Quantas temporadas tem the 100

Primeiramente, é importante salientar que provavelmente não haverá uma 8ª temporada de The 100. Isso porque a série terminou na sua sétima temporada. Criada por Jason Rothenberg, The 100 é baseada no livro de mesmo nome, “The 100”, de Cass Morgan.

Vai ter continuação dos 100?

A 7ª e última temporada de The 100 foi ao ar em setembro de 2020 e, desde então, os fãs estão ansiosos para revisitarem o universo da produção da emissora The CW com a série prequel que foi anunciada.

Quando vai ser lançada a nova temporada dos 100?

Setembro chega com novas temporadas para os fãs de ‘The 100” na Netflix; a nova temporada estará disponível nesta quarta-feira (1) na plataforma de streaming.

Por que The 100 foi cancelada?

Portanto, está esclarecido que o principal motivo pelo fim de The 100 foi a própria vontade de seu criador, que decidiu que a série deveria se encerrar antes que passasse do seu auge criativo. A sétima e última temporada de The 100 foi exibida em 2020. No Brasil, os fãs ainda esperam pelo desfecho na Netflix.

Porque Clarke não transcende?

O mais curioso é que o personagem em si não transcendeu, pois apenas os vivos poderiam conquistar esse local no “céu”, sem dor e sem sofrimento. Com sua falha, Clarke não transcende e ela então vê todos se transformarem em seres de luz a deixando sozinha.

Quem Morreu na vida real da série The 100?

Quem morreu no episódio foi Bellamy Blake (Bob Morley), o que causou grande comoção entre os fãs do seriado.

Quando será lançado a 7 temporada de The 100 na Netflix?

1º de setembro
Seriado chega com os episódios finais na plataforma de streaming no Brasil. A sétima temporada de The 100 chega na Netflix em 1º de setembro, à meia-noite. Esse é o horário para as produções que não são originais da plataforma.

Qual será a última temporada dos 100?

7ª temporada
“É oficial, The 100 chega a uma conclusão épica e terminará sua 7ª temporada com 100 episódios na quarta-feira, 30 de setembro, no The CW!”.

Quando sai The 100 7 temporada na Netflix?

1º de setembro
A sétima temporada de The 100 chega na Netflix em 1º de setembro, à meia-noite.

Quando será lançada a 7 temporada de The 100?

A mensagem foi retwittada por Rothenberg, confirmando que não haverá mais hiato nos episódios finais da série, quando ela voltar a ser exibida em 9 de setembro, com o capítulo “Blood Giant”.

Por que Clarke matou Bellamy?

Para Clarke, Bellamy era um obstáculo para sua sobrevivência e foi preciso se livrar dele para proteger o bem maior. Ainda em sua publicação, Rothenberg agradeceu a Bob Morley, ator responsável por dar vida a Bellamy ao longo das sete temporadas.

Porque Clarke é a chave?

Então o que Clarke viveu nas temporadas passadas pode ser a explicação para ela ser a chave. Começando que para entrar na Cidade da Luz, a personagem teve que tomar a chave, como era chamado o chip da inteligência artificial (A.L.I.E), o que já conecta as duas coisas pelo nome.

Quem é o pai da filha de Clarke The 100?

De quem é a filha de Clarke the 100?

Clarke Griffin
Personagem ficcional de The 100
Sexo Feminino
Família Livro Dr. David Griffin (pai) Dr. Mary Griffin (mãe) Televisão Jake Griffin (pai †) Dr. Abigail “Abby” Griffin (mãe †) Madi Griffin (filha adotiva) Lexa Kom Trikru (cônjuge)
Status Viva (livro e televisão)

Como o ator Clay Virtue morreu?

A morte do ator, de 27 anos, aconteceu em 26 de março, mas seus pais só revelaram agora. Clay Adler (Newport Beach, Califórnia, 1989), uma das estrelas do canal de televisão MTV, suicidou-se na frente de alguns amigos com os quais tinha ido ao deserto para fazer exercícios de tiro.

