The PHN recognizes that environmental science, epidemiology, biostatistics, biomedical sciences, and

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year

General Education – Elective: Introduction to Biology: Organisms and Ecosystems

This course serves as an introduction to biology for majors, focusing on the organismal, population, and ecosystem levels. Major themes include: evolution, structure and function, information flow and storage, pathways and transformations of energy and matter, and systems. The course also focuses on developing core competencies, such as applying the process of science, using quantitative reasoning, communicating, and collaborating. Lecture 3 (Fall).


General Education – Elective: Introduction to Biology Laboratory: Organisms and Ecosystems

This course is an introduction to laboratory work in life sciences. The laboratory work is project-based, and may involve field work as well as laboratory experiments. The course is designed to show the huge scope of biology and will encompass how some molecular biology and bioinformatics techniques connect with organismal and ecological biology. (Co-requisites: BIOL-123 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall).


General Education - Elective: Introduction to Biology: Molecules and Cells

This course serves as an introduction to biology for majors, focusing on the molecular and cellular level. Major themes include: evolution, structure and function, information flow and storage, pathways and transformations of energy and matter, and systems. The course also focuses on developing core competencies, such as applying the process of science, using quantitative reasoning, communicating, and collaborating. Lecture 3 (Spring).


General Education - Elective: Introduction to Biology Laboratory: Molecules and Cells

This course is an introduction to laboratory work in life sciences. The laboratory work is project based, and the subject matter of the project(s) may vary. The course is designed to show the huge scope of biology and will encompass some molecular biology and bioinformatics techniques connect with organismal and ecological biology. (Co-requisites: BIOL-124 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Spring).


General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective: General & Analytical Chemistry I

This is a general chemistry course for students in the life and physical sciences. College chemistry is presented as a science based on empirical evidence that is placed into the context of conceptual, visual, and mathematical models. Students will learn the concepts, symbolism, and fundamental tools of chemistry necessary to carry on a discourse in the language of chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between atomic structure, chemical bonds, and the transformation of these bonds through chemical reactions. The fundamentals of organic chemistry are introduced throughout the course to emphasize the connection between chemistry and the other sciences. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective: General & Analytical Chemistry I Lab

The course combines hands-on laboratory exercises with workshop-style problem sessions to complement the CHMG-141 lecture material. The course emphasizes laboratory techniques and data analysis skills. Topics include: gravimetric, volumetric, thermal, titration and spectrophotometric analyses, and the use of these techniques to analyze chemical reactions. (Corequisite: CHMG-141 or CHMG-131 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective: General & Analytical Chemistry II

The course covers the thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions. The relationship between energy and entropy change as the driving force of chemical processes is emphasized through the study of aqueous solutions. Specifically, the course takes a quantitative look at: 1) solubility equilibrium, 2) acid-base equilibrium, 3) oxidation-reduction reactions and 4) chemical kinetics. (Prerequisites: CHMG-141 or CHMG-131 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


General Education – Elective: General & Analytical Chemistry II Lab

The course combines hands-on laboratory exercises with workshop-style problem sessions to complement the CHMG-142 lecture material. The course emphasizes the use of experiments as a tool for chemical analysis and the reporting of results in formal lab reports. Topics include the quantitative analysis of a multicomponent mixture using complexation and double endpoint titration, pH measurement, buffers and pH indicators, the kinetic study of a redox reaction, and the electrochemical analysis of oxidation reduction reactions. (Prerequisites: CHMG-131 or CHMG-141 or equivalent course. Corequisites: CHMG-142 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


General Education – Mathematical Perspective A:  Applied Calculus

This course is an introduction to the study of differential and integral calculus, including the study of functions and graphs, limits, continuity, the derivative, derivative formulas, applications of derivatives, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, basic techniques of integral approximation, exponential and logarithmic functions, basic techniques of integration, an introduction to differential equations, and geometric series. Applications in business, management sciences, and life sciences will be included with an emphasis on manipulative skills. (Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH-101, MATH-111, MATH-131, NMTH-260, NMTH-272 or NMTH-275 or Math Placement Exam score greater than or equal to 45.) Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring).


Cell Structure & Function

This course will cover the foundations of cellular biology and will focus on the integration of cell structure and function as a platform for advanced work in courses such as molecular biology, endocrinology, pharmacology, histology, anatomy & physiology, neuroscience, microbiology, pathology and related areas of study. (Prerequisite: BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or BIOL-123 or equivalent course and 1st or 2nd year student standing with a major in CHST.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring).


General Education – Elective


General Education – First-Year Writing (WI)

Second Year
BIOL-206 3

Molecular Biology Laboratory


General Education – Elective: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

This course is an integrated approach to the structure and function of the nervous, endocrine, integumentary, muscular and skeletal systems. Laboratory exercises include histological examination, actual and simulated anatomical dissections, and physiology experiments with human subjects. (Pre-requisite: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-124) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or MEDG-102 or equivalent course or NUTR-BS students.) Lab 3 (Fall).


General Education – Elective: Human Anatomy and Physiology II

This course is an integrated approach to the structure and function of the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, immunological, respiratory, excretory, and reproductive systems with an emphasis on the maintenance of homeostasis. Laboratory exercises include histological examinations, anatomical dissections and physiological experiments using human subjects. (Pre-requisite: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-124) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or MEDG-102 or equivalent course or NUTR-BS students.) Lab 3 (Spring).


General Education – Mathematical Perspective B: Introduction to Statistics I

This course introduces statistical methods of extracting meaning from data, and basic inferential statistics. Topics covered include data and data integrity, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, numeric summary measures, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. The emphasis of the course is on statistical thinking rather than computation. Statistical software is used. (Prerequisite: MATH-101 or MATH-111 or NMTH-260 or NMTH-272 or NMTH-275 or a math placement exam score of at least 35.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


General Education – Elective: Chemistry Sequence Course 1*


Chemistry Sequence Course 2*


General Education – Ethical Perspective


General Education – Artistic Perspective


General Education – Global Perspective

Third Year

Program Elective Requirements


Professional Elective (WI-PR)


General Education – Social Perspective


General Education – Immersion 1

Fourth Year

Program Elective Requirements


General Education – Immersion 2, 3

Total Semester Credit Hours

Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.

(WI-PR) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.

Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.

