations near

week. This includes the Whitney plantation, not been any contracts for Louisiana sugars the Gulf Coast but the shaking up may have in St. John, which is appraised at $57,346. made yet. One prominent Louisiana planter. done the cane as much good as barm. It did

The heirs are, the widow, Mrs. Isabella Davendiscussing the possible prices of Louisiana suno appreciable damage.

port St. Martin, and two sons, Armand Edgar this winter, said that he was unable to fix The nortnern and western tiers of sugar

ward and Joseph Preston St. Martin. any estimate of what our sugars will sell for parishes continue to furnish us with the best

Mr. W. D. O'Neil, vice-president of the O'Neil on the average, but that he had seen a letter specimens of cane this year. Oscar Richard, Iron Works of Buffalo, New York, was in New concerning a very large Western beet sugar at Golden Gate, near St. Gabriel, La., in Iber. Orleans last week on a business trip. company which said that this factory bad sold ville Parish, has some nice cane on his places

Mr. J. J. A. Carlee, for many years general severa Ithousand tons of beet sugar at 2 cents and the D.74 seems to be especially showing manager of the Waterloo Estates in Trinidad, a pound. The trend of thought among those up well, and making long, thick joints.


is now in Louisiana visiting relatives. plants that will operate in Louisiana this

It is certain that one of the big four facto-, Carlee, before going to the tropics was conyear is towards the greater production of direct ries in the Abbeville section-namely, Erath, nected with various large Louisiana factories. consumption sugar. Virtually all of the plant- Vermilion, Rose Hill and Youngsville-will not ers have notified the Federal Food Adminis- grind this season and it is almost sure that

SUGAR IN LONDON. tration that they do not desire to come under another one of these four will also decide not to the contract again that they distributed their operate this week. All through the sugar dis

After a short interval of quiet, owing partly products under last season. The time, in which trict the factory owners are pulling straws, to the French markets being closed, there has the planters who do not desire to have their so to speak, to decide which places will grind been a renewed demand for export, and firm sugars, etc., handled by the Sugar Control and which will not. In Terrebonne many shutCommittee of the Food Administration must downs are expected and big interests there are West Indian and other cane descriptions. There

prices have again been paid for all grades of notify the Government of their intention not understood to have held several conferences has also been a steady enquiry for sugar from to have their sugars so distributed, expires on there this week to decide what places will be

the home manufacturers at fully previous October 1st. Those who have not given such closed up for the 1919 grinding.

rates, but the assortment of cane actually availnotice by that time will automatically come

The principal event of next week in Louisi- able has been much reduced, and there is no under Government sugar control of their distri- ana sugar circles will be the annual meeting improvement in the rate of discharging the bution. A prominent broker said Thursday of the American Cane Growers' Association steamers in the docks. In other countries, bethat his clients never could understand why an which will be held on next Thursday, Septem- yond the reported shipment of some German extension of time in the matter had ever been ber 25th, at the St. Charles Hotel, New Or- sugar from Hamburg to France, and a further requested as his factories could not see any leans. The meeting will be an important gather- sharp decline in the f. o. b. value of some kinds good reason why the relations with the Food ing of sugar men and it is expected and hoped of Java, there is nothing fresh to report. Administration should not have been termi- that it will be the beginning of a newer and

The nated under date of October 1st rather than greater association of the men who produce su

The refined market continues steady. November 1st which is now the expiration date gar cane in Louisiana. The organizers of the Commission and the home refiners has been

quantity of sugar distributed by the Royal because of the extension granted. bigger association movement are anxious that

relatively small and allotment against the Louisiana this year will have one of the the little cane growers especially should at- voucher claims for the current period is well latest grinding seasons it has ever had. Re- tend this meeting and every means is being used below the usual average. This is chiefly due ports this week from practically every point on to impress the little cane growers that as far to the difficulty of berthing vessels when they the Louisiana sugar map would indicate that it as the association is concerned, they are

arrive, and to the even greater difficulty of will be at least November 10th before many, big as the owners of the largest plantations in discharging and clearing cargoes at the docks. if not most, of the houses that are going to the State. A new charter by which the asso- The situation is still further aggravated by the grind, will be grinding. The crop is thought to ciation's scope will be extended is to be read and inability of the railway and carting services have deteriorated a little last week. The weather approved or amended at this meeting, and those to provide rapid collection and dispatch of was not so propitious and rain every few days who do not attend will have no excuse to criti- goods. Some help in this last respect is exwould be very beneficial at this time, for grow-cise what is done at the meeting when they pected from the Government's decision to subing and maturing sugar cane, as everyone knows could have been there and have had their say side and re-establish the coasting steamer trafis a very thirsty plaut. about the whole matter.