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Quantas temporadas tem the 100

A century after Earth was devastated by a nuclear apocalypse, 100 space station residents are sent to the planet to determine whether it's habitable.

Starring:Eliza Taylor,Paige Turco,Bob Morley

Creators:Jason Rothenberg


The 100

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    One hundred young exiles from a dying space station are sent to Earth 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse to test if the planet is now inhabitable.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Having discovered that Jasper may still be alive, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Finn and Monty set out on a mission to locate their friend.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    A fast-moving, toxic fog jeopardizes a mission to find a substance that could save Jasper's life. Clarke learns the truth about her father's betrayal.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    After a shocking death, Clarke and Finn grow closer. Bellamy must keep the group from turning on one another and Abby takes a huge risk.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    After exposing Kane’s plan to reduce the population of the Ark, Abby and Jaha realize at least some of the 100 must still be alive.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Bellamy and his crew run into Grounder territory as they search for Octavia while Raven notices the deep connection between Finn and Clarke.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Abby guides Clarke through a dangerous procedure while Diana Sydney takes her place as Chancellor. Kane agonizes over his recent decision.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Some of the 100 lose touch with reality after eating a hallucinogen. One of them is tasked to kill, and Diana Sydney's treachery is revealed.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Finn attempt to broker peace with the Grounders while others prepare for battle. Meanwhile, tragedy strikes the Unity Day celebration.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    John Murphy returns claiming to have been held captive by the Grounders and Clarke and Bellamy have different ideas on how to handle his return.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Finn lead a hunt for food, Raven makes Bellamy an offer he can’t refuse, and Kane risks his life and reunites with Jaha and Abby.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Finn are confronted by a new enemy, Bellamy makes a heroic move to save Jasper, while those on the Ark face the inevitable.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As the conflict escalates, Clarke pleads with Bellamy to do the right thing. Octavia makes a difficult choice. Raven and Jasper work against time.

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Trapped in the white room, Clarke tries to make sense of her surroundings. The Ark survivors face moral and physical dilemmas. An old enemy returns.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    A suspicious Clarke confronts President Dante Wallace and demands answers. Kane interrogates one of the 100, and Abby performs emergency surgery.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke teams with an unlikely ally after making a horrific discovery about Mount Weather's medical ward. Abby confesses to a crime.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    After a betrayal, Clarke takes matters into her own hands, Bellamy, Finn and Murphy race to save a stranger and tensions rise between Raven and Wick.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Kane leads a mission to make peace with the Grounders, Jasper participates in a risky experiment and President Dante Wallace issues a warning.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Raven learns that Mount Weather is causing communication interference, tempers flare between Clarke and Finn, and traitors surround President Wallace.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Abby prepares a leap of faith to save her people from a Grounder assault. Meanwhile, Bellamy and Octavia share a shocking secret with Clarke.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    A riot breaks out over Finn's actions as Abby and others decide whether to put him on trial or turn him over to the Grounders for torture.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke strikes a deal with Lexa and Indra while the newly formed alliance between the Sky People and the Grounders is threatened.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Lexa encounter a new enemy, Bellamy and Lincoln work together to break into Mount Weather and Indra makes Octavia an appealing offer.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Bellamy and Lincoln's actions have brutal consequences, Abby fights to stay in control and a desperate Jasper confronts President Wallace.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Tensions between Clarke and Abby come to a head, Raven helps Bellamy navigate Mount Weather and Jaha and Murphy encounter a stranger.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke questions Lexa's leadership decisions, Abby struggles to help an injured Kane while Jasper steps into a leadership role.

  14. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Desperate for help, Raven summons Wick. Jaha and Murphy encounter a perilous roadblock, and Bellamy is in a race against time at Mount Weather.