* Students must choose one of the chemistry sequences below depending on their anticipated career path. For those interested in the pursuit of most allied health career paths: (CHMO-231 Organic Chemistry I, CHMO-235 Organic Chemistry Lab I and CHMB-240 Biochemistry for Health Sciences) or (CHMO-231 Organic Chemistry I, CHMO-235 Organic Chemistry Lab I and CHMB-402 Biochemistry I). For those applying to medical/dental, DPT, PharmD, graduate (research-focused MS/PhD): CHMO-231 Organic Chemistry I, CHMO-235 Organic Chemistry Lab I, CHMO-232 Organic Chemistry II and CHMO-236 Organic Chemistry Lab II.


Biomedical sciences program electives

Each student must choose a minimum of two courses from each category (for a minimum total of 18 SCH) of Program Electives below. One course cannot be used more than once to this requirement. Additional courses from the list below of from the list of professional electives may be used to meet professional elective requirements.

Medical foundations

Clinical microbiology is a detailed study of the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites relevant to human infectious diseases, including their historical significance and impact on society. This course will also focus on giving the student an appreciation and clear understanding of emerging/re-emerging infectious disease agents particularly those infectious disease agents commonly encountered in a hospital setting. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Clinical Microbiology Lab

Clinical microbiology is a detailed study of the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites relevant to human infectious diseases, including their historical significance and impact on society. This course provides a hands-on experience in identifying these types of agents. The course will also focus on giving the student an appreciation and clear understanding of emerging/re-emerging infectious disease agents particularly those infectious disease agents commonly encountered in a hospital setting. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent. Co-requisite: MEDS-417 or equivalent.) Lab 2 (Spring).


This course will combine lecture, literature review, and small group discussions/presentations to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of human endocrinology. Topics covered will include: digestion and metabolism; growth and aging; arousal/mood; sexual dimorphism and reproduction; and neuroendocrinology. Discussion of relevant human diseases/disorders will be used to illustrate related biochemical/anatomical pathways and mechanisms. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 and (MEDS-242 or BIOL-201 or BIOL-302) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Introduction to Neuroscience

This course will focus on the human nervous system, and its regulation of behavior and complex function. Background information on neuroanatomy, cellular physiology, neurotransmission, and signaling mechanisms will pave the way for an in-depth analysis of specialization at the systems level. Our goal will be to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying normal human behaviors and pathogenic states. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Histology & Histopathology

This foundational course in the study of human biology and medicine provides students with a detailed exploration of the microscopic and structural anatomy of normal human tissues and organs, with special emphasis given to the relationships between the cellular architecture of human organs and organ systems and their functions. The course also examines human pathologies as a manifestation of the loss of cellular integrity leading to alterations in the histological features of diseased organs. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 and MEDS-251 and MEDS-242 or equivalent courses.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Introduction to the fundamental facts and concepts on immunology to include: innate and adaptive immunity; cells, molecules, tissues and organs of the immune "system"; cell communication and interaction; antibody structure and function; and the application of these concepts to infectious diseases, vaccine design, autoimmune diseases, cancer, transplantation, regulation of the immune response, allergic reactions and immunosuppression. Students will gain an understanding of immunological principles and techniques, and their application to contemporary research, with results from instructor’s research laboratory (Prerequisites: (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).

Medicine and disease

This course will serve as an introduction to the field of medical genetics. Throughout the course we will survey several human variations and diseases of medical importance. Clinical case reports will be incorporated to illustrate the underlying genetic principles. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Introduction to Infectious Diseases

This is an advanced course in the mechanisms by which bacteria and fungi cause disease in humans. The course topics include the clinical signs of each disease, diagnosis of each disease, pathogenic mechanisms used by the organisms to cause disease, treatment of the disease, and prevention of the disease. The laboratory component of this course will consist of a mixture of methodologies used in the identification of the infectious agents, evaluation of the host response to the infection, case studies, student presentations of articles related to infectious disease and other assignments aimed at deepening the understanding the infectious disease process. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Introduction to parasites of medical importance and the diseases they cause. It includes study of a variety of parasites classified by diseases such as blood and intestinal protozoan parasites, nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes. Examples of important parasitic diseases to be covered include malaria, sleeping sickness, elephantiasis, river blindness, leishmaniasis, amebic dysentery, and babesiosis. Coursework includes an examination of the distribution and transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and control. Contribution of parasitic infections to economic and health inequities between developed and developing countries will be analyzed. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 or MEDG-102 or BIOL-101 or BIOL-102 or BIOL-121 or BIOL-122 or BIOL-123 or BIOL-124) or equivalent course and at least 3rd year student standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


The course covers applications of epidemiology to the study of the distribution and determinants of health and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality in populations. Epidemiologic methods for the control of conditions such as infectious and chronic diseases, community and environmental health hazards, and unintentional injuries are discussed. Other topics include quantitative aspects of epidemiology, including data sources; measures of morbidity and mortality; evaluation of association and causality; and various study design methods. Contemporary topics in public health (e.g. swine flu, HIV/AIDS, SARS), outbreak investigation, and containment strategies will be examined, analyzed, and thoroughly discussed. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 or MEDG-102 or BIOL-101 or BIOL-102 or BIOL-121 or BIOL-122 or BIOL-123 or BIOL-124) or equivalent course and at least 3rd year student standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course is designed as an introductory course in pathophysiology, the study of disease and its consequences. It covers the basic mechanisms of disease, concentrating on the diseases that are most frequently encountered in clinical practice. The major topics of discussion will emphasize the general pathologic processes; this will provide a basis for understanding diseases affecting specific organ systems. Clinical correlations will be made as examples of how physiological processes can go awry in the generation of a particular disease. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or (1026-350 and 1026-360) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).

Medicine and health

Coaching Healthy Behavior

This course will teach students to encourage those with long standing lifestyle habits that contribute to their chronic illness to change is a very challenging proposition. It addresses this problem by incorporating psychological, sociological and counseling principles, along with coaching skills, into an intervention technique that emphasizes the positive and leads people to choose and adhere to a wellness lifestyle. Students will review case studies and meet with professionals in the field. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 and MEDG-103) or (MEDG-102 and MEDG-104) or BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125) or (BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course will explore key ethical principles, guidelines and regulations that inform decision making and best practices in biomedical research, public health and clinical medicine including issues of informed consent, experimental design, acceptable risk, research integrity, medical errors, for-profit medicine, refusal of care, end-of-life decisions, physician assisted death, substance abuse and ethical use of animals in research. Students will also have multiple opportunities to further develop critical thinking and effective professional communication skills in a seminar format. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102) and (UWRT-150 or ENGL-150 or ISTE-110) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).