fic, which during the war has been largely The cane is reported to be jointing up fairly New Orleans was crowded with sugar planters thrown upon the railways. A good deal of the well in St. Mary and in the Bayou Sale dis- Thursday, many of whom had come to attend sugar disposed of during the week has been for trict there is plenty of cane to be found that is the Parker political rally here Thursday night. I the purpose of autumn domestic jam preserv

Page 26

mixture of about 80 parts of molasses with 20

AIR-DRIED CONDITION. parts of fine spongy tissue obtained from the bagasse of the cane mills. The product consists

-Impurities of a dry, brown-colored material of a fragrant

Vegetable Other odor and is greatly relished by farm animals. In

Pro Mat Min- Water Resin Gutta teids

eral the early days of the industry some trouble was

Per Per Per Per Per Per esperienced from spontaneous combustion of the Location of Sample


Color and remarks product and steamers have come into New York Courantyn District

2.6 34.4 48.1 4.2 9.9 0.8 Dark brown with their cargo on fire from this cause. The Supenaam

6.0 38.2 47.1 1.8 6.3 0.6 Light mauve. No

air cells danger of spontaneous combustion of molascuit

Siparuni ..

2.4 37.5 47.0 4.4 8.0 0.7 Light brown. No has been overcome, just as in the case of the

air cells beet molasses and alfalfa hay mixtures in the Berbice River

2.9 39.7 45.5 3.1 7.8 0.7 Light color (brown) l'nited States, by boiling the molasses to a den

No air cells Cuyuni River

3.1 35.2 14.9 4.3 11.2 1.3 Dark brown surface sity of 10° to 50° Be. and mixing it hot with the

slightly cloudy dry absorbent. In this way the percentage of Pomeroon River

3.5 38.8 41.5 2.1 10.2 0.9 Brown, white. Conmoisture in the final product is kept below 12

tains air cells Takatu River


38.5 42.7 2.3 12.8 0.9 per cent under which limit there is no danger of

Light brown in cen

ter to dark at heating from fermentation, and no exudation of

edges molasses. A penalty is usually exacted from Rupununi River

2.8 37.2 42.4 5.0 11.9 0.7 Light purple the seller in case the moisture content of molas

Lower Essequibo 3.2 41.6 42.3 3.2 8.8

0.9 Dark color (pur

ple). No air cuit exceeds 12 per cent. In some years the ex

cells portation of molascuit from British Guiana has exceeded 12,000 tons, but war conditions have from which date the production of the metal enriched masses and reefs not yet found to lately reduced the production of this by-product. steadily rose.

reward the future prospector. BALATA. The gold of British Guiana is largely ob-

BAUXITE. The collection of balata, the congealed latex oftained from alluvial dredgings on the Kona-

An industry of rapidly growing importance in the tree Mimusops balata, is the fourth most im- waruk river and along the Mahdia and Minportant industry of British Guiana. The first nehaha creeks and from alluvial placer work. British Guiana is the mining of bauxite, which sample of balata was sent to London in 1859. ings on the Potaro, Mazaruni, Cuyuni and has been found in various places extending a Manufacturers did not at first have much suc

length of 200 miles. The most extensive deBarima rivers and their tributory streams. cess with this substitute for gutta-percha, but the placer washing is performed in small boxes posits known at present are in the Christianlater experiments were more favorable, and since called “toms” or in larger called sluices,' 'the burg Akyma district of the Demerara river,

where the bauxite has a thickness in places of 1890 there has been a steady increase in the gold which is liberated being caught by merexportation. In 1911 over one million pounds cury in “riffles” below the screen of the “tom” some 18 to 24 feet. The discovery of these imof balata were shipped and this figure had in- or along the length of the “sluice." At the end mense deposits was made by Professor Harricreased in 1917 to 1,595,888 pounds. About 80 of the day the riffles are removed, the amal- son in 1897, while engaged upon a geological surper cent goes to the United Kingdom and the gam of mercury and gold is squeezed in cha- vey of the Akyma district. The composition of

the bauxite collected by Professor Harrison at remaining 20 per cent to the United States.

mois skin to remove the excess of quicksilver The balata trees are bled by means of a cut- and the residue is roasted in a flat, iron dish the time of its discovery is given in his report

of 1910, as follows:
lass, incisions being cut not more than 142 until the mercury has volatized. The gold re-
inches wide, about 10 inches apart, in a "feather- mains behind as a dull yellow mass.