  15. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Lexa prepare for battle, while Raven and Wick experience a major setback. Meanwhile, Octavia and Lincoln must make a difficult decision.

  16. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    The journey to the City of Light continues as Jaha makes a move that shocks Murphy, Clarke receives unexpected help and Lincoln gets his revenge.

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Bellamy and Kane head out on a mission to save Clarke, who has a bounty on her head. Murphy encounters Jaha at the mansion.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Bellamy and Kane risk their lives to rescue Clarke. Abby considers opening Mount Weather as a medical facility. Murphy plans a betrayal.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke wrestles with a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Bellamy learns that something isn't what it seems.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke uncovers the architect of a clever plot. While Kane tries to maintain peace, Jasper spirals out of control.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As Pike tightens his grip, Clarke races to stop a brewing war and a familiar face returns to Arkadia with a new mission. Murphy plays a risky game.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke must decide between exacting revenge and making peace. Octavia and Kane team up, and Abby is concerned about Raven.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke makes a discovery that changes everything. Lexa attempts to maintain stability among the clans. A dark chapter from the past is revealed.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As Kane tries to find a peaceful solution, he comes to realize that he might have to take a more drastic course. Raven wants Jasper's help.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    While Clarke makes an alarming discovery, Octavia faces a decision that could have dire consequences. Abby and Kane share a moment.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Jaha takes a frightening new approach in his efforts to recruit Abby. Bellamy faces a difficult truth, and Monty lands in a dangerous situation.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    While Jasper's rage grows, Raven's dark side emerges under the influence of ALIE. Octavia tries to figure out her place in the world.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Jaha returns to Polis, and Murphy has a surprise encounter. Meanwhile, Octavia uncovers a clue.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke embarks on a mission that could change everything. Murphy gains insight that may be the key to his survival, and Kane reaches his limit.

  14. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and Jasper face a devastating obstacle, while Raven and Monty make a key discovery.

  15. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    In Part 1 of the two-part season finale, Clarke finds hope in the most unlikely place. Meanwhile, ALIE's master plan comes together.

  16. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    In the second half of the two-part season finale, the group prepares for a final showdown as they begin to face the reality of their tragic situation.

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Trapped in Polis and surrounded by hostile Azgeda, Clarke devises a risky plan. Meanwhile, Raven discovers the grave new threat facing them all.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Roan takes a risky stand to buy time for Skaikru's secret work, and Bellamy and Clarke face tough choices that imperil the survival of them all.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    With the radiation closing in, Jaha leads Clarke and Bellamy on a long-odds mission to find a refuge. Roan sends Octavia to retrieve the stolen Flame.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke's lies foment a revolt, Abby leads a risky quest to find Nightblood, and Octavia faces a showdown when the clans' alliance disintegrates.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    With the alliance broken, Roan and his Azgeda army march on Skaikru's base, forcing Clarke into a desperate gamble to avoid an all-out war.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Roan lead a dangerous sortie to deliver precious fuel for Raven's Nightblood mission, and Octavia faces her consuming thirst for revenge.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As lethal black rain falls, Abby seeks a last-ditch radiation cure, Octavia connects with Ilian, and Bellamy faces a life-or-death decision.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As time grows short, Clarke takes drastic action to find a cure. Looking for a secret bunker, Kane and Jaha face a doomsday cult's cryptic riddle.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Betrayal and bad blood drive the clans toward a deadly showdown, Octavia struggles to renounce her violent past, and Raven chooses her fate.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Octavia, Roan and warriors from every clan fight to the death in a ritual battle for control of the bunker -- but not everyone plays by the rules.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Octavia stalls the clans for time while Bellamy defies Clarke's plan for the bunker. Monty tries to save Jasper. Raven discovers unexpected hope.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Bellamy lead a perilous mission to rescue Raven. Kane and Jaha clash over selecting survivors. Abby makes a fateful decision.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As Praimfaya strikes, Octavia assumes command of the bunker, and Raven leads Clarke's stranded team on a last-minute race to escape destruction.