Choose one of the following:

   Placebo, Suggestion, Research and Health

This course provides a foundation for understanding the history and science of placebo effects with a focus on how these effects influence research design, therapeutics and health. A model of placebo effects – comprised of conditioning, expectation, social influence, and paradigm – is developed and applied to both health and common diseases in order to recognize that all health interventions are at least placebos. The question is whether they are anything more. The course structure and process include assigned readings, quizzes, creative class projects, studying advertisements, hearing from pharmaceutical company representatives, and class discussion designed to provoke critical thinking. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


   Applied Psychophysiology and Self-Regulation

Learn how to change your mind. This course explores the evolving field of psychophysiology and its applications for therapeutic self-regulation in health care as well as its implications for the related fields of psychology, biomedical engineering, computer science, and medical economics. By focusing on the mind as an emergent phenomenon of bidirectional brain and body interaction, we realize how much of our own physiology we can and do self-regulate. We will review research on hypnosis, biofeedback, meditative strategies, and psychophysiological monitoring. The course structure integrates lecture, demonstration, discussion and individual self-monitoring projects. Weekly quizzes provide feedback on learning. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Biannual).

Choose one of the following:

   Diagnosing the Criminal Mind

This course will introduce students within the biomedical sciences, physician assistant, psychology and criminal justice fields to understand basic clinical diagnostic terms, symptoms and behaviors that pertain to clients who commit crime. The course will introduce students to the relationship between mental health, drug addiction, crime and violence. Students will be involved in mock trials, debates and case write ups. Lecture 3 (Fall).


This course will explore the general concepts, social consequences, policy, and other aspects of substance abuse and addiction. Multiple perspectives will be presented, including those of addicts, health-care providers, and family/friends affected by addiction. Then, commonly abused drugs will be discussed in detail. Topics to be presented and discussed for each drug class include: epidemiology, pathophysiology, drug class information, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics actions, short-term and long-term consequences of misuse (including overdose), and contemporary pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment modalities. Availability of resources used to address substance abuse will also be presented. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-311) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102) or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).

Choose one of the following:

   Foundations of Nutrition Sciences

This is an introductory course in nutritional science concepts and application to current nutrition issues. This course covers the study of specific nutrients and their functions, the development of dietary standards and guides and how these standards are applied throughout the lifecycle. Students learn to analyze their own diets and develop strategies to make any necessary dietary changes for a lifetime of good health. Current health and nutrition problems and nutrition misinformation will be discussed. Online sections are asynchronous. Students are assessed by learning activities such as: weekly quizzes and discussion boards, homework assignments, and a final diet analysis project. In person sections are synchronous lectures and class discussions. Students are assessed by learning activities such as: exams, homework, assignments and final project analysis. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


This course will provide an introduction to the integration between exercise and nutrition-related topics by exploring the intimate link among nutrition, energy metabolism, and human exercise response. The course content will sort fact from fiction and help students and practitioners obtain the knowledge they need to give sound advice to athletes and active individuals. (Prerequisite: College level science course preferred.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).

Biomedical sciences professional electives

This course investigates the historical framework of evolutionary biology and the meaning/nature of evidence pertinent to biological evolution. Topics will include: earth history, the evolution of proteins and the genetic code, molecular evolution, neutral theory vs. selection, genetic variation, natural selection, migration, mutation, genetic drift, fitness, population dynamics and genetics, speciation, systematics and classification systems, molecular phylogenetics, the evolution of eukaryotic organisms, behavioral evolution, historical biogeography, and human evolution and variation. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


This course will address the fundamental concepts of cell biology. Class discussions, assignments, and laboratory projects will 1) Explore the structure-function relationships that drive cellular processes at the molecular, cellular and tissue level. 2) Investigate the mechanisms of cellular signaling and the transmission of genetic information. 3) Examine energy transformation strategies and the biochemical pathways used for synthesis and breakdown of ATP and other important biomolecules. 4) Investigate the organizational strategies used by cells to form functional tissue and organ systems. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-206 and BIOL-216) or BIOL-201 or BIOL-202 or BIOG-240 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course is a study of functional eukaryotic cellular physiology with an emphasis on the role of global gene expression in cellular function and disease. Nuclear and cytoplasmic regulation of macromolecular synthesis, regulation of cellular metabolism, control of cell growth, and the changes in cell physiology in disease are covered. This course also covers the technology used for studying changes in gene expression associated with cell differentiation and disease. The associated laboratory covers microarray techniques. This includes design and implementation of an experiment to acquire gene expression data, analyzing the acquired data using simple computer programs, such as MAGIC, and writing a research paper explaining findings. (Prerequisites: BIOL-201 or BIOL-302 or BIOG-240 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall).


This course presents the microbiology of foods. Topics include microbial food spoilage, foodborne pathogens, food preservation techniques, and environmental parameters found in foods important in the survival of food spoilage microbes and foodborne pathogens. The lab will include exercises on isolating heterotrophs from all kinds of food, isolation of fungi from various foods, and the survival of various pathogens in food and beverages. (Prerequisites: BIOL-204 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Spring).


This course will present the techniques and applications of culturing eukaryotic cells, tissues, and organs in vitro. Emphasis will be placed on mammalian systems. Lectures will cover the historical background of tissue culture, how to authenticate cell lines, basic cell culture techniques; as well as stem cells, tissue engineering, and the role of cell culture in regenerative medicine. In the laboratory, students will be introduced to growth curves, cloning techniques, primary cell culture, and making a cell line; as well as detecting mycoplasma and other cell culture contaminants. (Prerequisites: BIOL-201 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Introduction to the principles of inheritance; the study of genes and chromosomes at molecular, cellular, organismal, and population levels. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-206 and BIOL-216) or BIOL-201 or BIOL-202 or BIOG-240 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course is a study of the processes of growth, differentiation and development that lead to the mature form of an organism. The course will also address how developmental biology is integrated with other aspects of biology including disease, ecology, and evolution. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-206 and BIOL-216) or BIOL-201 or BIOL-202 or BIOG-240 or equivalent courses.) Lab 3 (Fall).


