Which complications will the nurse monitor for in a patient receiving postural drainage therapy

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Different ACTs and their characteristics.

Patients typologyDegree of collaboration of the patientCough efficacyProConTime of executionNeed for …
Postural DrainageCOPD, cystic fibrosis, post-surgery (precaution)Average - GoodYesLow cost, studied for a long time, combine with other techniquesPatients with reduced flows, patients with cognitive impairment, highly deconditioned patients, patients with reduced cough reflex, thoracic trauma10′−30′ (2–3 times/day)Mobilize secretions from periphery of the lung
Manual techniquesCOPD, cystic fibrosisAverage - GoodYesLow cost, detach secretions from the bronchial wall, Combine with other techniquesPatients with reduced flows, patients with cognitive impairment, highly deconditioned patients, patients with reduced cough reflex20′ (2–3 times/day)Mobilize secretions from periphery of the lung. Facilitate expectoration
Active Cycle of Breathing TechniquesCOPD hypersecretive Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Pre/post-surgeryGoodYesFree. It combines lung re-expansion and PEP effect.Self-managementPatients with reduced flows, patients with cognitive impairment, agitated or confused, patients not spontaneously breathing20′ (2–3 times/day)Mobilize secretions from the periphery of the lung. Facilitate expectoration
Autogenous DrainageCOPD hypersecretive Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Pre/post-surgeryAverage - GoodYesFree. It combines lung re-expansion and PEP effect. Self-managementPatients too young, patients with cognitive impairment, highly deconditioned patients, patients with reduced cough reflex, difficult to teach20′ (2–3 times/day)Mobilize secretions from the periphery of the lung
PEP Systems (PEP mask, PEP Bottle, thera PEP. etc.)COPD hypersecretive Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Pre/post-surgeryGoodYesLow cost, easy to use and transportable. Excellent for managing the early stages of COPD. Self-managementPatients with reduced flows, patients with cognitive impairment, highly deconditioned patients, Pneumothorax, active haemoptysis10′−15′ (1–2 times /day)Mobilize secretions from the periphery of the lung, increasing lung volume (FRC and VT), reduction of hyperinflation
OPEP Systems (Aerobika, Acapella, Flutter, Cornet, etc.)COPD hypersecretive Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Pre/post-surgeryAverage - GoodYesLow cost, easy to use and transportable, the vibration allows a better action on the denser secretions. Excellent for managing the early stages of disease. Self-management.Patients with reduced flows, patients with cognitive impairment, highly deconditioned patients, Pneumothorax, active haemoptysis10′−15′ (1–2 times/day)Mobilize secretions from the periphery of the lung; the swing facilitates the detachment of secretions, increasing lung volume (FRC and VT), reduction of hyperinflation
Cough Assist (E70, Kalos, Nippy, etc.)NMD, post coma, ABI (with attention to glottic functionality)From Good (in synchrony with device) to AbsentNOUseful for those with: weak muscle, conditions with ineffective cough, In case of ineffectiveness of the air-stacking maneuver, Weakness of respiratory mm, with ineffective cough (Peak cough flow (PCEF) <270 l / min.) Maximum Expiratory Pressure (MEP) <50 cmH2O highly studied machines, guidelines present x NMDComplete paralysis of the glottis (risk of collapse of the airways in exhalations), Recent barotrauma, pneumothorax, Hemodynamic instability, Recent thoracic surgery, Bullous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, Recent abdominal surgery, Maxillofacial trauma, Epistaxis, requires trained staff, Expensive10′−30′ (2–3 times/day)Mobilize and remove secretions in patient with ineffective cough reflex using a Δ pressure
IPPV (or percussionaire)COPD (hypercapnic), bronchiectasis, Cystic FibrosisFrom Good to LowYesForm of ventilation, it also helps to reduce hypercapnia and improves oxygenation; useful for patients with thick secretions.Expensive, not widespread; to know its use well. Difficult to domicile30′Optimize the ventilation of the patient; facilitate the detachment and ascent of secretions (through the “rupture” of the mucus)
T -PEP (temporary positive expiratory pressure)COPD hyper secretive Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Pre/post-surgeryAverage - GoodYesGood feedback for the patient during the execution of the maneuver. Useful for ACOS patients, patients with reduced expiratory flows. Self-management.Patients with cognitive impairment, with reduced cough reflex. costly15′−20′ (1–2 times/day)Maintain a prolonged and constant expiratory flow with low pressures facilitating the ascent of mucus
Vest (o smart Vest)COPD, Bronchiectasis, Cystic FibrosisFrom good to absentYesEasy to use, comfortableFor patients with ineffective cough need to join a Cough assist; expensive20′ /die (even several times a day)Mobilize secretions through vibrations on the chest wall.
Expiratory Flow AccelerationCOPD, Bronchiectasis, post-surgery, post-transplant, Cystic Fibrosis, NMD (Healthy Lung), ABI (if impossible use cough assist)From good to absentNot necessarilyCystic fibrosis Self-management. Pre/post-surgery (thoraco-abdominal, ENT, cardiac) Brain damage Neuromuscular pathologies (ALS, MS, etc.) Excellent for tracheostomized patients and with low flows Self-management even for the most compromised patientsNot effective on very dense and viscous secretions (need to act on the rheology of the mucus); ineffective on tachypnoeic patients (the patient must breathe on his TV)15′−30′ (but more in monitored and hypersecreted patients)Accelerate the expiratory flow (Venturi system) facilitating the ascent of the secretions up to the upper airways or to the glottis (to then be swallowed)
NIVCystic fibrosis, Pre/post-surgeryAverage - GoodYesAmplifies inspired flow. It combines lung re-expansion and PEP effect.For patients with ineffective cough need to join a Cough assist; expensive20′ /dieRe-expand and unblock areas at risk of atelectasis or bronchial encumbrance