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Struggling to survive alone in a world scorched by Praimfaya, Clarke makes a startling discovery -- and faces a dangerous new threat.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Octavia spills blood to establish her command when overcrowded conditions and violent clan tensions turn the bunker into an underground war zone.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Diyoza's invaders go on the hunt to take over the valley from Clarke. Raven's crew makes an alarming discovery aboard the orbiting mystery ship.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    A tenuous pact teeters on collapse during a mission to liberate the bunker. Raven and Murphy face a dire choice aboard the Eligius IV.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    While a rift among her soldiers widens, Diyoza puts Abby to the test. Octavia clashes with Clarke, who discovers a gruesome new threat.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    A surprise overture from Diyoza puts Octavia's ironfisted leadership to the test. Clarke turns to an unexpected ally for help protecting Madi.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke turns to Indra after discovering Octavia's barbaric plan to conquer the valley. Echo forces Raven's hand to initiate Monty's cyberattack.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    While Octavia finalizes her battle plans, Clarke makes a treacherous play to prevent war. Abby pleads for Raven's help after making a breakthrough.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Murphy lights a fire that sparks calamitous events in Shallow Valley. The widening schisms forming in Wonkru worsen and may become permanent.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke races to keep Madi safe while Octavia forces Bellamy, Indra and Gaia into a violent showdown. Abby fights a desperate personal battle.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke scrambles to save Abby, who reveals a ghastly secret from the bunker. The converging armies prepare for a climactic battle for Shallow Valley.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As battle erupts, a betrayal leads to catastrophe. Madi defies Clarke over the fate of Wonkru. Octavia faces the consequences of her recklessness.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    After the disaster in the gorge, Wonkru unites under Madi for a final assault while McCreary's lunatic plan leads to a fate-changing revelation.

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    After a century of cryosleep, the survivors begin exploring the wonders -- and cryptic dangers -- of their mysterious new home, Planet Alpha.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Bellamy's plan to survive the eclipse quickly falls to pieces. Raven turns to Diyoza to thwart an attack aboard the Eligius IV.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke tries diplomacy with the circumspect leader of Sanctum. Outside the barrier, a band of mysterious raiders threatens the jump ship.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Sanctum's cryptic renewal celebration portends a fresh start for Clarke and the others, but a jarring surprise awaits. Octavia plans a daring escape.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Jordan follows his suspicions while Josephine schemes to advance the Primes' troubling agenda. On the run, Diyoza and Octavia stumble into a new peril.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Murphy and Abby entertain tempting offers from Josephine. Diyoza and Octavia discover a cryptic clue to the anomaly. Madi's visions take a dark turn.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke faces a reckoning with her memories -- and a battle for supremacy over Josephine -- in the dreamlike arena of her mindspace.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Diyoza and Octavia follow Xavier into Gabriel's dark secret. Raven confronts Abby over her plan to save Kane. Murphy's deal forces a showdown.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Bellamy tries leveraging his way into a parley with Gabriel, Kane makes a grim decision, and Octavia comes face-to-face with her troubled conscience.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Revolution brews against the Primes as they plan retaliation for Kane. Clarke and Josephine fight for survival as the body they share nears death.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and Gabriel form a risky plan to sow panic inside Sanctum. Echo tells Ryker the truth about her past. Octavia tries to make amends with Bellamy.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    As an attack force gathers outside Sanctum to prevent more Naming Day killings, Clarke poses as Josephine in a risky attempt to lower the shield.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Gabriel and the others combat the true believers remaining in Sanctum. Clarke scrambles to prevent the Primes from escaping aboard the Eligius IV.

  1. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Volatile schisms subvert Clarke's first efforts to rebuild Sanctum. Hope helps Echo and Gabriel track an invisible foe in a frantic hunt for Bellamy.