The overall goal of this course is to familiarize students with the theory and analysis of genomics data. Students will survey topics including the structure, organization, and expression of the genome in a diverse array of organisms ranging from microbes to humans. Students will also become familiar with the analysis of next generation ‘omics-type data through a series of computational activities and problem sets. A hands-on laboratory component will guide students through a rigorous investigation of genomes. (Prerequisites: BIOL-321 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Introduction to Population Genetics

This course consists of a study of DNA, genes, inheritance, genetic variation, genetic architecture, and change within and among populations. Fundamental genetics topics include DNA, gene, and chromosomal structure and function along with, transmission genetics, Mendelian inheritance patterns, sex-linked inheritance, genetic linkage, and the Hardy-Weinberg Principle. Population based topics will include genetic variation, its importance, how it originates and is maintained as well as inbreeding, random mating, mutation, migration, selection, genetic drift, the effects of small population size, fitness, population subdivision, the shifting balance theory, inter-deme selection, kin selection, neutral theory, molecular evolution, molecular clocks, multi-gene families, gene conversion, artificial selection, the genetic basis of quantitative traits and the fundamental theorem of natural selection. (Prerequisites: BIOL-265 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course is an in-depth treatment of the molecular and cellular events associated with innate and adaptive immune responses. The response of the host to the environment of microbes and pathogens will be emphasized. Recognition and response of the host to the infectious agents and the resolution of the disease state will be examined at the cellular and molecular levels. The immune response to tumors will be treated and medical advances in treating neoplastic disease using immunological therapy will be presented. The laboratories will focus on the cellular and molecular techniques employed in the modern immunology laboratory. A laboratory module employing hybridoma techniques will provide an intensive experience with monoclonal antibodies and their use in diagnostics and disease treatment. (Prerequisites: BIOL-201 or BIOL-302 or BIOG-240 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Spring).


The course provides an overview of concepts and applications in human genetics. Topics include classical and complex mechanisms of inheritance, the human genome, human origins & evolution, forensic applications, personalized medicine, and ethical issues. (Prerequisites: BIOL-321 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


This course is an introduction to virology with specific emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of virus infection of eukaryotic cells and virus-cell interactions. Virus structure, genetics, the infectious cycle, replication strategies, pathogenesis, persistence, effects on host macromolecular synthesis, viral oncogenesis, viral vectors, emerging viral diseases, and strategies to protect against and combat viral infection will be discussed. (Prerequisites: BIOL-201 or BIOL-302 or BIOG-240 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Bacterial-Host Interactions: Microbiomes of the World

This course focuses on the bacterial and host (human, insect, plant, animals and fungi) mechanisms used in interactions with hosts during both pathogenesis and symbiosis. We will explore molecular, microbiome and genomic levels, drawing on the disciplines of genomics, biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology. Several of the agonistic and antagonistic interactions will illustrate broader principles and contribute to our fundamental understanding of biological processes. The results of these interactions have a strong impact on biological productivity, and so are also ever increasing important in human health. An emphasis will be on the roles of molecules and cell structures in determining the outcome of an interaction. Course is intended to allow students to develop knowledge of host-bacterial interactions at the molecular to organismal level, with an emphasis on several model symbiotic- and patho-systems. Knowledge about bacterial mechanisms use to associate with host organisms and the different strategies bacteria employ to gain entry, damage host tissue and obtain nutrients for growth will be explored. We will also illustrate several mutualistic relationships between eukaryotic hosts with partner symbiotic bacteria. Genomic approaches to describe microbiomes (microbial communities) on host organisms and in environments will also be explored. (Prerequisites: BIOL-204 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring, Summer).


Microbial and Viral Genetics

The goal of this course is to gain an understanding of the genetic systems of prokaryotes and their viruses. There are two major foci: (1) the mechanisms bacteria and their viruses employ to preserve the integrity of their genomes and regulate gene expression, and (2) the mechanisms by which these entities acquire new genetic material. The relevance of these processes to evolution and the development of new traits that facilitate survival under new environmental conditions (e.g., antibiotic resistance) is highlighted, especially with regard to clinically, industrially and agriculturally important microbes. Molecular processes whose discovery led to the formation of important research and/or biotechnological tools will also be discussed. Students will participate in laboratory projects which highlight important mechanisms, such as transformation, transduction, lysogeny, conjugation and CRIPSR-Cas acquired adaptive immunity. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-206 and BIOL-216) or BIOL-201 or BIOL-202 or BIOG-240 or equivalent courses.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Eukaryotic Gene Regulation and Disease

This course presents an overview of gene expression in eukaryotic systems, with an emphasis on how disease can result when gene regulation is disrupted. Points of control that are examined include: chromatin structure, transcription initiation, transcript processing, stability and modification, RNA transport, translation initiation, post-translational events, and protein stability. The mechanisms involved in regulating these control points are discussed by exploring specific well studied cases. The significance of these processes is highlighted by a discussion of several diseases that have been shown to be due to defects in gene regulation. (Prerequisites: BIOL-201 or BIOL-302 or BIOG-240 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course is a laboratory-intensive introduction to the theoretical basis, laboratory techniques, and applications of gene manipulation. (Prerequisites: BIOL-201 or equivalent course.) Lab 8 (Spring).


Genetic Diseases and Disorders

The identification of genetic causes of disease has been one of the major modern scientific breakthroughs. This course examines a range of inherited diseases, how causative genetic variations were or are being identified, and what this means for the treatment of the diseases. Scientific literature will be utilized, both current and historical. (Prerequisites: BIOL-321 or equivalent course or graduate student standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course presents a preliminary treatment of instrumental theory and technique. The course will cover the theory and implementation of spectroscopic, mass spectrometric, and chemical separations instrumentation and techniques. Instrumental techniques include: atomic and molecular emission and absorption and emission spectroscopies, atomic and molecular mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, and high performance liquid chromatography. (Prerequisites: CHMA-161 or CHMG-142 or equivalent course. Corequisities: CHMA-265 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Biochemistry for Health Sciences

This course will focus on the application of biochemical knowledge to the field of medicine. Students will learn the basic functions of water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in humans, then explore implications of this knowledge in nutrition and metabolism and its relationship to health and disease. (Prerequisites: CHMG-142 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


This course introduces the structure and function of biological macromolecules and their metabolic pathways. The relationship between the three-dimensional structure of proteins and their function in enzymatic catalysis will be examined. Membrane structure and the physical laws that apply to metabolic processes will also be discussed. (Prerequisite: CHMO-231 or CHMO-331 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


An introduction to the theory and practice of modern experimental biochemical laboratory techniques and concepts. The weekly two-hour lecture provides a theoretical framework for the course and includes a discussion of the properties of biomolecules and how those properties are exploited in the separation and characterization of the molecules. Practical laboratory techniques include the preparation of buffers, centrifugation, chromatography, electrophoretic methods, and UV-visible spectrophotometry as applied to the isolation and characterization of proteins and nucleic acids. The manipulation of genetic material in E. coli will also be executed. This course will be offered in a writing intensive format where the students will write and submit the different sections found in scientific papers (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references, figures, tables) in an iterative fashion that will include regular feedback from the instructor. (Prerequisites: CHMB-402 or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 5 (Fall, Spring).