Christian- burg

Akyma stitch" pattern up one side of the trunk. No A reconnaissance of the gold-bearing forma- Quartz

0.42 0.67 tree can be bled unless it has a girth of 36 tions of the colony has been made by Professor

Colloid silica


0.12 inches, 4 feet from the ground, and no tree can Harrison, who, among other scientific appoint

Combined silica

2.29 1.92 be reworked until all the previous incisions are ments, holds the position of Government Geolo

Aluminum oxide

67.28 64.86 Iron peroxide

1.53 0.35 entirely healed. which is said to take 4 to 5 gist. In his presidential address before the Magnesium oxide

0.07 0.31 years. The latex runs zig-zag down the course of Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society in

Calcium oxide

0.02 0.03 the cuts into a calabash at the base of the tree, 1918, Professor Harrison had this to say about

Sodium oxide


Nil from which it is collected into gourds or kerosene the audiferous deposits of Guiana :

Potassium oxide.

0.08 0.15 Combined water

27.46 30.47 cans. After carrying to camp, it is poured into

Titanium oxide

1.07 0.75 shallow trays which 'hold from 5 to 30 gallons.

At first sight it would appear as though the

Phosphoric anhydride Trace Trace As the latex congeals it is taken off in successive prospects of our country for the future pro- Manganese oxide


Nil sheets until only the mother liquor is left duetion of gold are gloomy in the extreme.

100.36 100.13 in the tray. The sheets of balata after draining This is not so; and I am satisfied that sooner are hung up in sheds to dry, and they are then or later after the termination of the war the The origin of the bauxitic deposits of British ready for shipment. On the first cutting trees prospects will be very greatly improved. There Guiana is a geo-chemical problem to which Progive an average of 1 gallon of latex, equivalent are—there must be—other valleys in the vast fessor Harrison bas devoted a great deal of atto 5 pounds of dried balata. Subsequent bleed-interior of the colony having a structure similar tention. The principal source of primary ferings are said to give a smaller yield.

to that of the Mahdia and Minnehaha valleys, a ruginous bauxite or laterite, from which the The collection of balata on the government

country of more or less auriferous a plite and gibbsite and other hydrates of aluminum are

aplitie granite intersected by the many feeders derived, appears to be rocks with from 48 to lands is regulated by licenses which are issued

of one of the great sills of diabase which are so 54 per cent silica, such as diabase and epidiofor a term not exceeding 15 years and with

characteristie a feature of the interior the privilege of cancellation should the land be

of rite or hornblende schist, these latter rocks required for agricultural purposes.

Guiana. The igneous and metamorphic rocks being metamorphoses of a gabbro or diabase of The composition of British Guiana balatas, ac

of the colony are practically all auriferous, Archaean formation. A study of the composicording to analyses by Professor Harrison, is carrying either original or far more usually tion of these rocks, of the layers of bauxite given in the following table :

secondary gold, the metal being, of course, laterite upon their surface, and of the seep

present in them in only very minute propor-age waters which flow therefrom, proves that GOLD.

tions. The great geological age of the country the conversion of the rocks into bauxite is due After balata the next export of importance bas resulted in the destruction of the auriferous to the action of carbonated waters, the iron, in British Guiana is gold. Although expedi- quartz-aplite veins with resultant concentra- calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and tions in search of this mineral had been made tion of their gold content in their remnants. silica being removed in solution and the alumas early as 1720 it was not until 1863 that This has given rise to reefs exceptionally rich inum being left behind as a hydrate. Elseany organized efforts were made in the way in gold at their present outcrops owing to secon- where in the Colony a similar action has reof prospecting. The actual operations of gold dary enrichment, but becoming non-payable or sulted in the formation of vast surficial beds of mining did not begin, however, until 1886, | petering out at depth. There must be other concretionary or lateritic ironstone.