  2. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Time moves in mysterious ways through the anomaly, where Octavia makes a breakthrough discovery and — much later — so does Gabriel.

  3. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Russell's followers foment violence as he prepares to meet his fate. Meanwhile, a faulty nuclear reactor endangers all of Sanctum.

  4. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Using time dilation on the anomaly's far side, Hope, Echo and Gabriel prepare for an attack on Bardo. Clarke hazards a deal with the Disciples.

  5. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Octavia gets a punishing welcome to the marvels of Bardo, while Indra tangles with fanatics in Sanctum and makes an unnerving discovery.

  6. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Diyoza fights to escape imprisonment on Bardo, Indra confronts growing hostilities in Sanctum, and Clarke's team stumbles into trouble on a new world.

  7. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Murphy plays a tense game with Russell while Emori lays plans to heal the fractures in Sanctum. Diyoza and Hope have a reckoning on Bardo.

  8. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Not long after Earth's nuclear apocalypse, Becca unravels the Anomaly Stone's code, and the original Grounders spark a rebellion against Second Dawn.

  9. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Consenting to train as Disciples for a coming war, Diyoza and the others learn the secrets of Bardo. A hostage crisis forces a showdown in Sanctum.

  10. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    In the wake of a bloody massacre in Sanctum, Sheidheda tries to snatch control from Indra. Meanwhile, Echo devises a devious plan on Bardo.

  11. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Seeking passage off a mysterious world, two travelers fight their way up a treacherous mountainside — and make a momentous discovery along the way.

  12. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    While Sheidheda launches a violent purge in Sanctum, the Shepherd's newest convert strikes a deal: locate the Flame to save the lives of his friends.

  13. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    The Shepherd assails Sanctum to force Clarke to retrieve the Flame. An eclipse revitalizes an old menace. Gabriel has a breakthrough epiphany.

  14. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Clarke and the others find a surprising world on the far side of the portal. Sheidheda agrees to help the Shepherd target Madi. Octavia faces her past.

  15. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    While Emori fights for her life and Clarke tries to return to Bardo, the Shepherd probes Madi's mind for the final code that will trigger the Last War.

  16. Quantas temporadas tem the 100

    Jordan helps Raven and Indra plan a final showdown with Bardo's army, while Clarke faces a harrowing trial that will decide the fate of them all.

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Eliza TaylorPaige TurcoBob MorleyMarie AvgeropoulosChristopher LarkinHenry Ian CusickIsaiah WashingtonLindsey MorganDevon BostickRichard HarmonRicky WhittleJarod JosephChelsey ReistSachin SahelAdina PorterTasya TelesThomas McDonell

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Coming soon

Vai ter a oitava temporada de Os 100?

Primeiramente, é importante salientar que provavelmente não haverá uma 8ª temporada de The 100. Isso porque a série terminou na sua sétima temporada. Criada por Jason Rothenberg, The 100 é baseada no livro de mesmo nome, “The 100”, de Cass Morgan.

Qual é a última temporada de Os 100?

7ª temporada (2020) Em 4 de agosto de 2019, Jason Rothenberg anunciou em seu Twitter que a sétima temporada seria a última da série, totalizando assim 100 episódios ao todo da série.

Quando vai lançar a 8 temporada de The 100 na Netflix?

Já na Netflix, em 01 de Setembro. No episódio final, acompanhamos Clarke fazendo o teste final e enfrentando seu juiz celestial, Lexa. Mas, ela falha e isso coloca toda a humanidade em perigo. Quando Raven se apresenta para apelar da decisão, um conflito se inicia entre os discípulos e o povo de Sanctum.

Quantas temporadas tem os 100 na Netflix?

Depois de 7 temporadas e 100 episódios, a série pós-apocalíptica The 100 chegou ao fim em 30 de setembro de 2020. Pouco menos de um ano após a exibição dos últimos episódios, a temporada final foi finalmente lançada no catálogo brasileiro da Netflix.