This course is a study of the structure, nomenclature, reactions and synthesis of the following functional groups: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes. This course also introduces chemical bonding, IR and NMR spectroscopy, acid and base reactions, stereochemistry, nucleophilic substitution reactions, and alkene and alkyne reactions. In addition, the course provides an introduction to the use of mechanisms in describing and predicting organic reactions. (Prerequisites: CHMG-142 or CHMG-131 or equivalent course. Corequisites: CHMO-235 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course is a continuation of the study of the structure, nomenclature, reactions and synthesis of the following functional groups: aromatic systems, alcohols, ethers, epoxides, and carbonyls. This course will introduce the use of mechanisms in describing and predicting organic reactions. (Prerequisites: CHMO-231 or CHMO-331 or equivalent course. Corequisites: CHMO-236 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


This course trains students to perform techniques important in an organic chemistry lab. The course also covers reactions from the accompanying lecture CHMO-231. (Corequisite: CHMO-231 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course teaches students to apply basic lab techniques to organic synthetic experiments reactions covered in the accompanying lecture COS-CHMO-232. This course will also help students to solidify the concepts taught in lecture. The course will continue to instruct students in maintaining a professional lab notebook. (Prerequisites: CHMO-235 or equivalent course. Corequisites: CHMO-232 or equivalent course.) Lab 3 (Fall, Spring).


Sports Physiology & Life Fitness

This course goes inside the science of physical fitness providing the student with an in depth physiological understanding of how the body adapts and improves through exercise activity. Students actively perform a series of self-assessments which they must analyze in order to determine their current state of fitness. With this data students develop exercise programs tailored to their needs and interests. Stress management and nutrition are examined allowing students to incorporate these two important areas into their plans to be fit for life. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course is designed to provide instruction to prepare students for certification as a Personal Trainer. It examines the role exercise plays in both the enhancement of health and fitness as well as the improvement of athletic performance. Students will develop a basic understanding of how the human body functions while physically active. Case studies are utilized to assist in the development of practical skills. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 and MEDG-103) or (MEDG-102 and MEDG-104) or BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125) or (BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Exercise for Special Populations

This course is designed for those who are interested in the science of exercise and fitness for individuals with diagnosed disease states, or high performance requirements. The theoretical and diagnostic value of exercise testing will be reviewed. This information will then be used to create exercise prescriptions and understand the therapeutic benefit that exercise will have on specific conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and obesity. High performance individuals functioning in challenging environments such as, astronauts, high altitude climbers, and ultramarathoners will also be considered. (Prerequisites: EXSC-205 or EXSC-206 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Strength Training for Performance

Stronger athletes make better athletes no matter what the sport and this course teaches techniques of optimal training to enhance the muscular fitness of all manner of athletes. Physiological principles of strength development and basic musculoskeletal anatomy are reviewed and general program design is discussed. Utilizing case studies, students develop sport specific programs which will be presented to the class. Students will also produce strength training manuals outlining appropriate guidelines for improved performance. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 and MEDG-103) or (MEDG-102 and MEDG-104) or BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125) or (BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lec/Lab 3 (Fall).


Coaching Healthy Behavior

This course will teach students to encourage those with long standing lifestyle habits that contribute to their chronic illness to change is a very challenging proposition. It addresses this problem by incorporating psychological, sociological and counseling principles, along with coaching skills, into an intervention technique that emphasizes the positive and leads people to choose and adhere to a wellness lifestyle. Students will review case studies and meet with professionals in the field. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 and MEDG-103) or (MEDG-102 and MEDG-104) or BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125) or (BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


As a study of human movement this course will cover topics that begin with a review of the functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system including both the upper and lower extremity as well as the spinal column and thorax. Factors of linear and rotary motion are reviewed along with postural analysis and movement elements associated with pushing, pulling and throwing objects. There is no separate Lab for this class and laboratory experiences will be incorporated into specifically designated lecture times. At the conclusion of this course students will have a functional capability to assess the intricacies of human movement. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 or equivalent courses.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Theory of Athletic Injury

Even the very best athletes experience injury and being able to recognize and respond to those conditions is a crucial skill for those who will work with athletes. Students will learn the signs and symptoms of injury and the process of first response as well as how to support athletes through rehab. Successful students will learn how to incorporate injury reduction techniques into the training programs they develop for the athletes they serve. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 and MEDG-103) or (MEDG-102 and MEDG-104) or BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125) or (BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lec/Lab 3 (Fall).


Training High Performance Athletes

Aerobic capacity, strength, flexibility, speed, power, agility, nutrition, and rest are all crucial to the success of athletes and for trainers the need to appropriately coordinate all these factors is a significant challenge. This course explores the interrelationship of the multifactorial principles of athletic performance. Using case studies, modeling, flow sheets and scheduling plans students develop techniques that will lead athletes to success in their training routines. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 and MEDG-103) or (MEDG-102 and MEDG-104) or BIOL-101 or BIOL-121 or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125) or (BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or equivalent courses.) Lec/Lab 3 (Spring).


Exercise Physiology is the scientific basis for the field of exercise science. This course provides students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the body’s responses and adaptations to exercise. Neuromuscular physiology is reviewed along with energy systems and mechanisms of fatigue. The cardiorespiratory system is examined with a focus on control and regulation during activity and there is a look at the physiological components of exercise training. Environmental factors that impact sport activities as well as training techniques which optimize performance will be reviewed. The differences in performance and adaptation that exist between children, adolescents, and adults as well as between males and females will be compared and contrasted. Exercises influence on long term health and fitness will conclude the course. Laboratory experiences will allow students to integrate and apply the concepts of exercise physiology through investigative experiments. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or (1026-350 and 1026-360) or equivalent courses.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Language is a systematic means or method of communicating ideas, events, or feelings. It is a combination of words or symbols used to encode and decode information. Medicine has a language to communicate information regarding the human body, its functions, diseases, tests, and procedures. This course explores the language of medicine, the rules of “language,” language mechanics that apply how to create words, define terms, and identify abbreviations. In addition to learning the fundamentals, the student will gain experience in writing, using the language of medicine, as well as interpreting that language into everyday English. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course explores various discoveries in the history of medicine and the individuals credited with the discoveries. The course begins in ancient Greece and ends with modern times. Individuals such as Hippocrates, Vesalius, Harvey, Jenner, Leeuwenhoek and Roentgen will be discussed. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course will serve as an introduction to the field of medical genetics. Throughout the course we will survey several human variations and diseases of medical importance. Clinical case reports will be incorporated to illustrate the underlying genetic principles. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


This course provides an opportunity for in-depth experiential learning through collaborative work on an independent research project. Ind Study (Fall, Spring, Summer).


Premedical Studies Seminar

This course prepares students to navigate the admissions process and interviews for medical, osteopathic, optometry, podiatric and dental school. The preparation will also address issues related to the field of medicine, including alternatives, ethics, and financial concerns. Lecture 1 (Fall).


Introduction to Pharmacology

This course provides an overview of the pharmacy profession (educational requirements, professional responsibilities and opportunities, role of the pharmacist in the health care team) and a detailed look into basic pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetic, and pharmaceutical principles. The pharmacodynamics principles covered include mechanisms of drug action, drug-receptor interaction theory, dose-response relationships, structure-activity relationships, and principles of drug metabolism. Pharmaceutical topics include formulations, drug product design, excipients, dosage forms, and elimination rate. Lastly, specific disease states will be covered that will clearly, and effectively demonstrate many of the topics taught. The diseases will be approached by presenting the etiology followed by the pharmacotherapy, including the details of the multiple drug classes that are used for any one-disease state. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or (1026-350 and 1026-360) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Diagnosing the Criminal Mind

This course will introduce students within the biomedical sciences, physician assistant, psychology and criminal justice fields to understand basic clinical diagnostic terms, symptoms and behaviors that pertain to clients who commit crime. The course will introduce students to the relationship between mental health, drug addiction, crime and violence. Students will be involved in mock trials, debates and case write ups. Lecture 3 (Fall).


Introduction to Infectious Diseases

This is an advanced course in the mechanisms by which bacteria and fungi cause disease in humans. The course topics include the clinical signs of each disease, diagnosis of each disease, pathogenic mechanisms used by the organisms to cause disease, treatment of the disease, and prevention of the disease. The laboratory component of this course will consist of a mixture of methodologies used in the identification of the infectious agents, evaluation of the host response to the infection, case studies, student presentations of articles related to infectious disease and other assignments aimed at deepening the understanding the infectious disease process. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Students will be introduced to key elements of integrated, high-quality patient care. Through lectures, videos, demonstrations, and discussions essential aspects of team-based patient care will be explored. Vital skills and behaviors such as professionalism, communication, documentation, workplace safety, patient assessment, patient positioning and transfers will be presented. Infection control, global health issues, and medications will also be examined. Students will be encouraged to share their personal experiences and thoughts about class topics. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or equivalent courses.) Lec/Lab 2 (Spring).


Care-Based Genetic Counseling

This course will provide students with an inside look at the profession of genetic counseling and its patients through in-depth case studies of actual patient scenarios, role playing and lectures focused on realistic challenges faced by genetic counselors. This course will focus on combining scientific information about genetic disorders with the psychosocial aspects of counseling sessions that will give provide an accurate perspective of the profession. Students will participate in role playing exercises, keep detailed journals and participate in mock patient interviews. (Prerequisites: MEDS-245 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Introduction to Global Health

This introductory course will evaluate the modern challenges of global health from a multidisciplinary perspective. The key concepts of global health will be discussed, including various health determinants, human rights, healthcare systems, culture’s impact on health, environmental concerns, nutrition, communicable and noncommunicable diseases, women’s health issues, child and adolescent health, injuries, natural disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies, poverty’s impact on health and more. Students will be expected to be active learners, lead classroom activities on certain days as part of group research project presentations, and actively participate in discussions. (This class is restricted to undergraduate students with at least 2nd year standing.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


Field Studies in Molecular Epidemiology

This is a study abroad course for students interested in a pre-medical, pre-health or global health experience in sub-Saharan Africa. It is designed for those interested in medical or graduate school, tropical infectious diseases or a public health career, that provides opportunity for foreign travel. The focus is on molecular epidemiology of tropical diseases of interest (malaria, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis), for which opportunities to study are not available in the United States. Such opportunities include but are not limited to simple to complex molecular diagnostic methods and related laboratory hands on experience. (Prerequisites: This class is restricted to students with at least 2nd year standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Placebo, Suggestion, Research and Health

This course provides a foundation for understanding the history and science of placebo effects with a focus on how these effects influence research design, therapeutics and health. A model of placebo effects – comprised of conditioning, expectation, social influence, and paradigm – is developed and applied to both health and common diseases in order to recognize that all health interventions are at least placebos. The question is whether they are anything more. The course structure and process include assigned readings, quizzes, creative class projects, studying advertisements, hearing from pharmaceutical company representatives, and class discussion designed to provoke critical thinking. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Applied Psychophysiology and Self-Regulation

Learn how to change your mind. This course explores the evolving field of psychophysiology and its applications for therapeutic self-regulation in health care as well as its implications for the related fields of psychology, biomedical engineering, computer science, and medical economics. By focusing on the mind as an emergent phenomenon of bidirectional brain and body interaction, we realize how much of our own physiology we can and do self-regulate. We will review research on hypnosis, biofeedback, meditative strategies, and psychophysiological monitoring. The course structure integrates lecture, demonstration, discussion and individual self-monitoring projects. Weekly quizzes provide feedback on learning. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Biannual).


This seminar course is a unique opportunity for students who are serious about pursuing a career in healthcare. The course will focus on the study of key issues concerning community health care and developing practical approaches to supporting patients. Students consider obstacles to effective health care as well as strategies for enabling at-risk patients to play a more active role in promoting their health and well-being. Topics covered include: challenges of delivering adequate healthcare in the community; population health; the concept of “underinsurance”; the business of healthcare; health literacy and measuring outcomes. Students in the course will be expected to undertake at least one subsequent internship (MEDS 475 Health Coach Practicum) with Rochester Regional Health and the Greater Rochester Independent Practice Association (GRIPA). Students complete an application before registering for this course. Acceptance into the course is contingent upon passing a screening and interview process. Lecture 2 (Fall, Spring).


This course will explore key ethical principles, guidelines and regulations that inform decision making and best practices in biomedical research, public health and clinical medicine including issues of informed consent, experimental design, acceptable risk, research integrity, medical errors, for-profit medicine, refusal of care, end-of-life decisions, physician assisted death, substance abuse and ethical use of animals in research. Students will also have multiple opportunities to further develop critical thinking and effective professional communication skills in a seminar format. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102) and (UWRT-150 or ENGL-150 or ISTE-110) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


The course will explore the beginnings of the healthcare delivery in America, and the economics of the healthcare enterprise. It will also explore the role of government in providing and regulating the delivery of healthcare services as well as ethical issues that affect the doctor-patient relationship. Finally, the course will examine the healthcare systems of other industrialized nations and compare and contrast those systems with that of the U.S. Lecture 3 (Spring).


Researching the Criminal Mind

This course will introduce students to clinical research as it pertains to symptoms, behaviors, the prediction of violent behaviors and treatment outcomes among offenders who commit crime. The course will introduce students to evidenced based science and the application to forensic populations, manuscript preparation, clinical case write ups and small grant proposals. (Prerequisites: MEDS-311 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Pathophysiology of Organ Systems I

This course is designed to provide the students with the necessary foundation of the physiologic and pathologic processes that underlie the spectrum of human disease entities and is taught in the context of clinical scenarios that demonstrate the basic science principles in a real-world context of health care. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental principles of cell injury and repair, infection, neoplasia, and inflammation as well as hemodynamic disorders, thromboembolic disease and shock. Additional emphasis is placed on organ systems and their disorders such as the circulatory, liver, gallbladder and biliary systems. Material is presented in the context of case studies, utilizing clinical findings and addressing underlying basic physiologic, biochemical and immunologic processes as they relate to patient care and individual patient problem cases. (Prerequisites: Restricted to students in the College of Health Sciences and Technology with at least 3rd year standing who have completed MEDS-250 and MEDS-251 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Pathophysiology of Organ Systems II

This course is second in a sequence designed to provide the students with the necessary foundation of knowledge and under-standing of the physiologic and pathologic processes that underlie the spectrum of human disease entities and is taught in the context of clinical scenarios that demonstrate the basic science principles in a real-world context of health care. Emphasis is placed on the pathophysiology of the central nervous system, lower urinary tract, male and female reproductive organs, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and endocrine system. Material is presented in the context of case studies, utilizing clinical findings and addressing underlying basic physiologic, biochemical and immunologic processes as they relate to patient care and individual patient problem cases. (Prerequisites: MEDS-415 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Clinical microbiology is a detailed study of the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites relevant to human infectious diseases, including their historical significance and impact on society. This course will also focus on giving the student an appreciation and clear understanding of emerging/re-emerging infectious disease agents particularly those infectious disease agents commonly encountered in a hospital setting. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Clinical Microbiology Lab

Clinical microbiology is a detailed study of the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites relevant to human infectious diseases, including their historical significance and impact on society. This course provides a hands-on experience in identifying these types of agents. The course will also focus on giving the student an appreciation and clear understanding of emerging/re-emerging infectious disease agents particularly those infectious disease agents commonly encountered in a hospital setting. (Prerequisites: (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102 and BIOL-103 and BIOL-104) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102 and MEDG-103 and MEDG-104) or equivalent. Co-requisite: MEDS-417 or equivalent.) Lab 2 (Spring).


Introduction to parasites of medical importance and the diseases they cause. It includes study of a variety of parasites classified by diseases such as blood and intestinal protozoan parasites, nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes. Examples of important parasitic diseases to be covered include malaria, sleeping sickness, elephantiasis, river blindness, leishmaniasis, amebic dysentery, and babesiosis. Coursework includes an examination of the distribution and transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and control. Contribution of parasitic infections to economic and health inequities between developed and developing countries will be analyzed. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 or MEDG-102 or BIOL-101 or BIOL-102 or BIOL-121 or BIOL-122 or BIOL-123 or BIOL-124) or equivalent course and at least 3rd year student standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course will combine lecture, literature review, and small group discussions/presentations to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of human endocrinology. Topics covered will include: digestion and metabolism; growth and aging; arousal/mood; sexual dimorphism and reproduction; and neuroendocrinology. Discussion of relevant human diseases/disorders will be used to illustrate related biochemical/anatomical pathways and mechanisms. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 and (MEDS-242 or BIOL-201 or BIOL-302) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


Introduction to Neuroscience

This course will focus on the human nervous system, and its regulation of behavior and complex function. Background information on neuroanatomy, cellular physiology, neurotransmission, and signaling mechanisms will pave the way for an in-depth analysis of specialization at the systems level. Our goal will be to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying normal human behaviors and pathogenic states. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course will explore the general concepts, social consequences, policy, and other aspects of substance abuse and addiction. Multiple perspectives will be presented, including those of addicts, health-care providers, and family/friends affected by addiction. Then, commonly abused drugs will be discussed in detail. Topics to be presented and discussed for each drug class include: epidemiology, pathophysiology, drug class information, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics actions, short-term and long-term consequences of misuse (including overdose), and contemporary pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment modalities. Availability of resources used to address substance abuse will also be presented. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-311) or (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (MEDG-101 and MEDG-102) or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


The course covers applications of epidemiology to the study of the distribution and determinants of health and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality in populations. Epidemiologic methods for the control of conditions such as infectious and chronic diseases, community and environmental health hazards, and unintentional injuries are discussed. Other topics include quantitative aspects of epidemiology, including data sources; measures of morbidity and mortality; evaluation of association and causality; and various study design methods. Contemporary topics in public health (e.g. swine flu, HIV/AIDS, SARS), outbreak investigation, and containment strategies will be examined, analyzed, and thoroughly discussed. (Prerequisites: (MEDG-101 or MEDG-102 or BIOL-101 or BIOL-102 or BIOL-121 or BIOL-122 or BIOL-123 or BIOL-124) or equivalent course and at least 3rd year student standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Examining the Clinical Experience

This course builds off of the clinical experiences of students currently working or volunteering in a clinical setting. The course will include informal and formal writing assignments. Topics addressed include the following: the roles of the various healthcare professionals; understanding sensitivity and diversity; logistics of the health care system – in-patient and out-patient; privacy and safety issues associated with patients and care providers; documentation methods. (Currently volunteering or working in a healthcare setting) (Prerequisites: Students with at least 2nd year standing who has completed First-Year Writing and is currently working or volunteering in a healthcare position.) Lecture 1 (Fall).


This course is a continuation of MEDS 370 and provides an opportunity for students to apply key concepts in health coaching to assist members of the community. Students will cover such topics as self-management, motivational interviewing, cultural competency and goal setting. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with health care professionals in identifying barriers to healthcare as well as creating ways to improve patient outcomes. Journaling and progress notes are writing formats that will be covered and provide the student with a way to express their experiences in both a reflective and a professional manner. (Prerequisites: MEDS-370 or equivalent course.) Clinical 3 (Fall, Spring).


This course exposes students to details of human anatomy through cadaver dissection. Lecture material stresses functional and clinical correlates corresponding to laboratory exercises. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or (1026-350 and 1026-360) or equivalent courses.) Lab 6 (Spring).


Biomedical Sciences Co-op

One semester of paid work experience in a healthcare related field. CO OP (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course will provide a survey of the primary biological events, mechanisms and underpinnings of human development from conception through aging. It will use case studies, human clinical and laboratory research papers to enrich and illustrate key points related to human developmental milestones. A significant emphasis will be placed on understanding developmental disabilities and adult-onset degenerative disorders, and also in relating biological events to an individual’s larger psychosocial functioning. Students will also improve professional communication skills through discussions, writing and revision. (Prerequisites: MEDS-422 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


This course provides an opportunity for in-depth experiential learning through collaborative work on an independent research project. Ind Study (Fall, Spring, Summer).


Interdisciplinary Research

This course will provide an independent, interdisciplinary research opportunity to enhance the experiential learning component of the Biomedical Sciences Program. Students will engage in preparatory reading and original research in an academic discipline or environment outside of their immediate major. Proposed work may span a broad variety of disciplines within a unifying theme of project goals and potential outcomes with strong application to human health and development. Examples may include mechanical, electrical or biomedical engineering: imaging science and optics; entrepreneurship and biotechnology; epidemiology, community health, and public policy. Ind Study (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course is designed as an introductory course in pathophysiology, the study of disease and its consequences. It covers the basic mechanisms of disease, concentrating on the diseases that are most frequently encountered in clinical practice. The major topics of discussion will emphasize the general pathologic processes; this will provide a basis for understanding diseases affecting specific organ systems. Clinical correlations will be made as examples of how physiological processes can go awry in the generation of a particular disease. (Prerequisites: (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or (1026-350 and 1026-360) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


This course is designed to deliver an understanding of the microbial population of the oral cavity as it relates to health and disease. Throughout the course, the presence, absence, influence and consequences of various microbial species will be presented relative to the anatomy of the oral cavity and subsequent disease. The course will also illuminate the connection between the oral cavity, inflammation and surprising conditions chronic and acute conditions that seemingly are unrelated to the oral cavity. (Prerequisites: MEDS-417 or BIOL-204 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Histology & Histopathology

This foundational course in the study of human biology and medicine provides students with a detailed exploration of the microscopic and structural anatomy of normal human tissues and organs, with special emphasis given to the relationships between the cellular architecture of human organs and organ systems and their functions. The course also examines human pathologies as a manifestation of the loss of cellular integrity leading to alterations in the histological features of diseased organs. (Prerequisites: MEDS-250 and MEDS-251 and MEDS-242 or equivalent courses.) Lab 3 (Fall).


Advanced Clinical Neuroanatomy

This is an integrated course encompassing lectures, laboratory exercises and clinical case discussions. Laboratory exercises will focus on detailed examination of the human brain as well as the internal circuitry of myelin-stained sections through the spinal cord, brainstem, and forebrain. The exercises will reinforce concepts stressed in lectures and clinical case discussions. (Prerequisites: MEDS-425 or equivalent courses.) Lec/Lab 4 (Fall).


Introduction to the fundamental facts and concepts on immunology to include: innate and adaptive immunity; cells, molecules, tissues and organs of the immune "system"; cell communication and interaction; antibody structure and function; and the application of these concepts to infectious diseases, vaccine design, autoimmune diseases, cancer, transplantation, regulation of the immune response, allergic reactions and immunosuppression. Students will gain an understanding of immunological principles and techniques, and their application to contemporary research, with results from instructor’s research laboratory (Prerequisites: (BIOL-101 and BIOL-102) or (BIOL-121 and BIOL-122) or (BIOL-123 and BIOL-125 and BIOL-124 and BIOL-126) or (MEDS-250 and MEDS-251) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).


This course will provide students the opportunity for independent study in a topic of strong interest. Ind Study (Fall, Spring, Summer).


Foundations of Nutrition Sciences

This is an introductory course in nutritional science concepts and application to current nutrition issues. This course covers the study of specific nutrients and their functions, the development of dietary standards and guides and how these standards are applied throughout the lifecycle. Students learn to analyze their own diets and develop strategies to make any necessary dietary changes for a lifetime of good health. Current health and nutrition problems and nutrition misinformation will be discussed. Online sections are asynchronous. Students are assessed by learning activities such as: weekly quizzes and discussion boards, homework assignments, and a final diet analysis project. In person sections are synchronous lectures and class discussions. Students are assessed by learning activities such as: exams, homework, assignments and final project analysis. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


This course will provide an introduction to the integration between exercise and nutrition-related topics by exploring the intimate link among nutrition, energy metabolism, and human exercise response. The course content will sort fact from fiction and help students and practitioners obtain the knowledge they need to give sound advice to athletes and active individuals. (Prerequisite: College level science course preferred.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This is an introductory course in algebra-based physics focusing on mechanics and waves. Topics include kinematics, planar motion, Newton’s laws, gravitation; rotational kinematics and dynamics; work and energy; momentum and impulse; conservation laws; simple harmonic motion; waves; data presentation/analysis and error propagation. The course is taught using both traditional lectures and a workshop format that integrates material traditionally found in separate lecture, recitation, and laboratory settings. Lab 4 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


This course is an introduction to algebra-based physics focusing on thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and elementary topics in modern physics. Topics include heat and temperature, laws of thermodynamics, fluids, electric and magnetic forces and fields, DC electrical circuits, electromagnetic induction, opyics, the concept of the photon, and the Bohr model of the atom. The course is taught using both traditional lectures and a workshop format that integrates material traditionally found in separate lecture, recitation, and laboratory settings. (Prerequisites: PHYS-111 or 1017-211 or equivalent course.) Lab 4 (Fall, Spring).